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Sports By Stanley Jayasinghe (both All Ceylon and Leicestershire)

Dambulla exposes Interim follies VIEW OF CONNOISSEUR The disastrous consequences of appointing irresponsible individuals to Interim Committees are slowly but surely being revealed. The most glaring and catastrophic, financially, being the abrogating of the WSG Nimbus TV contract in favour of Taj TV. Thilanga Sumathipala, the incumbent President and chief instigator of the Nimbus project, submitted documentary evidence to me, shortly after I had faulted him on the wisdom of the terms agreed on.

The correspondence, liberally laced in legal jargon, seemed sufficiently convincing as to compel me to retract on my criticisms. Quite naturally the ball fell on the other man's court and in the name of justice and fairplay, I did not hesitate to reproach Vijaya Malalasekera, who had taken over the reins as Chairman of the Interim Committee. Speculations were afloat that Malalasekera, an Oxford 'Blue' at cricket, was personally handpicked by President Chandrika Kumaratunga, for the exalted post.

As a cricketer and columnist of many years standing I have been endowed by my Editor, and the democratic laws of the land an unalienable right to fairly and firmly criticize injustices perpetrated on this gentlemen's sport. It was this right that prompted me to reveal the truth, but not with any bad intent. The adverse comments did not sit lightly on the former 'Oxford Blue' who threatened litigation but soon withdrew.

The luxury My associations with the Ceylon Cricket Association (1940's-1960's) and the Board of Control for Cricket, since then, have enabled me to view dispassionately the metamorphosis of the administration. It certainly has changed within the times. Most Presidents enjoyed the luxury of owning and driving their own cars. The vehicles were, invariably of modest makes and sizes. But even as late as the 80s the late President Russel Heyn was at the mercy of the Ceylon Transport Board buses and the generosity of friends and well-wishers!

The 'stars' of the national team were equally needy. I do still recall the few illustrious players who proudly drove their cars to the Wanathamulla Oval. M. Sathasivam, C.I. Gunasekera, Mahes Rodrigo, V.G. Prins, F.C. de Saram and Sathi Coomaraswamy were the regulars. We, the lesser lights such as M. Makkin Salih, Bob Bartels, Ben Navaratne, Bertie Wijesinghe, Fairlie Dalpathado, E.C. Kelaart, H.T. Gunasekera and Channa Gunasekera patronized Ebert Silva Bus Co. Ltd., B.J. Fernando Bus Co. Ltd. and K.B.L. Perera Bus Co. Ltd., and the faithful bicycle! My mobility was solved by the B.S.A. motor-cycle that I treasured!

Most of the Selectors were equally handicapped, baring Tita Nathanielsz and D.W. L. Lieversz. That stalwart and dedicated Selector Douglas Jayasinha, who held the Chairmanship for over a decade, was the only Selector who, to the best of my knowledge, spent most of his week-end, doing justice to the high office he held, by watching club games before sitting down to pick teams. No Minister or cricketer dared to encroach or intrude into his territory! How different to the supine and subservient attitude adopted by his successors!

Distasteful And now to the present, which is far less honourable and most distasteful. Latest repots indicate that Sri Lanka's beggarly Cricket Board has been saddled with a massive $11,000,000 claim by WSG Nimbus TV Company for breach of contract.

Readers of these columns are aware that I was far from complementary when Vijaya Malalasekera and his team, from the then Interim Committee, terminated the TV Agreement and awarded it to Taj TV, imputing staggered and delayed payments by Nimbus.

The threat of litigation was abandoned and an amicable meeting was arranged where I was enlightened with the aid of a screen and computers that Taj TV was a more profitable agreement than Sumathipala's Nimbus. In fairness to the cricket-loving public Malalasekera would now do well to explain the true position.

His effort at point an accusing finger at the subsequent Chairman Amarasuriya or not settling the issue with Taj TV.Malalasekera's era as Chairman was wreaking with controversy and uncricketing acts. Whilst it is not my intention to catalogue them all in these columns, the latest are happenings at the Rangiri Dambulu International Cricket Stadium, to which I have recently had access. What was the justification in sacking a Public Relations Officer, who had served the Stadium since its inception, and then installing another, with less qualifications and ability, and paying an enormous salary? The former's dismissal was conveyed by a mere telephone call!

Unceremonious What was the logic in damning the Dambulla Stadium and attempting to stage a motor-cycle rally thereon? Thankfully Malalasekera and his colleagues were removed by cricketing protestors. If nothing else Sports Minister Johnston Fernando deserves a bouquet for giving effect to appointing another Chairman to the Interim Committee! Adding to the woes of those of us who are genuinely interested in the development of the game is the inability to witness Marvan Atapattu and his team perform in the Carribeans.

There is little doubt that had Thilanga Sumathipala held the reins, a little earlier than he did, Sri Lankans would have been burning the midnight oil in their homes, and schools and offices would have performed at half-pace.

Having visited Dambulla Stadium fortnight ago I was struck by its magnificent scenery and ground equipment.

They were of exquisite make but sadly lacking in maintenance. The heavy motor-roller, elegant and expensive motorized mower and rotary-mower, were non-functional.

To stage the recent triangular matches a heavy-roller had to be transported from Kandy or Hingurakgoda, costing several thousand rupees. With such shortcomings encountered I was not surprising that the wicket displayed such viciousness and unpredictability that prompted captains to express bitterness over its behaviour.

Another aspect that had been ignored by the Interim Committee and its staff was the non-availability of a spiked-roller, coarse brush and mechanical or manual rake for scarifying the wickets.

These are essential items at any Test venue but have never been sighted! As readers are aware I offered to prepare hard, fast wickets at the Kettarama Stadium and also at Dambulla Stadium on no less than two occasions, without any remuneration.

But the offer was not accepted due to personal preferences and side profits.

Thilanga Sumathipala has agreed to avail of my services and I shall ensure that Dambulla Stadium will provide a decent cricket wicket in the years ahead! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 21:27, 31 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]