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Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines

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Northern Gateway
West Line
General directionwest
FromBruderheim, Alberta
ToKitimat, British Columbia
General information
Typediluted bitumen
Technical information
Length1,177 km (731 mi)
Maximum discharge0.525 million barrels per day (~2.62×10^7 t/a)
Diameter36 in (914 mm)
Northern Gateway
East Line
General directioneast
FromKitimat, British Columbia
ToBruderheim, Alberta
General information
Typenatural gas condensate
Technical information
Length1,177 km (731 mi)
Maximum discharge193,000 barrels (30,700 m3) of condensate per day
Diameter20 in (508 mm)

The Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines Project is a proposal to construct twin pipeline 1,170 km in length, running from Bruderheim, Alberta, to Kitimat, British Columbia. The eastbound pipeline would import hydrocarbon natural gas condensate and the westbound pipeline would export bitumen from the Athabasca oil sands diluted with the condensate to the new marine terminal in Kitimat where it would be transported to Asian markets by oil tankers. The project would also include terminal facilities with "integrated marine infrastructure at tidewater to accommodate loading and unloading of oil and condensate tankers, and marine transportation of oil and condensate."[1] The project was proposed in mid-2000s and has been postponed several times. The project would be developed by Enbridge Inc., a Canadian crude oil and liquids pipeline company.

Enbridge claims that the pipeline and terminal, if completed, would provide 104 permanent operating positions created within the company and 113 positions with the associated marine services.[2] First Nations groups, environmentalists and oil sands opponents, among others, denounce the project because of the environmental, economic, social and cultural risks posed by the pipeline. Proponents argue the pipeline would instead provide aboriginal groups with equity ownership, training, employment, Community Trust and stewardship programs.

The proposal has been heavily criticized by native groups.[3] Groups like the Yinka Dene Alliance have been organized to campaign against the project. In December 2010, 66 First Nations bands in British Columbia, including many along the proposed pipeline route, signed the Save The Fraser Declaration in opposition to the project, and 40 more have signed up in support since that time.[4] The proposal is also opposed by numerous non-governmental organizations (NGOs), citing previous spills [5] and concerns over oil sands expansion and the associated risks in transportation.


The project was proposed in the mid-2000s and has been postponed several times. It was announced in 2006. Enbridge signed a cooperation agreement with PetroChina in 2005 to ensure the utilization of pipeline capacity.[6] PetroChina agreed to buy about 200 thousand barrels per day (32×10^3 m3/d) transported through the pipeline. In 2007, however, PetroChina withdrew from the projects because of delays in starting the project.[7]

On December 4, 2009, Canada's National Energy Board (NEB) and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA) issued the Joint Review Panel Agreement and the terms of reference for the environmental and regulatory review of the Northern Gateway Pipelines.[8]

Enbridge Northern Gateway submitted its project application to the National Energy Board on May 27, 2010. The eight-volume regulatory application will be assessed by a Joint Review Panel (JRP) established by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA) and the National Energy Board (NEB).[9] On January 19, 2011, the JRP requested that Enbridge provide additional information on the design and risk assessment of the pipelines due to the difficult access and unique geographic location of the proposed project.[10]

Technical description

The planned project consists of two parallel pipelines between an inland terminal at Bruderheim, Alberta, and a marine terminal near Kitimat, British Columbia, each with a length of 1,177 kilometers (731 mi). Crude oil produced from oil sands would be transported from Bruderheim to Kitimat, while natural gas condensate would move in the opposite direction.[8] Condensate would be used as a diluent in oil refining to decrease the viscosity of heavy crude oil from oil sands, and to make it easier to transport by pipelines.[11][12] About 520 kilometers (320 mi) of pipeline would run in Alberta and 657 kilometers (408 mi) in British Columbia.[8] The crude oil pipeline would have a diameter of 36 inches (910 mm) and a capacity of 525 thousand barrels per day (83.5×10^3 m3/d). The condensate pipeline would have a diameter of 20 inches (510 mm) with a capacity of 193 thousand barrels per day (30.7×10^3 m3/d). Enbridge expects these pipelines to be completed by 2015.[13] The project, including a marine terminal in Kitimat, is expected to cost C$5.5 billion.[14] The Kitimat terminal would comprise two tanker berth platforms, one serving Very Large Crude Carriers and another serving Suezmax-type condensate tankers. The terminal would include oil and condensate tanks and a pump station.[12]

