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User:Dominic 41

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Hello! While I'm not the 41st person with the first name Dominic to edit Wikipedia, I am the 41st person to have a Wikipedia account...

...with the naming convention Dominic [number] or Dominic[number]. This also isn't my first Wikipedia account, in fact, I have had one before this, however, it was mysteriously* deleted(as in I was unable to log in, even with the password I had saved with Google) without warning. As that account contained my last name and I would rather not expose my full name on the internet, I will not display it here.

I mostly just edit Wikipedia whenever I see something through my "normal" use that I think should be improved.

*As in, I didn't even get an Email.

To Do


Re-write High-explosive incendiary. (that article has some issues)

Find happiness.

Take over the world.

Misc Info


I'm interested in materials science, modern armor protection methods, computer science, and mathematics.

I use the Monobook theme.

I speak English, along with a marginal amount of French, German, and Swedish.