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2022 Slovak regional elections

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The 2022 Slovak regional elections were held on 29 October 2022.[1] For the first time, local elections took place simultaneously.[2]

Summary results


The Hungarian Alliance candidates received the most votes of any party in the country, more than half a million.[3] The Alliance party also has the largest factions in the county councils of the Trnava and Nitra regions.[4]

The following tables summarize the elected deputies by their party affiliation (also with coalitions).

Summary of the 29 October 2022 regional election results in Slovakia
Parties and coalitions 2022 Results
Total number
Independent 159
Freedom and Solidarity 81
Alliance 70
Christian Democratic Movement 62
Voice 60
We Are Family 55
Direction 50
For the People 39
Progressive Slovakia 38
Together 36
Civic Conservative Party 35
Chance 31
Civic Democrats of Slovakia 31
Slovak National Party 30
Team Bratislava 27
Democratic Party 18
Good Choice and Moderates 17
Team Region Nitra 14
Mayors and Independent Candidates 10
I am Slovakia 6
Republic 2
Team Ružinov 2
Dawn 1
Home 1
National Coalition 1
Let's Try it Differently 1
Total 890

Results by region


The following tables summarize the elected governors by their party orientation (in notes are also their parties).

Candidates Votes % Parties Seats
Branislav Becík 58 765 27.49
Independents 9
Voice 3
We Are Family 2
Total 14
Milan Belica 46 710 21.85
Direction 3
Slovak National Party 3
Total 6
Tibor Csenger 35 604 16.65
Alliance 18

Summary of the 29 October 2022 regional election results in Bratislava region
Candidates 2022 Results
% Votes
Juraj Droba (Liberal[a]) 63.60 136 983
Ján Mažgút (Nationalist[b]) 13.42 28 911
Ivan Bošňák (Centre-right[c]) 8.56 18 445
Dušan Velič (Centre-right[d]) 8.08 17 420
Others 6.29 13 592
Total 219 179
Summary of the 29 October 2022 regional election results in Trnava region
Candidates 2022 Results
% Votes
Jozef Viskupič (Centre-right[a]) 38.56 69 743
József Berényi (Hungarian minority[b]) 21.04 38 056
Martin Červenka (Centre-left[c]) 16.12 29 157
Zdenko Čambal (Nationalist[d]) 11.84 21 426
Martin Beluský (Far-right[e]) 4.50 8 145
Others 7.59 14 307
Total 180 834
  1. ^ OĽaNONOVAZZ, SaS, Together, Chance, ODS, DS, KDH, , SR, OKS, MF
  2. ^ Alliance
  3. ^ Voice – but official as independent candidate
  4. ^ Direction, SNS
  5. ^ ĽSNS
Summary of the 29 October 2022 regional election results in Trenčín Region
Candidates 2022 Results
% Votes
Jaroslav Baška (Nationalist[a]) 67.25 131 705
Peter Máťoš (Centre-right[b]) 16.61 32 547
Adrián Mikuš (Independent) 8.33 16 317
Others 7.78 15 268
Total 195 837
Summary of the 29 October 2022 regional election results in Nitra region
Candidates 2022 Results
% Votes
Branislav Becík (Nationalist[a]) 27.49 58 765
Milan Belica (Nationalist[b]) 21.85 46 710
Tibor Csenger (Hungarian minority[c]) 16.65 35 604
Martina Holečková (Centre-right[d]) 15.65 33 467
Lukáš Kyselica (Centre-right[e]) 5.09 10 897
Martin Kusenda (Independent) 4.27 9 130
Others 8.94 19 141
Total 213 714
Summary of the 29 October 2022 regional election results in Žilina region
Candidates 2022 Results
% Votes
Erika Jurinová (Centre-right[a]) 32.04 80 049
Igor Choma (Centre-left[b]) 22.24 55 571
Igor Janckulík (Centre-right[c]) 21.18 52 914
Peter Slyško (Centre-left[d]) 7.03 17 564
Katarína Boková (Far-right[e]) 4.45 11 131
Marián Murín (Independent) 3.94 9 852
Others 9.09 22 749
Total 249 830
Summary of the 29 October 2022 regional election results in Banská Bystrica region
Candidates 2022 Results
% Votes
Ondrej Lunter (Centre[a]) 47.53 96 438
Adrian Polóny (Nationalist[b]) 15.00 30 436
Rudolf Huliak (Far-right[c]) 11.45 23 236
Miroslav Suja (Far-right[d]) 9.42 19 130
Marek Kotleba (Far-right[e]) 7.10 14 417
Michal Albert (Far-left[f]) 3.50 7 102
Others 5.96 12 120
Total 202 879
  1. ^ SaS, Together, KDH, OKS, Voice, PS, Alliance – but official as independent candidate
  2. ^ Direction, SNS, SMS, PSN – but official as independent candidate
  3. ^ NK/NEKA
  4. ^ Republic
  5. ^ ĽSNS
  6. ^ KSS
Summary of the 29 October 2022 regional election results in Prešov Region
Candidates 2022 Results
% Votes
Milan Majerský (Centre-right[a]) 42.01 111 343
Michal Kaliňák (Nationalist[b]) 31.39 83 205
Milan Mazurek (Far-right[c]) 10.88 28 834
Ján Bync (Independent) 4.49 11 921
Michal Biganič (Independent) 3.25 8 634
Others 7.93 21 075
Total 195 837
Summary of the 29 October 2022 regional election results in Košice Region
Candidates 2022 Results
% Votes
Rastislav Trnka (Centre-right[a]) 51.31 110 362
Viliam Zahorčák (Nationalist[b]) 15.01 32 287
Róbert Suja (Centre-left[c]) 6.99 15 040
Juraj Sinay (Independent) 6.80 14 631
Erik Ňarjaš (Centre-right[d]) 5.54 11 927
Monika Sofiya Soročinová (Independent) 4.71 10 137
Others 9.59 20 697
Total 195 837
Coalitions and parties Deputies
Voice and others Voice and Independents 19
Direction 1
Alliance 0
Total 20
Christian Democratic Movement and others Christian Democratic Movement 15
Freedom and Solidarity 1
For the People 1
We Are Family 0
Total 17
Group of independent deputies 8
Together for region 8
Mayors and Independets 2
Republic 1
Chance and others Chance 1
Progressive Slovakia 0
Democratic Party 0
Civic Democrats of Slovakia 0
Together 0
Total 1