Environmental assessment

As an inter-provincial pipeline, the project requires a public regulatory review process conducted by JRP. The JRP will provide a joint environmental assessment and regulatory process that will contribute to decision making.[8] The first session of JRP was held on January 10, 2012 in Kitamaat Village, British Columbia.[14]

Other types of studies, such as socio-economic assessments, are also necessary prior to project approval. However, under the current regulations, the recommendations made in the assessments are non-binding and the project could be approved even if significant adverse environmental and socio-economic effects were found.[15] At the provincial level, it may also be regulated by the British Columbia Environmental Assessment Office (BC EAO).[citation needed]

Competing projects

Kinder Morgan Energy Partners is operating the 1,150-kilometre (710 mi) long Trans Mountain pipeline system from Edmonton, Alberta to terminals and refineries in central British Columbia, the Vancouver area and the Puget Sound region in Washington.[16] The company would like to increase the pipeline's capacity by twelve times, up to 600,000 barrels per day (95,000 m3/d).[17] According to Kinder Morgan, expanding the existing pipeline is cheaper than Northern Gateway and it avoids opposition as experienced by the Enbridge's project.[18]

Another competing projects is TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline.[19]



BC NDP leader Adrian Dix promised to pull B.C. out of the federal review process if he was elected in the spring of 2013, while also hiring retaining prominent constitutional lawyer Murray Rankin to consider a legal challenge on who has jurisdiction over pipelines. Rankin argues that British Columbia should withdraw from the federal government’s Pipelines review process and set up a made-in-B.C. environmental assessment.[20][21] In an August 2012 NDP press conference Rankin argued that a made-in-B.C. review would ensure that B.C.’s economic, social and environmental interests are fully addressed, that B.C.'s powers and responsibilities are properly exercised and that First Nations’ interests are recognized within the new process.[22] In response Dix said "“Within a week of taking office, we will serve the federal government with 30 days’ notice to terminate the 2010 deal in which the Liberals signed away B.C.’s interests.” [22]

Aboriginal groups

Opposition to the Northern Gateway pipeline proposal is virtually unanimous among First Nations.[citation needed] Several coalitions and alliances have produced formal declarations unequivocally rejecting the intrusion of an oil pipeline on aboriginal lands. These include Yinka Dene Alliance,[23][24] Coastal First Nations[25][26][27] Save the Fraser.[23] The Wet'suwet'en First Nation has adamantly opposed the pipeline, as well as many Dene First Nations including the Saik'uz First Nation.[28][29] West Coast Environmental Law has compiled a list of over 130 First Nations opposed to the Northern Gateway Pipeline.[30]

Environmental advocates

The Dogwood Initiative, ForestEthics, and Greenpeace Canada are some of the organisations actively campaigning against the Enbridge pipeline proposal.[31][32][33][34]


Impact on Aboriginal groups

The proposal has been opposed by Aboriginal groups. Groups like the Yinka Dene Alliance have been organized to campaign against the project. First Nations bands in British Columbia, including many along the proposed pipeline route, signed the Save The Fraser Declaration in opposition to the project.[4]

Save The Fraser Declaration was signed by numerous indigenous tribes, declaring opposition to oil pipelines through First Nation traditional territories. It was signed by more than 130 First Nations.[35] Numerous First Nations across B.C. have formed a wall of opposition against the Enbridge pipeline and tanker plan.

