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This template transcludes Special:PrefixIndex, which can be done with {{Special:PrefIndex}}, but adds formatting. It can split the list into multiple columns, remove redirects, and strip the output of the prefix.



This template transcludes Special:PrefixIndex (yes, you can do that!) along with some extra stuff, to produce a list of pages with names beginning with a certain prefix. Enter the prefix in the first unnamed parameter. To split the list into multiple columns, enter the column width (e.g. 15em, or 30em) in the |colwidth= parameter. To hide redirects from the list, enter anything in the |redr= parameter and to strip the given prefix from all the page names, enter anything |stripprefix= parameter.

You can do most of this stuff (except for the |columns= and |colwidth= part) by directly transcluding the special page. Its documentation and talk can be seen at the (bizarrely located due to technical reasons) pages Wikipedia:Special:PrefixIndex and Wikipedia talk:Special:PrefixIndex.

Like, for example: {{Special:PrefixIndex/Dogs of|stripprefix=1|hideredirects=1}}

The main thing this template adds is the ability to specify columns and column width.

Compare this to the equivalent usage with {{PrefixIndex}}:

Like, for example: {{PrefixIndex|Dogs of|stripprefix=1|hideredirects=1|colwidth=12em}}



Vertical format that takes up a lot of space and is easy to read:

  | prefix        = 
  | stripprefix   = 
  | hideredirects = 
  | colwidth      = 

Horizontal format:



  • {{{1}}} or {{{prefix}}} (REQUIRED) — prefix to list/search from − defaults to the current page that the template is transcluded from
  • {{{colwidth}}} (OPTIONAL) — width of columns to use, in em units, e.g. "30em".
  • {{{redr}}} or {{{hideredirects}}} (OPTIONAL) — if set, does not display redirects
  • {{{stripprefix}}} (OPTIONAL) — if set, strip the prefix value from displayed list items

See also
