I once believed it's too bad that there are a lot of people who work for government who are hard-working and honest people who will get hit (by Assassination Politics) and it's a shame…Well, I don't believe that any more. They are all either crooks or they tolerate crooks or they are aware of crooks among their numbers.
Jim Bell (born James Dalton Bell, 1958) is a contemporary Americancrypto-anarchist theorist and activist. Bell attracted wide attention in 1996 when he authored a notorious crypto-anarchist essay called "Assassination Politics", which detailed an elaborate assassination market in which anonymous benefactors could securely order assassinations of government officials via the Internet. Bell was targeted and identified by the Federal government of the United States as a "techno-terrorist" in 1997 and following an investigation by the Internal Revenue Service, was arrested and subsequently jailed for 11 months on felony charges of harassment and using fraudulent Social Security numbers.
While he was serving his sentence, two of Bell's acolytes succeeded in partially implementing his assassination market scheme and were also swiftly charged and jailed. After his release, Bell was subjected to heavy surveillance and was rearrested for harassment and stalking of federal agents, charged with intimidation and stalking and again imprisoned, this time for a decade-long sentence. Bell protested vociferously against the conduct of the trial, going so far as to file civil lawsuits against two judges, at least two prosecutors, his former probation officers and his defense attorneys, but ultimately to no avail. Bell was hailed by Wired in 2001 as "[o]ne of the Internet's most famous essayists" and "the world's most notorious crypto-convict". (read more...)
...that despite never surpassing 2,500 copies in circulation, the Jewish anarchist journal Germinal(pictured) had a readership on four continents as a result of Eastern European Jewish migration?
Our tactics derive from what has been said. We are anarchists and we preach Anarchy without adjectives. Anarchy is an axiom and the economic question something secondary. Some will say to us that it is because of the economic question that Anarchy is a true idea; but we believe that to be anarchist means being the enemy of all authority and imposition and, by consequence, whatever system is proposed must be considered the best defence of Anarchy, not wishing to impose it on those who do not accept it.
This does not mean that we ignore the economic question. On the contrary, we are pleased to discuss it, but only as a contribution to the definitive solution or solutions. Many excellent things have been said by Cabet, Saint Simon, Fourier, Robert Owen and others; but all their systems have disappeared because they wanted to lock Society up in the conceptions of their brains; however, they have offered important contributions to the great question.
Remember that from the moment you set about drawing up the general lines of the Future Society, on the one hand there arise objections and questions from opponents; and on the other hand, the natural desire to produce a complete and perfect work will lead one to invent and draw up a system that, we are sure, will disappear like the others.
1848 - France: Michael Bakunin returns to Paris this month after the February Revolution (demonstrations in Paris lead to overthrow of Louis Phillippe & declaration of the Second Republic (22-24)) & he publishes several letters in the press. Bakunin was expelled from France in December & had moved to Brussels (where he met his arch-nemesis Karl Marx again; they meet up yet again in March, where a split begins over Marx's denunciation of Bakunin's friend Herwegh, who had led an ill-fated expedition of German exiles to Baden in the hope of instigating an uprising).
1849 - France: Nicolas Thomassin lives (1849-1919), Ardennes. A weaver, socialist, anarchist, participant in "Sans patrie" (formed October 18, 1891) with Gustave Bouillard, Pierre Leroux, Paulin Mailfait, etc.
1886 - Maurice Vandamme, (aka Mauricius) (d.1974) lives. French néo-Malthusien, free-love advocate, anti-militarist, medical research doctor. One-time companion of Rirette Maitrejean. Involved in numerous papers, including Libertad's L'Anarchie, Sebastien Faure's Ce Qu'il Faut Dire (What Must Be Said) & Émile's la Mêlée.
1895 - José Marti, Cuban revolutionary begins liberation struggle against Spain.
“The spectators in the orchestra of the theater fix their view on the scaffold — a sign, a noise, the trap door gives way, now they die, in a horrible dance, twisting in the air.
“José Martí wrote the story of the execution of the anarchists in Chicago. The working class of the world will bring them back to life every first of May. That was still unknown, but Martí always writes as if he is listening for the cry of a newborn where it is least expected.”
1907 - Brazil: Inauguration of the libertarian "Social School of the Campinas League of Workers." The anarchist militant Adelino de Pinho begins teaching here in 1908.
1924 - Uruguay: On the rue Monte Caseros, Montevideo Chief of Police Luis Pardeiro & his chauffeur are killed in a hail of bullets. An attentat against the renowned torturer of many anarchists (Miguel Arcangel Roscigno, et al), the attack is attributed to the anarchists Armando Guidot, Bruno Antonelli Dellabella & Francisco Sapia.
1933 - England: Emma Goldman lectures in London on "Constructive Revolution."
1939 - The CNT-FAI announced it will end activities abroad, thanked international community for its support.
1951 - The FrenchGroupes anarchistes d’action prolétarienne (Anarchist Groups of Proletarian Action) was formed in Italy by former members of the FAI excluded at the congress of Ancône.
1966 - US: Barry Bondhus dumps 10 pounds of his own shit on draft files (or 22nd?) On being found suitable for military service, 20-year-old Barry Bondhus dumps two buckets of human shit into the files of the Sherburne County draft board at Elk River, MN. Chicago anarchists applaud his action in a solidarity leaflet: Along with wheelbarrows of desire, buckets of shit will stop the war in Vietnam.
1982 - Lucien Tronchet (1902-1982), dies. Anarchist & Swiss trade unionist whose antifascist activities landed him in prison. As a youngster, he joined FOBB (Federation of Wood & Building Workers) with Clovis Abel Pignat.
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