User:Diriector Doc/Scripts/DialogBox.js
Code that you insert on this page could contain malicious content capable of compromising your account. If you import a script from another page with "importScript", "mw.loader.load", "iusc", or "lusc", take note that this causes you to dynamically load a remote script, which could be changed by others. Editors are responsible for all edits and actions they perform, including by scripts. User scripts are not centrally supported and may malfunction or become inoperable due to software changes. A guide to help you find broken scripts is available. If you are unsure whether code you are adding to this page is safe, you can ask at the appropriate village pump. This code will be executed when previewing this page. |
Documentation for this user script can be added at User:Diriector Doc/Scripts/DialogBox. |
var Forms = {
"Templates" : {},
init: function(){},
getOpenTemplate: () => Forms.Templates[$($(".ui-dialog-content.ui-widget-content:visible")[0]).find(".cite-template").val()],
escStr: (s) => s.replace(' ', '-').replace("'", "\'").replace('"', '\"'),
fixStr: (s) => (s.slice(0,1).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1)).replace('_',' '),
showHideExtra: function() {
var template = Forms.getOpenTemplate();
var div = $('#wikieditor-toolbar-' + Forms.escStr(template.shortform) + '-dialog');
var setting = div.find(".cite-form-status").val();
if ( setting === 'closed' ) {
div.find('.cite-extra-fields').show(1, function() {
// jQuery adds "display:block", which screws things up
div.find('.cite-extra-fields').attr('style', 'width:100%; background-color:transparent;');
} else {
/* The following variable has been addapted from [[MediaWiki:Gadget-refToolbarBase.js]] */
var dialogBox = function(templatename, shortform, basicfields, expandedfields, encapsulateOpts) {
// Properties
this.templatename = templatename; // The template name
this.shortform = shortform; // A short form, used for the dropdown box
this.basic = basicfields; // Basic fields
this.extra = expandedfields; // More feilds
this.encapsulateOpts = encapsulateOpts;
this.incrementables = {};
// Add it to the list
Forms.Templates[this.templatename] = this;
Forms.Templates[this.shortform] = this;
// Methods
this.makeFormInner = function(fields, incrsetup) {
var i = 0;
var trs = [];
var autofills = [];
for (i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
var fieldobj = fields[i];
var field = labelfield = fieldobj.field;
var ad = false;
if (incrsetup && fieldobj.increment_group) {
field = fieldobj.field.replace('<N>', '1');
labelfield = fieldobj.field.replace('<N>', '');
if (this.incrementables[fieldobj.increment_group] && !this.incrementables[fieldobj.increment_group].setup) {
// The object has been created, but not fully initialized
} else if (!this.incrementables[fieldobj.increment_group]) {
// Object not yet created
this.incrementables[fieldobj.increment_group] = {
'fields': [fieldobj],
'val': 1,
'setup': false
} else if (this.incrementables[fieldobj.increment_group] && this.incrementables[fieldobj.increment_group].setup) {
// Fully initialized from a previous invocation of this function, just resetting the number
this.incrementables[fieldobj.increment_group].val = 1;
} else if (fieldobj.increment_group) {
// Adding a new row
incrval = this.incrementables[fieldobj.increment_group].val;
field = fieldobj.field.replace('<N>', incrval.toString());
labelfield = fieldobj.field.replace('<N>', '');
if ($.inArray(field, []/* CiteTB.getOption('autodate fields') */) != -1) {
im = $('<img />').attr('src', '//');
im.attr('alt', mw.usability.getMsg('cite-insert-date')).attr('title', mw.usability.getMsg('cite-insert-date'));
ad = $('<a />').attr('href', '#');
ad.attr('id', 'form-date-' + Forms.escStr(this.shortform) + '-' + field);
$(document).on('click', '#form-date-' + Forms.escStr(this.shortform) + '-' + field, function() {
var elemid = $(this).attr('id');
var res = /^cite\-date\-(.*?)\-(.*)$/.exec(elemid);
var id = res[1];
var field = res[2];
var DT = new Date();
var datestr = (function(DT, useday, usemonth) {
if (typeof useday == "undefined") {
useday = true;
if (typeof usemonth == "undefined") {
usemonth = true;
var datestr = "<year>-<zmonth>-<zdate>";
var zmonth = '';
var month = DT.getUTCMonth()+1;
if (month < 10) {
zmonth = "0"+month.toString();
} else {
zmonth = month.toString();
month = month.toString();
var zdate = '';
var date = DT.getUTCDate();
if (date < 10) {
zdate = "0"+date.toString();
} else {
zdate = date.toString();
date = date.toString();
if (useday) {
datestr = datestr.replace('<date>', date);
datestr = datestr.replace('<zdate>', zdate);
} else {
datestr = datestr.replace('<date>', '');
datestr = datestr.replace('<zdate>', '');
if (usemonth) {
datestr = datestr.replace('<month>', month);
datestr = datestr.replace('<zmonth>', zmonth);
datestr = datestr.replace('<monthname>', ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'][DT.getUTCMonth()]);
} else {
datestr = datestr.replace('<month>', '');
datestr = datestr.replace('<zmonth>', '');
datestr = datestr.replace('<monthname>', '');
datestr = datestr.replace('<year>', DT.getUTCFullYear().toString());
return datestr.replace(/^[ \/\-\,\.]*(.*?)[ \/\-\,\.]*$/g, "$1"); // Cleanup any dangling spaces or connectors that might result from omitting date/month
