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Draft:Ideology of Meric

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The Ideology of Meriç:This ideology targets to offer a fair life as, the rich cant own the poor or middle neither can the middle own the poor or rich as It targets an equal country.

One of the examples the Ideology has is If the poor runs for president they will be supported and be given a budget as much as the budget the rich have got,same for the middle.

There could be a lot of examples for this,but the ideology has been created newly and is not guaranteed it could make equality but it targets a good use of the ideology itself.

the easiest example to give it when the target is perfectly aligned is:The farmer that couldnt make milk runs for being the lead of the farmers while the farmer with 10 cows does the same,the poor farmer is supported with milk and a limit.

WARNING:Research about equality is needed since this article is neutral and does NOT support any ideology,this is the ideolgoy we made but we do not support any ideology.

another belief This Ideology has is that the wars should be responded with peace,but if needed heavy violence. If a country is ruled with this ideology the healthcare becomes free because the Ideologys seems have the beliefs of

Health is given to everyone when theyre born,so why make them pay for normal health?

This Ideology is anti-nazi and anti-communist.

The Ideology focuses on the geography,if The country is in a tornado/hurricane walle then the payments for information about tornadoes and taking stronger things to stop the tornado and hurricane from harming anyone would be done,if not then sports is slightly more supported yet natural disasters are the biggest focus,health for everyone is veyr important.So this Ideology supports Ambulances and the supporting units being near the awaiting disaster or harsh things will be done as the ideology insists in Its own opinion.

any r@cism is the OPPOSITE OF THIS IDEOLOGY. is the newly slogan people have given to this ideology in social media,the supporters are a minority for now and some,even we are neutral to this ideology.

WARNING:Please make research since we target a peaceful and neutral community,love each other and be respectful!



National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov) https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › articles › PMC1472271 Human Rights Careers https://www.humanrightscareers.com