List of patriarchs of Alexandria
This list contains only those Patriarchs who served before the schism of AD 451. For post-schism Patriarchs, follow the links at the bottom of this page.
- Mark the Evangelist (43–63)
- Anianus (61–82)
- Avilius (83–95)
- Kedron (96–106)
- Primus (106–118)
- Justus (118–129)
- Eumenes (131–141)
- Mark II of Alexandria (142–152)
- Celadion (152–166)
- Agrippinus (167–178)
- Julian (178–189)
- Demetrius (189–232)
- Heraclas (232–248)
- Dionysius (248–264)
- Maximus (265–282)
- Theonas (282–300)
- Peter I (300–311)
- Achillas (312–313)
- Alexander I (313–328)
- Athanasius I (328–339)
- Gregory of Cappadocia (339–346) (most in the Coptic Church deny his papacy and say Athanasius was the true patriarch)
- Athanasius I (restored) (346–373)
- Peter II (373–380)
- Timothy I (380–385)
- Theophilus I (385–412)
- Cyril I (412–444)
- Dioscorus I (444–451)
In 451 the Coptic Church split from the Eastern Orthodox Church of Alexandria. For later Patriarchs see List of Orthodox Patriarchs of Alexandria and List of Coptic Popes.