Enbridge has offered a 10% equity stake in the $5.5 billion proposed project, over the next 30 years, to participating aboriginal groups. As well, Enbridge says it will put one per cent of Northern Gateway's pre-tax earnings into a trust, which is expected to generate $100 million over 30 years for non-Aboriginal as well as Aboriginal groups. The company says it expects roughly 15 per cent of the proposed project's construction labour force to be aboriginal. [36]

Economic costs and environmental risks of the pipeline — including disruption to existing employment, potential job losses due to oil spills, and the economic costs of carbon emissions — have been ignored by Enbridge.[37] Even in the absence of a spill, the pipeline and tanker traffic will be disruptive to the existing fishing and tourism economy.

Refusing to name individual bands, Enbridge claims that 60% of the affected First Nations have signed onto the deal. However, it has been revealed that not a single band whose land is being directly traversed by the pipeline has signed on.[38]

Enbridge offerings are expected to create more division amongst first nations, as was the case with Enbridge's premature announcement in 2011 of support by the Gitxan hereditary chiefs, in exchange for $7 million dollars. However, this deal was quickly overturned following the closure of the Gitxsan Treaty Society Office by opponents of the deal. The Enbridge deal was subsequently rejected in writing by 45 Gitxsan chiefs, who claimed that the office had misrepresented the Gitxsan people. Only one chief in BC has publicly supported the proposed pipeline, Chief Elmer Derrick. Derrick was the chief negotiator for the Gitxsan Treaty Society before its closure in 2011. Derrick has since been stripped of his post as chief negotiator for the GTS.[39][40][41][42][43]

Several First Nations (including the Haisla, Gitga'at, Gitxaala, Wet'suwet’en, Nadleh Whut'en, Nak'azdli, and Takla Lake) have publicly stated (via the Joint Review Panel or in the media) that neither the Crown nor the established assessment process for Enbridge's project have adequately met their duty to consult and accommodate, or respect their Aboriginal Rights and Title.[44]

Impact on Economy

Wright Mansell Research Ltd, in their analysis of the project, concluded that the project "would be a catalyst for the generation of substantial and widely-distributed economic stimulus for Canada and a significant contributor to sustaining Canadian growth and prosperity for many years into the future. While the benefits of greater flexibility, adaptability and opportunity for the Canadian petroleum sector, through market expansion and diversification, have not been quantified, they are also real and important. Further, the cost benefit analysis indicates that, taking into account all benefits and costs, including cost expectations from oil spills, there is a large and robust net social benefit associated with the project from a national Canadian perspective." [45]

A report put forth by economist and former Insurance Corporation of BC CEO, Robyn Allan, in early 2012, takes assumptions of Wright Mansell Research Ltd's analysis into question - stating that this proposed pipeline could actually hurt non-oil based sectors of the Canadian economy. Allan stated in the report that the project's success depends on continual yearly oil price increases, by about $3/barrel. She also stated that an increase in oil prices will lead to "a decrease in family purchasing power, higher prices for industries who use oil as an input into their production process, higher rates of unemployment in non-oil industry related sectors, a decline in real GDP, a decline in government revenues, an increase in inflation, an increase in interest rates and further appreciation of the Canadian dollar."[46][47]

Dutch Disease

A new report by the Pembina Institute argues that Alberta's oil sands boom has given other parts of the country a dramatic case of the Dutch Disease or what it calls "oil sands fever." After the Netherlands developed its offshore gas reserves in the 1970s, its manufacturing and agricultural sector temporarily struggled with a stronger guilder and the Economist magazine dubbed the malaise "the Dutch Disease."

While Canada's energy exports have thrived in recent years, the Pembina study shows that their profitability "has masked a considerable drop in exports from the machinery and equipment, automotive and consumer goods and forestry sectors."

Between 2004 and 2010 Canada's manufacturing sector, largely located in Ontario and Quebec, has lost more than 500,000 jobs for a variety of reasons.

But even an Industry Canada funded study attributes approximately a third of these job losses to Canada's petro dollar and the rapid development of bitumen mining.[48][49]

Tanker moratorium in British Columbia

Proposed tanker routes and prohibition zone.
Proposed oil tanker routes to service the Northern Gateway Pipelines, and the tanker prohibition zone proposed by the federal Liberal Party.

