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Email spam legislation by country

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The following table represents laws in respective countries which restrict the use of Email spam.

Note: Countries marked with red are listed in the Spamhaus' Worst Spam Origin Countries (January 2016).[1]

Country Legislation Section Implemented Ref
 Argentina Personal Data Protection Act (2000) § 27 October 30, 2000 [2][3]
 Australia Spam Act 2003 Part 2 12 December 2003 [4]
 Austria Austrian Telecommunications Act 1997 § 107 [5]
 Belgium Loi du 11 mars 2003 sur certains aspects juridiques des services de la société de l'information
("Law of March 11 2003")
27 March 2003 [5]
   Brazil None (loosely; Movimento Brasileiro de Combate ao Spam) [6]
 Canada Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act 2000 (PIPEDA) [7]
 Canada Fighting Internet and Wireless Spam Act 2010 [8]
 Canada Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation 2014 (CASL) [9]
   China Regulations on Internet email Services 30 March 2006 [5]
 Cyprus Regulation of Electronic Communications and Postal Services Law of 2004 § 6 [10]
 Czech Republic Act No. 480/2004 Coll., on Certain Information Society Services § 7 [10]
 Denmark Danish marketing practices act § 6 [5]
 European Union Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communications Art. 13 31 October 2003 [11]
 Finland Act on Data Protection in Electronic Communications (516/2004) [5]
 France Loi du 21 juin 2004 pour la confiance dans l’économie numérique
("Law of June 21 2004 for confidence in the digital economy")
Art. 22 [5]
   Germany Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb (UWG)
("Unfair Competition Act")
§ 7 [5][12]
   Hong Kong Unsolicited Electronic Messaging Ordinance 22 December 2007 [13]
 Hungary Act CVIII of 2001 on Electronic Commerce Art. 14 [5]
   India None (loosely; Information Technology Act, 2000 § 67) [14]
 Indonesia Undang-undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronic (ITE) (Internet Law) [15]
 Ireland European Communities (Electronic Communications Networks and Services) (Data Protection and Privacy) Regulations 2003 Section 13 (1) (b) 6 November 2003 [16]
 Israel Communications Law (Telecommunications and Broadcasting), 1982 (Amendment 2008) Art. 30 December 2008 [17][18]
 Italy Data Protection Code (Legislative Decree no. 196/2003) § 130 [5][19]
   Japan The Law on Regulation of Transmission of Specified Electronic Mail April 2002 [5]
 Malaysia Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 [20]
 Malta Data Protection Act (CAP 440) § 10 [21][22]
 Mexico None [10]
 Netherlands Dutch Telecommunications Act Art. 11.7 [5][23]
 New Zealand Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007 All 5 September 2007 [24]
 Norway Lov om kontroll med markedsføring og avtalevilkår mv. (markedsføringsloven) Chap. 3 - § 15 1 March 2001 [25]
 Pakistan Prevention of Electronic Crimes Ordinance 2007 § 14 31 December 2007 [26][27]
   Russia None (loosely: Russian Civil Code: Art. 309) [10]
 Singapore Spam Control Act 2007 15 June 2007 [28]
 South Africa Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, 2002 § 45 [29]
 South Africa Consumer Protection Act, 2008 § 11 October 2010 [30]
 South Korea Act on Promotion of Information and Communication and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection of 2001 Art. 50 [10]
 Spain Act 34/2002 of 11 July on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce [5][31]
 Sweden Marknadsföringslagen (1995:450)
"Swedish Marketing Act"
§ 13b [5][32][33]
  Switzerland Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb (2007) Art. 3, Buchst. o [34]
 Turkey Elektronik Ticaretin Düzenlenmesi Hakkında Kanun
"Act About Regulation of E-Commerce"
   United Kingdom Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003
   United States Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003 (CAN-SPAM Act of 2003) All 16 December 2003 [37]

The following table represents laws in respective countries which legalize the use of Email spam.

Country Legislation Section Implemented Ref
 Bulgaria The Law of electronic commerce (2006) Чл.5,6 December 26, 2006 [38]

See also


  1. ^ The Spamhaus Project - The Top 10 Worst Countries
  3. ^ Argentina Personal Data Protection Act (2000)
  4. ^ SPAM ACT 2003
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n OECD Task Force
  6. ^ www.spamlaws.com
  7. ^ Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act
  8. ^ Fighting Internet and Wireless Spam Act
  9. ^ Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation
  11. ^ http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/ALL/?uri=CELEX:32002L0058
  12. ^ The New German Act Against Unfair Competition, Jan Peter Heidenreich
  13. ^ http://www.ofta.gov.hk/EN/UEM/uemo_i.pdf
  14. ^ Laws For Spam Regulation
  15. ^ Indonesian Government Ratified Internet Law: Death to Bloggers' Voice?
  16. ^ SI 535/2003 in the Irish Statute Book
  17. ^ Template:He iconחוק התקשורת (בזק ושידורים), התשמ"ב-1982
  18. ^ Zvi Zrahiya (2008-03-26). "Economic Affairs committee approves: NIS 200,000 fine for spam". Haaretz.
  19. ^ http://www.garanteprivacy.it/web/guest/home/docweb/-/docweb-display/docweb/1311248
  20. ^ http://www.skmm.gov.my/what_we_do/ins/regulatory.asp
  21. ^ Data Protection Act
  22. ^ Office of the Data Protection Commissioner
  23. ^ http://www.dutchdpa.nl/documenten/en_wetten_wbp.shtml?refer=true&theme=purple
  24. ^ New Zealand's Department of Internal Affairs
  25. ^ https://lovdata.no/dokument/NL/lov/2009-01-09-2#KAPITTEL_3
  26. ^ AMLAW: Electronic/Cyber Crimes Ordinance Promulgated in Pakistan
  27. ^ Full Text of Prevention of Electronic Crimes Ordinance 2007
  28. ^ The Spam Control Act Comes Into Effect
  29. ^ [1]
  30. ^ [2]
  31. ^ Act 34/2002
  32. ^ Swedish Marketing Act
  33. ^ The Marketing Act
  34. ^ [3]
  35. ^ Act About Regulation of E-Commerce
  36. ^ The Marketing Act
  37. ^ CAN-SPAM Act of 2003