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25th Golden Eagle Awards

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The 25th Golden Eagle Awards were held September 21, 2010, in Changsha, Hunan province.[1] Nominees and winners are listed below, winners are in bold.

Television series


Best Television Series

  • Liberation/解放
  • Latent/潜伏
  • Mavin's War/马文的战争
  • My Youthfulness/我的青春谁做主
  • The Wind From North/北风那个吹
  • Brother's Happiness/老大的幸福
  • Women Country/女人的村庄
  • Wang Gui and Anna/王贵与安娜
  • Bruce Lee/李小龙传奇
  • Going to West Gate/走西口
  • My Brother Shunliu/我的兄弟叫顺溜
  • Summer of the Year/那年·夏天
  • A Beautiful Daughter-in-law Era/媳妇的美好时代

Best Directing for a Television Series


Best Writing for a Television Series


Best Actor in a Television Series


Best Actress in a Television Series


Best Art Direction for a Television Series


Best Cinematography for a Television Series

  • Cui Weidong for Once Upon Time of China

Best Lighting for a Television Series

  • Zheng Zili for Once Upon Time of China

Favorite Actor


Favorite Actress

  • Hai Qing for A Beautiful Daughter-in-law Era

Literature & Art Program


Best Literature and Art Program

  • 2010 CCTV New Year's Gala/2010年中央电视台春节联欢晚会
  • The 6th Golden Eagle Art Festival Opening Gala/第六届金鹰节开幕式晚会
  • Name of Life - Sichuan Earthquake Special Program/以生命的名义—四川省抗震救灾大型特别节目
  • Tiantianxiangshang/天天向上
  • 2010 Beijing TV Globle Spring Festival Gala/2010BTV环球春晚
  • 2010 Farmer's Sprince Festival Gala/亿万农民的笑声—2010年全国农民春节晚会
  • The Golden Mic Award/2008中国播音主持金话筒奖颁奖典礼
  • China 60-Year Anniversary Evening Gala/祖国万岁—庆祝中华人民共和国成立60周年大型文艺晚会

Best Directing for a Literature and Art Program


Best Cinematography for a Literature and Art Program

  • Cinematography group for China 60 Years National Day Special Program

Best Art Direction for a Literature and Art Program


Children & Teens Program


Best Animation


Documentary Program


Best Television Documentary

  • Changan Street/长安街
  • Great Three Gorges Project /大三峡
  • Great Parade-Flashing Back 60 Years/大阅兵—回首60年
  • I Love You, China/我爱你,中国
  • The Sichuan Road/蜀道
  • Great Qinling Mountains /大秦岭
  • Files-Secret Flying/《档案》之《绝密飞行》
  • Idea of Thousands Years/千古之策
  • Red Runway/红跑道
  • Great Wall/长城内外

Best Writing and Directing for a Television Documentary

  • Writing & directing group of Ten Years of Macau

Best Cinematography for a Television Documentary

  • Cinematography group of Changan Street