There has been an informal moratorium on large tanker traffic in Dixon Entrance, Hecate Strait, and the Queen Charlotte Sound since 1972.[50] Since then, the federal and provincial governments have commissioned periodic studies to reassess whether to lift the tanker moratorium. Each study has concluded that the risk of tanker spills is too high. In 2003–2004, the federal government initiated a three-part review process, including a scientific review by the Royal Society of Canada (the RSC report), a First Nations engagement process (the Brooks Report), and a public review process (the Priddle Panel). The RSC report concluded that "the present restriction on tanker traffic along the West Coast of British Columbia should be maintained for the time being[51]

In 2009, the Canadian government's position was that there is no moratorium on tanker traffic in the coast waters of British Columbia.[52] However, on December 7, 2010, Canada's environmental watchdog (Scott Vaughan, commissioner of the environment and sustainable development) in a damning report stated "Canada's government is not ready to handle a major oil spill from a tanker, in part because its emergency response plan is out of date".[53]

In December 2010, the federal House of Commons passed a non-binding motion to ban bulk oil tanker traffic in the Dixon Entrance, Hecate Strait and Queen Charlotte Sound.[54][55][56][57]

Enbridge's history of incidents

The proposed pipeline has been criticized by several entities, including government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the BC NDP and independent sources, citing Enbridge's spotty history with pipeline installation, non-conformance to government regulations [58] and numerous spills.

  • 2013 in June. The Canadian National Energy Board forces Enbridge to disclose safety measures in place at 125 of its pumping stations. The disclosure revealed that 117 of 125 pumping stations were in non-compliance to safety rules set out by the NEB. The NEB rules broken included lack of backup power at all but 8 stations and no emergency shutdown at 83 of its pump stations.[59]
  • 2012 In July, 190,000 liters of crude oil spilled in Wisconsin.[60] This follows a 230,000 litre leak near Red Deer, Alberta a month before.[61]
  • 2011 On the first day of the public hearings into the company’s planned Northern Gateway pipeline, U.S. pipeline regulators informed Enbridge of the leak from its Stingray pipeline. Enbridge claimed they can continue operations at the Stingray pipeline which carries up to 560-million cubic feet a day of natural gas from offshore wells in the Gulf of Mexico. Bubbles from the pipeline leak were observed about 100 kilometres from the Louisiana coast.[62]
  • 2008 Pipeline installation in Wisconsin, where over 500 regulatory violations were incurred in one year of construction. Enbridge has also had over 600 recorded leaks and breaks over the last 10 years.[63][64]

The Pembina Institute has published a report saying that the pipeline will have adverse impacts on land, air, and water.[65] Some of Enbridge's shareholders have asked the company to investigate the unique risks and liabilities associated with the project.[66][67]

  • 1991 A Lakehead (now Enbridge) crude oil pipeline near Grand Rapids, Minnesota ruptured on March 2. More than 40,000 barrels of crude went into the Prairie River. About 4 million US gallons (15,000 m3) of oil had spilled from that pipeline from the early 1970s to 1991, per Minnesota records. A resident in the area noticed the smell of oil and alerted the local fire department. Approximately 300 people living in homes near the site were evacuated for safety, but were allowed to return to their homes later in the night.[68][69][70][71][72][73]
  • 1979 A 34 inch diameter Lakehead (now Enbridge) pipeline ruptured near Bemidji, Minnesota, leaking 10,700 barrels (1,700 m3) of crude oil on August 20. The pipeline company initially recovers 60 percent of the spilled oil. Later in 1988, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency required Lakehead to extract more oil using new technology; removal continued on, with studies still underway in the area.[68][74][75][76]

Public opinion

Multiple public opinion surveys, sponsored by Enbridge, Ethical Oil and other oil interests, have been conducted on the Northern Gateway pipeline. An Abacus Data survey released in January for Sun Media found that 38% of Canadians were in support of building the pipeline, while 29% were opposed. Another 33% said they neither support nor oppose the pipeline.[77]

