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List of festivals in Estonia

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.[2] During all the Song Festivals from 1947 to 1985, the Soviet occupation authorities forced Soviet and communist songs into the repertoire. For example, it was mandatory in all events to perform the state anthems of USSR and Estonian SSR, The Internationale, along with songs mandatorily glorifying the Soviet Communist Party and its leaders Lenin and StalinBecause of the inclusion of children's and boys' choirs the total number of participants rose to 25,000 – 30,000 people.


Name Location Existing years Further info
Baltic song festivals (üldlaulupidu) song festival
Hanseatic Days of Tartu (Estonian: Tartu Hansapäevad)
Jõgevatreff[2] Kuremaa motofestival
Kuressaare Maritime Festival Kuressaare maritime festival
Õllesummer[3] mainly beer festival
SELL Student Games[4]
Station Narva Narva music and city culture festival
Valga Military History Festival

Film festivals in Estonia


Music festivals in Estonia



  1. ^ https://www.arvamusfestival.ee/ (accessed 4 March 2020)
  2. ^ "JÕGEVA MC". www.jogevamc.ee. Retrieved 2023-02-05.
  3. ^ https://elu24.postimees.ee/12057/ollesummeri-peaesinejad-on-franz-ferdinand-ja-zveri (accessed 4 March 2020)
  4. ^ https://sport.ut.ee/selli-mangud-toid-kokku-1669-osalejat (accessed 4 March 2020)
  5. ^ https://poff.ee/ (accessed 4 March 2020)
  6. ^ http://www.matsalufilm.ee/ (accessed 4 March 2020)