Title: Florists' review (microform)
Identifier: 5205536_28_1 (find matches)
Year: [1] (s)
Subjects: Floriculture
Publisher: Chicago : Florists' Pub. Co
Contributing Library: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Digitizing Sponsor: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
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May 18, 1911. The Weekly Florists' Review. 76 Some Plant Bargains ijf Per 100 dlv. roots I 3.10 Violets. California and Prlnceu of Wales. per 1000. $7 fiO. Echeveria Metallica. per 1000, t20 and $22.. Airave Tariesrata. 1 to IHi ft 80.00 Ooldeii Cilcw. strong field clumps 10.00 OaillardlaH. finest strains, strong plants 3.00 Wall Flowers, I to 1'a ft 5.01 Germau Iris, blue, stronR dlv. roots 3.00 Phoenix Cannrlensls Seed, postpaid, per lOOO. $3.00. lioaaat. seedlings, pot-grown, 2 to 3 ft 3.00 Cash, please. LAS PALHAS GREENHOUSES Palo Alto, California Mention The Review when you write. BEDDING PLANTS By th* Thousand. Giant Ruffled Patuniaa, single. 2-in., 2c: double, 3c. Mme. Saileroi Geraniums, in flats. Ic. S. ▲.Nutt,'2'2-in., strong 3c. Double Daisies, large, Ueid-f^rown plant)', Ic. Rooted Carnation and Cbrysantlieniuni CuttinKs and many others. Asters, Semple's Branching, 75c per 100. Salvia Splendens, transplanted, $1.00 per 1^ Also Vesetable Plants. Tomato Plants a specialty, at lowest prices. F=. G. EHLE 224 Sanborn Avenue, SAN JOSE, CAL. Mention The Review when you write. PaperWhite GrandiOoraBulbs l»t grade. 5 to 6 in 85c per 100; $8.00 per 1000 2d grade, 4 to 5 in 75c per 100; 5.00 per 1000 Clivia, in gal. cans 75c each; 6.00 per 10 Park Hill Floral Co., Hemet, Cal. Mention The Review when you write. dy's at 3091 Sixteenth street, and Can- apa Bros.' on Mission street, near Six- teenth street. G. C. Thorpe, of Vallejo, Cal., who recently bought the Monroe Nurseries in that town, is in San Francisco on a short visit. The Hollowell Seed Co. is a new firm just starting at 266 Market street. H. Hollowell, for many years with C. C. Morse & Co., will be manager. J. S. Thomason, of Ukiah, Cal., is in town for a few days. The H. M. Sanborn Co. made a fine floral display at the Berkeley carnival. G. FOBTLAND, ORE. The Market. Business is about the same as pre- viously reported; the counter trade is steady, but the sales are mostly small, with funeral work to break the monot- ony. The variety of flowers is limited, carnations having the principal demand, while roses are in firm form, with a daily clean-up. The lateness of the season has de- layed all outside stock, but that is a good thing for the florists with Decora- tion day approaching. , Advance orders at the time of writ- ing indicated that business for Moth- ers' day would be of greater proportion than in former years. The governor issued a proclamation and flowers were to be given away by all the churches. H. Biescar, of Los Angeles, Cal., is spending a few days in the city. He is engaged in the wire design business. Preparations for the rose festival to be held June 5 to 10 are well under way. E. E. C.
Text Appearing After Image:
Now Is the time to order your supply of Fischer's grand Freesia Purity. Be sure to ask your dealer for Fischer's guaranteed stock, grown by him and supplied to you in his origi- nal package; for this stock is never sold in bulk, but is always packed by him in 100, &0 and 500 bulb muslin bags, stamped and indorsed by his signature. Insist upon getting his guaranteed stock, for then you are sure you are getting the pure stock that is grown In the open field in the pure air and sunshine; is thoroughly ripened and absolutely free from culls, and not stock that has been raised from its own seed, which never comes true, or lathbouse grown, which is likely to rot in your benches, instead of growing, owing to the very green, unripe state in which it is dug to get it ready for market in time, or stock that Is grown on contract and therefore with the least trouble to the grower, which will very soon evolve Itself into a mixture little removed from refracta alba. Eternal vigi- lance is absolutely necessary to keep it pure. Do not run any risk when you order your Freesia Purity, for it is up to you whether you get the pure stock or a mixture. To protect both you and himself, his stock this year is sold under guarantee in any sized package to suit dealers, not exceeding 500 in any one package. A certificate of guar- antee is enclosed in each package, and Rudolph Fischer's signature is on the outside of package. If you want to get the true stock, insist upon getting it packed as abovie. Your dealer will get it for you; if not, write to me and I will tell you who will. RUDOLPH FISCHER, San Gabriel, Cal. Mention The Review when you write. Built Especially For Greenhouse Use C«tsOnl7 $4.00 r. 0. B. Cars Toledo.
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