Code that you insert on this page could contain malicious content capable of compromising your account. If you import a script from another page with "importScript", "mw.loader.load", "iusc", or "lusc", take note that this causes you to dynamically load a remote script, which could be changed by others. Editors are responsible for all edits and actions they perform, including by scripts. User scripts are not centrally supported and may malfunction or become inoperable due to software changes. A guide to help you find broken scripts is available. If you are unsure whether code you are adding to this page is safe, you can ask at the appropriate village pump. This code will be executed when previewing this page. |
![]() | The accompanying .css page for this skin is at User:Makyen/common.css. |
//Items NOT IN USE
//Various reasons for disabling:
//Disabled because it is too big
//Later found User:Equazcion/Floater.js
//importStylesheet('User:Makyen/FloatHead.css'); // Forked from User:Rezonansowy/FloatHead.css
//WikiTrust reported as non-functional and location is blocked on
//Highlight admins:
//I don't recall actually trying this. Looked interesting, but did not really see the point.
//actually imports from:User:Amalthea/userhighlighter.js
//On edit page Add textbox which does not contain the section header. Used to make browser based autocomplete more useful.
//Works. Effectively splits textbox with edit summary in two one with the section, other with comment.
//Conflicts with User:Kephir/gadgets/cksyntax.js (JavaScript syntax checking)
//TemplateData editor
//importScript('User:NicoV/TemplateDataEditor.js'); // Backlink: [[User:NicoV/TemplateDataEditor.js]]
//User:NicoV/TemplateDataEditor from
//importScript('User:Makyen/scripts/TemplateDataEditor.js'); // Backlink: [[User:Makyen/scripts/TemplateDataEditor.js]]
//Smart watchlist:
//Need time to play with this one
//importScript('User:UncleDouggie/smart watchlist.js'); //[[User:UncleDouggie/smart watchlist.js]]
//Automatically updates your watchlist by displaying new changes as they come in at Special:Watchlist, no reloading necessary
//Works, but I don't like the fact that it burns large amounts of CPU time periodically. Perhaps with a different computer,
//or the ability to turn it on and off.
//importScript('User:Theopolisme/Scripts/ajaxWatchlist.js'); // Backlink: [[User:Theopolisme/Scripts/ajaxWatchlist.js]]
//window.watchlistUpdateFrequency = 120000; //in ms currently 120 seconds
//A button to go to the top of the page
//works, may be useful, but function is also provided by User:Equazcion/Floater.js
//I don't relly use this given User:Equazcion/Floater.js.
//importScript('User:Numbermaniac/goToTop.js'); // [[User:Numbermaniac/goToTop.js]]
importScript('User:Makyen/OneClickArchiver.js'); // Backlink: [[User:Makyen/OneClickArchiver.js]]
//syntax highlighter
//The original location
//Getting it from here did not appear to work.
//My copy
//importScript('User:Makyen/Syntax highlighter.js'); // Backlink: [[User:Makyen/Syntax highlighter.js]]
//My sandbox
//2019-07-01 This does not appear to be working properly. The Sandbox2.js version was active prior to this date.
//importScript('User:Makyen/Syntax highlighter.js/Sandbox2.js'); // Backlink: [[User:Makyen/Syntax highlighter.js/Sandbox.js]]
//Currently disabled because it is just too slow. I need to take the time to rewrite this and/or just get the delayed callback working.
syntaxHighlighterConfig = {
timeout: 200, //disable highlighting if it takes more than Xms (100ms is the default)
timeout2: 500,
useNonImmediateUpdates: true,
inputCallbackTimeFallback: 1000
//MOSNUM dates enhance editor with options to convert dates.
importScript('User:Ohconfucius/script/MOSNUM dates.js'); //[[User:Ohconfucius/script/MOSNUM dates.js]]
//Additional sidebar menu of tools usually available on page history page: User:Equazcion/SidebarHistoryTools
importScript('User:Equazcion/SidebarHistoryTools.js'); // Backlink: [[User:Equazcion/SidebarHistoryTools.js]]
//A floating one line toolbar. Works, should be very helpful.
importScript('User:Equazcion/Floater.js'); // Backlink: [[User:Equazcion/Floater.js]]
//Mass rollback
//Untested, may require rollbacker perm. However, I did not see that stated in the script docs.
importScript('User:Kangaroopower/MRollback.js'); //Mass Rollback Script [[User:Kangaroopower/MRollback.js]]
//highlights links that occur more than once in an article
importScript('User:Ucucha/duplinks.js'); // [[User:Ucucha/duplinks]]
//Alternate ajax preview: Need to test it to see which I would like to use.
//This one grabs refs from the rest of the page so there are not cite errors for named references
// not in a section
//Tried it. It did not appear to work.