return false;
if (fieldobj.autofillid) {
var autotype = fieldobj.autofillid;
im = $('<img />').attr('src', '//');
im.attr('alt', mw.usability.getMsg('cite-autofill-alt')).attr('title', mw.usability.getMsg('cite-autofill-alt'));
ad = $('<a />').attr('href', '#');
ad.attr('id', 'form-auto-' + Forms.escStr(this.shortform) + '-' + field + '-' + autotype);
autofills.push('#form-auto-' + Forms.escStr(this.shortform) + '-' + field + '-' + autotype);
if (fieldobj.increment_button) {
var incrtype = fieldobj.increment_group;
im = $('<img />').attr('src', '//');
im.attr('alt', mw.usability.getMsg('cite-increment-alt')).attr('title', mw.usability.getMsg('cite-increment-alt'));
ad = $('<a />').attr('href', '#');
ad.attr('id', 'form-incr-' + Forms.escStr(this.shortform) + '-' + incrtype);
var display = mw.usability.getMsg('cite-' + labelfield + '-label');
if (typeof display !== 'string') {
if (fieldobj.label) {
display = Forms.fixStr(fieldobj.label);
} else {
display = Forms.fixStr(labelfield);
var tooltip = fieldobj.tooltip ? $('<abbr />').attr('title', mw.usability.getMsg(fieldobj.tooltip)).html('<sup>?</sup>') : false;
var input = '';
if (ad) {
input = $('<input tabindex="1" style="width:85%" type="text" />');
} else {
input = $('<input tabindex="1" style="width:100%" type="text" />');
input.attr('id', 'form-' + Forms.escStr(this.shortform) + '-' + field);
if (fieldobj.autofillprop) {
classname = 'form-' + Forms.escStr(this.shortform) + '-' + fieldobj.autofillprop;
if (fieldobj.increment_group) {
input.addClass('form-' + Forms.escStr(this.shortform) + '-incr-' + fieldobj.increment_group);
classname += '-' + this.incrementables[fieldobj.increment_group].val.toString();
var label = $('<label />');
label.attr('for', 'form-' + Forms.escStr(this.shortform) + '-' + field).text(display);
if (tooltip) {
var style = 'text-align:right; width:20%;';
if (i % 2 == 1) {
style += ' padding-left:1em;';
} else {
var tr = $('<tr />');
var td1 = $('<td class="cite-form-td" />').attr('style', style);
var td2 = $('<td class="cite-form-td" style="width:30%" />');
if (ad) {
if (i % 2 === 0) {
var needsetup = false;
for (var g in this.incrementables) {
if (!this.incrementables[g].setup) {
needsetup = true;
$(document).on('click', '#form-incr-' + Forms.escStr(this.shortform) + '-' + g, function() {
template = Forms.getOpenTemplate();
var currentrow = $(this).parents('tr')[0];
$(this).prev().css('width', '100%')
var elemid = $(this).attr('id');
var res = /^cite\-incr\-(.*?)\-(.*)$/.exec(elemid);
group = res[2];
increments = template.incrementables[group];
fields = increments.fields;
incrval = increments.val+1;
template.incrementables[group].val += 1;
trs = template.makeFormInner(fields, false);
for (var i=0; i<trs.length; i++) {
this.incrementables[g].setup = true;
if (needsetup || $.isEmptyObject(this.incrementables)) {
for (i = 0; i < autofills.length; i++) {
$(document).on('click', autofills[i], function() {
var elemid = $(this).attr('id');
var res = /^cite\-auto\-(.*?)\-(.*)\-(.*)$/.exec(elemid);
var tem = res[1];
var field = res[2];
var autotype = res[3];
var id = $('#cite-'+tem+'-'+field).val();
if (!id) {
return false;
var url = '//';
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.setAttribute('src', url);
s.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
return false;
return trs;
// gives a little bit of HTML so the open form can be identified
this.getForm = function() {
var main = $("<div class='dialog-form-container' />");
var form1 = $('<table style="width:100%; background-color:transparent;" class="cite-basic-fields" />');
var i = 0;
var trs = this.makeFormInner(this.basic, true);
for (var i = 0; i < trs.length; i++) {
var form2 = $('<table style="width:100%; background-color:transparent; display:none" class="cite-extra-fields">');
trs = this.makeFormInner(this.extra, true);
for (var i = 0; i < trs.length; i++) {
var extras = $('<div />');
extras.append('<input type="hidden" class="cite-form-status" value="closed" />');
var hidden = $('<input type="hidden" class="cite-template" />');
return main;
/* The following code has been addapted from [[MediaWiki:RefToolbar.js]] */
Forms.init = function() {
for (var t in Forms.Templates) {
var tem = Forms.Templates[t];
var sform = Forms.escStr(tem.shortform);
var dialogobj = {};
dialogobj['dialog-'+sform] = {
titleMsg: 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-' + sform + '-title',
id: 'wikieditor-toolbar-' + sform + '-dialog',
html: '<input type="hidden" class="cite-template" value="' + sform + '"/>',
init: function() {},
dialog: {
resizable: false,
dialogClass: 'wikiEditor-toolbar-dialog',
width: 675,
buttons: {
'form-submit': function() {
tem = Forms.getOpenTemplate();
$.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.doAction( $(this).data( 'context' ), {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: (typeof tem.encapsulateOpts === "function") ? tem.encapsulateOpts():tem.encapsulateOpts
}, $(this) );
$(this).dialog( 'close' );
'form-showhide': Forms.showHideExtra,
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-cancel': function() {
$(this).dialog( 'close' );
open: function() {
$('#wpTextbox1').wikiEditor('addDialog', dialogobj);
"form-showhide": "Show/Hide extra fields",
"form-submit": "Submit"