Another survey conducted by Forum Research in mid-January found that the share of Canadians who opposed the pipeline had fallen to 43%, from 51% in a December survey. Support for the project remained stable (at 37%, up within margin of error from 35%). 20% were undecided (up from 15% in December).[78]

In British Columbia, a March 2012 survey by Mustel Group reported increased opposition to the Enbridge proposal. In their B.C.-wide telephone survey sponsored by Kennedy Stewart (New Democrat MP), opposition had grown to 42%, from 32% in an Ipsos-Reid online survey sponsored by Enbridge in December 2011.[79][80] However, because their methodologies and context differed, the reported growth in opposition is difficult to substantiate. Ipsos-Reid conducted an online custom survey for Enbridge. Mustel Group included a single question on a shared-cost omnibus telephone survey, the same survey used in their political polling.[81]

Justason Market Intelligence released a poll in March 2012 that focused on the role of tankers in this pipeline proposal. The poll found 66% of B.C. residents opposed to Enbridge's proposal to transport oil through British Columbia's inside coastal waters, including 50% who registered strong disapproval.[82]

An April survey by Forum Research claimed an increase in opposition among B.C. residents to 52% from 46% reported by Forum Research in January.[83] In January, Forum polled 1,211 residents from across Canada; B.C. was a smaller subsample of that national poll.[84] In April, Forum polled 1,069 British Columbians.[85] The B.C. sample size for the January poll is not provided.

Political issues

The issue of the pipeline has been a subject of controversy between the governments of Alberta and British Columbia since 2011, when the Alberta government under Premier Alison Redford began pressuring BC to support the pipeline. In a March 8 speech to a "conservative family reunion" hosted by Preston Manning in Ottawa, BC, Premier Christy Clark stated that "we support pipelines in British Columbia" (referring to liquid natural gas) but that she was not yet convinced of the benefits of the Northern Gateway scheme.[86]

Following the Kalamazoo River oil spill on Enbridge Pipeline 6B in Michigan, the BC government stated five requirements to be addressed prior to supporting any heavy oil pipeline proposal:[87]

  • Successful completion of the environmental review process. In the case of Enbridge, that would mean a recommendation by the National Energy Board Joint Review Panel that the project proceed;
  • World-leading marine oil spill response, prevention and recovery systems for B.C.’s coastline and ocean to manage and mitigate the risks and costs of heavy oil pipelines and shipments;
  • World-leading practices for land oil spill prevention, response and recovery systems to manage and mitigate the risks and costs of heavy oil pipelines;
  • Legal requirements regarding Aboriginal and treaty rights are addressed, and First Nations are provided with the opportunities, information and resources necessary to participate in and benefit from a heavy-oil project; and,
  • British Columbia receives a fair share of the fiscal and economic benefits of a proposed heavy oil project that reflects the level, degree and nature of the risk borne by the province, the environment and taxpayers.

BC premier Christy Clark recently boycotted a national energy strategy among the Canadian premiers [88] stating "until we see some progress in the discussions between British Columbia, Alberta and the federal government with respect to the Gateway pipeline through British Columbia, we will not be participating in the discussion of a national energy strategy." This is likely over concerns that BC will receive a $6.1 billion share of a project that is expected to earn $81 billion in government revenues over 30 years, while footing a majority of the risk.[89]

Clark was quoted in July 2012 as saying no to the proposed pipeline, unless Alberta entered negotiations with BC on revenue sharing. “If Alberta is not willing to even sit down and talk, then it stops here,” she said. This is in response to the disproportionate risk that BC would have to take on with this pipeline. [2]


