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Draft:Billy Bob joe, BBJ

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Hi I'm lil and I am the narrator of this Wikipedia page! I will be explaining the start of Billy Bob joe and how my friends all met together!

All my friends: Isaiah, Joseph, Neil, Zane and me Noah also I guess Roman.

This group chat called BBJ, has been here since 07/22/2022 since 2:09 PM Lightning beans or formally knows as Zane, was the one to create the group chat. Lilgamer533 formally known as Noah and Isaiahstream2011 formally known as Isaiahstream2011 has been added to the group chat. They are playing a server called Quantum that as now as this article is being made has been archived for future updates since 4/26/2024.

A player named Blue factor was added to and was the main reason they all met because a person named Apply Now told Bluefactor69 or known as Neil to join a server. The group of BBJ met because of how they thought of the concurrent economy and the Player statuses. Some stuff happened there and there but at the end they blew up the Quantum players bases and Zane's brother or Dean was mad at lightning beans and Dean told his dad and his dad yelled at Zane.

After we where all finding games that we like to do after we got banned from quantum and we discovered we all liked the game skyblock. Its Minecraft and the server name is Hypixel. The mode we play is named skyblock and our member Zane is known for it because he liked playing a game mode on it called Ironman. We would play lots of different games and unique games. We all liked it and tried a ironman co-op! It didn't go so well so we tried it again in the future. One of our first videos is called Lil's First date and its where a bunch of rambling stuff happened. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MS1zLivc1c We talk everyday for 9 hours a day and play and have fun together! Some games we played where Skyblock, Balloons td 6, Minecraft, Bedwars and more! Soon While we where playing... A RANDOM DISTRACT SONG... CAME OUTA NO WHERE!!!!! It is called Diss song on lilgamer the link is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOCl8Trulx8He made it two years ago or June 15, 2021

In the song he was dissing me, or Noah about how he thinks of me in the song he says, 

Yo little gamer do you think Roblox is fun?? all you do is run and maybe

 shoot a gun. You should play Minecraft its a better game  and have better aim 

you should just uninstall, cause all you do is hit people with a bat and u are also

a rat that should be clear to you because you are a peace of poo. Also only four foot one,
and this just begun. your only 3 and I'm 30 your so boring u cant find anything in your house. go ahead
and open your mouth all I see yellow teeth and to be honest your dull as a leaf how's
the weather over there? oh 150 degrees? Where I live its just a breeze. go check on your dog and
I bet he has fleas and I hope u get stung by a bee while I'm the breeze

This is one of the best songs today ever made.

ANYWHO, ANYWAYS, we liked and sung a song called Worlds Smallest Violin.

Then i became a content creator sadly but i made a video about skyblock and yada yada.

LATER: We keep on playing and have fun and one day.....

IN THE SHADOWS..... Hi im Joseph! Or known as Xasf100! We have been friends Since, 05/23/2020 9:57 PM The group chat has been not as strong recently and one day Joseph or JJ came back to my after a long 2019 to 2023 school length. I Decided to have them all meet and Now since 4/26/2024 We all have been talking. the only member then I haven't showed him was lightning because i thought he would hate lightning. Turns out they became best friends and play everyday.

We have started 2 ironman co-ops and we have quit 2 but came back and played multiple times More will be added but I'm tired We have made a long term friendship over the years and Josephs island on skyblock is awesome and we play hide and seek on it.

JJ decided to buy us Christmas presents and it was awesome and cool. I have forgot a lot about our Friend ship meeting but this will be updated. LAST UPTED 4/26/2024