//importScript('User:Anomie/ajaxpreview.js); // [[User:Anomie/ajaxpreview]]
//Faster preview. Preview shows References in section edit.
importScript('User:Js/ajaxPreview.js'); // [[user:js/ajaxPreview]]
var ajaxPreviewPos = 'bottom'; //buttons on the bottom, replacing standard
var ajaxPreviewPos = 'left'; //buttons on the left
var ajaxPreviewKey = 'o'; //"preview" button accesskey
var ajaxDiffKey = 'b'; //"changes" button accesskey
var ajaxPreviewButton = 'Ω'; //"preview" button text
var ajaxDiffButton = 'Δ'; //"changes" button text
var ajaxPreviewScrollTop = true; //scroll to the top of preview/changes area after each update
var ajaxPreviewFull = true; //always update interwikis, categories and templates as well
//You can make the script call any custom userscripts by defining the global ajaxPreviewExec() function. For example, if you use NavPopups and want popups to appear in the Ajax-updated preview, use the following code:
// code to execute after each preview update
window.ajaxPreviewExec = function(previewArea) {
if (window.setupTooltips) {
previewArea.ranSetupTooltipsAlready = false;
//And if you want tables to be sortable and collapsible elements to work as usual in the Ajax-updated preview, use the following code:
// code to execute after each preview update
window.ajaxPreviewExec = function(previewArea) {
mw.loader.using( [
], function(){
$( 'table.sortable' ).tablesorter();
$( '#wikiPreview .collapsible' ).makeCollapsible();
} );
//This script adds various classes to the "talk" tab, to style it based on the status of the talk page
// [[User:Anomie/talklink]]
importScript('User:Anomie/talklink.js'); // Linkback: [[User:Anomie/talklink.js]]
importStylesheet('User:Anomie/talklink.css'); // Linkback: [[User:Anomie/talklink.css]]
//Adds links to the personal section of the top of each page.
var ptLinksToAdd = [
label: "New pages",
title: "Feed of recently created pages",
url: "/wiki/Special:NewPagesFeed",
index: 9
label: "AfD",
url: "/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_Deletion",
index: 10
importScript('User:IagoQnsi/addptlinks.js'); // Backlink: [[User:IagoQnsi/addptlinks.js]] //[[User:IagoQnsi/addptlinks]]
//Place error notes for incomplete/malformed harvard citations.
importScript('User:Ucucha/HarvErrors.js'); //Backlink: [[User:Ucucha/HarvErrors.js]] [[User:Ucucha/HarvErrors]]
//The check for citations that have no links pointing to them is prone to false positives,
//because citations do not always need to have such links. Disable such checks.
window.checkLinksToCitations = false;
//Add ability to filter various special pages lists.
mw.loader.load( '//' );
//Add link to change list style from bulleted to numbered
importScript( 'User:Technical 13/Scripts/Gadget-listStyles.js' );// [[User:Technical 13/Scripts/Gadget-listStyles]]
//Config options for Popup gadet [[Wikipedia:Tools/Navigation popups]]:
window.popupStructure = 'menus'; //Longer menus?
//Add addition page statistics and information to each page.
//Shows what text a ref supports
//Did not try this but source appeared to just have functions defined in main namespace.
//WhatLinksHere enhancement – Adds tabs to WhatLinksHere pages which allow a user to filter the list of links.
//importScript('User:Barticus88/WhatLinksHere.js'); // Backlink: [[User:Barticus88/WhatLinksHere.js]]
/* Disable all user scripts, except OneClickArchiver, in an efort to reduce the frequency of Firefox crashes.
//User scripts should not be able to cause a FF crash, but I certainly getting them often at the moment.
//Smartlinking [[User:V111P/js/Smart Linking]]
if ( $.inArray( mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ), ['edit', 'submit'] ) > -1 ) {
importScript('User:V111P/js/smartLinkingLoader.js'); // [[User:V111P/js/smartLinkingLoader.js]]
//table editing helpers in toolbar
importScript('User:Kephir/gadgets/table-editor.js'); // Backlink: [[User:Kephir/gadgets/table-editor.js]]
//This is now obsolete
//Test userscripts and gadget Javascript syntax prior to saving.
//Does functions, but does not check inside anonyous functions, i.e. it does not actually run the script, only checks top level syntax.
//importScript('User:Kephir/gadgets/cksyntax.js'); // [[User:Kephir/gadgets/cksyntax]]
//User:Kbh3rd/Vandal warning toolbox
// I don't recall testing this.
// Edit tools for the vandal whack-a-mole game
// [[User:Kbh3rd/whackamole.js]] - please include this line
importScript('User:Kbh3rd/whackamole.js'); // Backlink: [[User:Kbh3rd/whackamole.js]]
//User script sandbox –
//Allows you to carry out experiments with user JS and CSS code locally – that is, without saving it to your user JS/CSS page first. Does not work in Internet Explorer before version 8.
mw.loader.load( "//" );
//Template parameters wizard – Helps fill parameters of templates.
importScript('User:קיפודנחש/TemplateParamWizard.js'); // Backlink: [[User:קיפודנחש/TemplateParamWizard.js]]
/* CharInsert specific */
window.charinsertDontMove = false;
window.editToolsRecall = true;
//Add one operation <code><nowiki></nowiki></code>
window.charinsertCustom = { User: ' | = {{+}} {{{+}}} [+] [[+]] [[+|+]] – — ° ′ ″ ≈ ≠ ≤ ≥ ± − × ÷ ← → · § Æ æ Œ œ § ~' + '~' + '~' + '~ <ref>+</ref> [' + '[Category:+]] #REDIRECT [[+]] <s>+</s> <sup>+</sup> <sub>+</sub> <code>+</code> <pre>+</pre> <blockquote>+</blockquote> <ref name="+" /> {{#tag:ref|+|group="nb"|name=""}} {{Reflist}} <references /> <includeonly>+</includeonly> <noinclude>+</noinclude> {{DEFAULTSORT:+}} <nowiki>+</nowiki> <!--+--> <span class="plainlinks">+</span> <code><nowiki>+</nowiki></code> {{red|+}}' };
if(window.updateEditTools) window.updateEditTools();