  1. ^ "Piping Up Against Enbridge: Nature Canada Signs Letter of Protest". Nature Canada. 30 March 2010.
  2. ^ "Benefits for Canadians"
  3. ^ Polczer, Shaun (2010-01-21). "Panel struck to review pipeline to West Coast. Enbridge plan to undergo scrutiny". Calgary Herald. Retrieved 2010-02-14.
  4. ^ a b "B.C. natives protest Enbridge pipeline". The Canadian Press. 2010-12-02. Retrieved 2010-12-08.
  5. ^ Martin, Tim (2010-07-28). "Three million litres of oil spill from Enbridge pipeline into Michigan river". Associated Press. Toronto. Retrieved 2010-12-08.
  6. ^ Jeffrey Jones (2008-02-21). "Enbridge rekindles oil sands pipeline plan". Reuters. Retrieved 2010-02-14.
  7. ^ "PetroChina Withdraws from Canadian Pipeline Project". AFX News Limited. Downstream Today. 2007-07-13. Retrieved 2010-02-14.
  8. ^ a b c d "Northern Gateway Pipeline Project Joint Review Panel Agreement Issued". Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (Press release). Canada News Centre. 2009-12-04. Retrieved 2010-02-14.
  9. ^ "Enbridge files pipeline project for review". Kitimat Sentinel. 2010-05-28. Archived from the original on 2010-08-20. Retrieved 2010-05-28.
  10. ^ O'Meara, Dina (2011-01-19). "Review Panel Demands More Details From Enbridge". Calgary Herald. Retrieved 2011-01-19.
  11. ^ Dina O'Meara (2010-01-06). "Tens of billions to flow to pipelines in coming decades". Calgary Herald. Retrieved 2010-02-14.
  12. ^ a b "Gateway Pipeline Project". Downstream Today. 2008-10-07. Retrieved 2010-02-14.
  13. ^ "Enbridge unfazed by oil sands chill". Upstream Online. NHST Media Group. 2008-11-21. (subscription required). Retrieved 2010-02-14.
  14. ^ a b Meissner, Dirk (January 12, 2012). "Northern Gateway hearings move on, aboriginal blockade of treaty office stays". Canadian Business. The Canadian Press. Retrieved January 12, 2012.
  15. ^ Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, R.S.C. 1999, c. 33, s. 37
  16. ^ Clark, Aaron (2011-12-20). "Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline oversubscribed by 63%". The Vancouver Sun. Bloomberg. Retrieved 2012-01-19.
  17. ^ Youds, Mike (2012-01-18). "Trans Mountain twinning decision pending; pipeline goes through Kamloops". Kamloops Daily News. Retrieved 2012-01-19.
  18. ^ Anderson, Mitchell (2011-06-02). "Kinder Morgan's Grand Plan to Pipe Oil Sands Crude". The Tyee. Retrieved 2012-01-19.
  19. ^ Olson, Bradley (2012-01-19). "TransCanada May Be 'Dead Money' After U.S. Spurns Keystone XL". Bloomberg. Retrieved 2012-01-19.
  20. ^ Murray Rankin, "B.C. pipeline review needed to restore legal powers", Times Colonist, August 31, 2012
  21. ^ Sunny Dhillon, "B.C. NDP Leader vows to back out of Ottawa’s Enbridge review", Globe and Mail, August 22, 2012
  22. ^ a b Louise Dickson, "NDP would set up B.C.'s own pipeline review, Adrian Dix announces", Times Colonist, August 22, 2012
  23. ^ a b Canoe.ca: Pipeline will not cross Dene Nations land, elders vow
  24. ^ Yinka Dene website
  25. ^ MarketWire: Coastal First Nations Reaffirm Opposition to Enbridge Pipeline and Continued Ban on Oil Tankers on the Coast
  26. ^ Dogwood: Coastal First Nations declare Ban on Tankers
  27. ^ CBC video: Pipeline Opposition
  28. ^ http://oilsandstruth.org/wet%E2%80%99suwet%E2%80%99en-layout-opposition-enbridge-gateway
  29. ^ Mclean, Tanara. (2012-01-28). Pipeline will not cross Dene Nations land, elders vow, Canoe.ca, (Retrieved 2012-09-17) [1]
  30. ^ (2011-12-31). First Nations that have declared opposition to proposed Enbridge tanker & pipeline project (Retrieved 2012-09-17)