  1. ^ "Voľby do orgánov samosprávy obcí a voľby do orgánov samosprávnych krajov konané v rovnaký deň a v rovnakom čase v roku 2022, Ministerstvo vnútra SR - Verejná správa". www.minv.sk. Retrieved 2022-08-08.
  2. ^ a.s, Petit Press. "Regionálne voľby 2022 - Voľby SME". volby.sme.sk (in Slovak). Retrieved 2022-08-08.
  3. ^ Pomichal, Krisztián (30 October 2022). "Történelmi siker a megyei választásokon: Önálló pártszínekben a Szövetség adja a legtöbb megyei képviselőt" [Historic success in the regional elections: the Alliance gives the most regional deputies among individual parties]. ma7 (in Hungarian). Retrieved 30 October 2022. A független jelöltekre leadott csaknem 2 millió szavazat mellett a második helyen a Szövetségre leadott több mint félmillió(!) szavazat áll [Behind the almost 2 million votes cast for independent candidates, the Alliance came second with more than half a million (!) votes]
  4. ^ Pomichal, Krisztián (30 October 2022). "Történelmi siker a megyei választásokon: Önálló pártszínekben a Szövetség adja a legtöbb megyei képviselőt" [Historic success in the regional elections: the Alliance gives the most regional deputies among individual parties]. ma7 (in Hungarian). Retrieved 30 October 2022. Nagyszombat és Nyitra megyében is a Szövetség adja a legnagyobb frakciót. [The Alliance has the largest factions in both the Trnava and Nitra regions.]