  31. ^ UBCM: Ask your local reps to Support Resolution A8: Petition
  32. ^ Help stop oil supertankers on BC's Coast: Petition
  33. ^ We're winning against Enbridge - But it ain't over
  34. ^ Greenpeace: Stop the Enbridge pipeline! Email Campaign
  35. ^ "THE FACTS - ENBRIDGE NORTHERN GATEWAY". forestethics. Retrieved 29 March 2013.
  36. ^ http://www.northerngateway.ca/aboriginal-engagement/benefits-for-aboriginals/
  37. ^ "Enbridge Pipe Dreams and Nightmares" (PDF).
  38. ^ "Some first nations want equity in Northern Gateway, but opposition remains". The Globe and Mail. Toronto. 2012-06-05.
  39. ^ Uproar in Gitxsan First Nation after support for Enbridge's Northern Gateway pipeline announced by Mike Hager, Peter O’Neil and Gordon Hoekstra, Vancouver Sun, December 5, 2011.
  40. ^ Enbridge pipeline deal with Gitxsan Treaty Society beginning to unravel by Scott Haggett And Jeffrey Jones, With A File From Vivian Luk; Reuters (reprinted in The Province), December 7, 2011.
  41. ^ Gitxsan shut down treaty office, CBC Radio, Wednesday, December 7, 2011.
  42. ^ Gitxsan Treaty Society doesn't have authority to sign deals with Enbridge by Neil J. Sterritt, Vancouver Sun, January 6, 2012.
  43. ^ "Search". The Globe and Mail. Toronto. 2012-01-18.
  44. ^ "Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines: Community Opposition and Investment Risk. Executive Summary" (PDF). ForestEthics. 2010. Retrieved 2011-11-28. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  45. ^ Public Interest Benefit Evaluation of the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline Project: Update and Reply Evidence
  46. ^ "Economist Calls Gateway Pipeline an Inflationary 'Threat'". 2012-02-02. Retrieved 2012-02-09.
  47. ^ "Northern Gateway would hurt economy, study says". CBC News. 2012-02-02. Retrieved 2012-02-09.
  48. ^ The Tyee: Oil Sands sparked 'uniquely Canadian strain' of Dutch Disease: report
  49. ^ Pembina Institute Report
  50. ^ Lindell, Rebecca (2010-08-28). "Tanker Traffic in a Spill Sensitive World". Globe and Mail. Toronto. Retrieved 2010-12-09.
  51. ^ "Report of the Expert Panel on Science Issues Related to Oil and Gas Activities, Offshore British Columbia" (PDF). The Royal Society of Canada, xix. Retrieved 2012-01-14.
  52. ^ "Northern Gateway Pipeline Project Joint Review Panel Agreement and Terms of Reference". Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency. Retrieved 2012-01-09.
  53. ^ REUTERS: Canada couldn't handle big oil spill: watchdog
  54. ^ "B.C. oil tanker ban motion passes in Commons". CBC News. 2010-12-07. Retrieved 2010-12-08.
  55. ^ "Victory for BC: NDP tanker ban motion passes the house" (Press release). New Democratic Party. 2010-12-07. Retrieved 2012-01-09.
  56. ^ "EDITED HANSARD • NUMBER 109". Parliament of Canada. 2010-12-02. Retrieved 2012-01-14.
  57. ^ "EDITED HANSARD • NUMBER 112". Parliament of Canada. 2010-12-07. Retrieved 2012-01-14.
  58. ^ http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/story/2013/05/05/pol-enbridge-breaks-neb-safety-rules.html
  59. ^ http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/story/2013/05/05/pol-enbridge-breaks-neb-safety-rules.html
  60. ^ http://www.vancouversun.com/business/Enbridge+cleans+another+spill/7009914/story.html
  61. ^ http://business.financialpost.com/2012/06/20/alberta-suffers-second-major-oil-spill-this-month-as-enbridge-pumping-station-leaks-230000-litres-of-heavy-crude-northeast-of-edmonton/
  62. ^ Garth Woodworth (January 10, 2012). "Enbridge reports leak from U.S. pipeline as Northern Gateway hearings begin". Kitamaat Village, BC: Globe and Mail. Retrieved January 11, 2012.
  63. ^ Adrangi, Maryam (2008-10-24). "Enbridge's Dirty Oil Habit Put on Display for Investors". Toronto Media Co-op. Retrieved 2010-12-08.
  64. ^ Ebner, David; Iltan, Cigdem (2012-08-23). "Spill halted, Enbridge's reputation sullied". Globe and Mail. Vancouver and Battle Creek, Michigan. Retrieved 2012-12-13.
  65. ^ Polczer, Shaun (2010-01-19). "Pembina report faults pipeline to West Coast". Calgary Herald. Retrieved 2010-02-14.
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  67. ^ "Enbridge Shareholders Worried About Oil Spills" (Press release). Dogwood Initiative. 2008-12-05. Retrieved 2011-01-09.
  68. ^ a b Cite error: The named reference businessnorth.com was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  69. ^ State records show many Minnesota pipeline ruptures | Duluth News Tribune | Duluth, Minnesota
  70. ^ http://pstrust.org/library/docs/ops_doc2.pdf
  71. ^ IncidentNews: Lakehead Pipeline Company
  72. ^ http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=Q1lYAAAAIBAJ&sjid=_vkDAAAAIBAJ&pg=3829,387617&dq=lakehead+pipeline+spill&hl=en
  73. ^ http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=K2pFAAAAIBAJ&sjid=UbwMAAAAIBAJ&pg=5194,2089098&dq=lakehead+pipeline+spill&hl=en
  74. ^ http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=JTFPAAAAIBAJ&sjid=jAIEAAAAIBAJ&pg=6657,2195838&dq=lakehead+pipeline+spill&hl=en
  75. ^ http://mn.water.usgs.gov/projects/bemidji/
  76. ^ http://mn.water.usgs.gov/projects/bemidji/results/fact-sheet.pdf
  77. ^ "Public Opinion on Northern Gateway". 2012-01-25. Retrieved 2012-01-29. {{cite news}}: |first= missing |last= (help)
  78. ^ "Harper Builds Oil Link With China After Obama Keystone 'Slap'". 2012-01-25. Retrieved 2012-01-29. {{cite news}}: |first= missing |last= (help)
  79. ^ O'Neil, Peter (March 28, 2012). "Opposition to oilsands pipeline growing in B.C., poll finds". Calgary Herald. Retrieved March 28, 2012.
  80. ^ O'Neil, Peter (5 January 2012). "B.C. residents support Northern Gateway pipeline: poll". National Post / Financial Post. Retrieved 5 January 2012.
  81. ^ Bailey, Ian (27 March 2012). "Poll gives NDP 8 point lead over B.C. Liberals". The Globe and Mail. Toronto. Retrieved 27 March 2012.
  82. ^ Hume, Peter (6 April 2012). "Hume: Pipeline opposition likely to grow as supertanker risk assessed". The Vancouver Sun. Retrieved 6 April 2012.
  83. ^ Hoekstra, Gordon. "More than half of B.C. residents oppose Northern Gateway pipeline, poll suggests". The Vancouver Sun. Retrieved 12 April 2012.
  84. ^ "Harper Builds Oil Link With China After Obama Keystone 'Slap'". Bloomberg Businessweek. Retrieved 3 February 2012.
  85. ^ "Opposition to Northern Gateway pipeline, coastal oil tanker traffic up sharply" (PDF). Forum Research. Retrieved 12 April 2012.
  86. ^ http://www.vancouversun.com/business/Premier+Christy+Clark+courts+conservatives/6278629/story.html
  87. ^ "Environment Minister sets out government's position on heavy oil pipelines". 2012-08-01. Retrieved 2012-08-26.>http://www2.news.gov.bc.ca/news_releases_2009-2013/2012ENV0049-001120.htm
  88. ^ http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/story/2012/07/27/pol-premiers-friday.html
  89. ^ http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/british-columbia/premier-stays-mum-on-how-much-bcs-pipeline-approval-will-cost/article4462723/