List of the Mesozoic life of Delaware
(Redirected from Draft:List of the Mesozoic life of Delaware)
This list of the Mesozoic life of Delaware contains the various prehistoric life-forms whose fossilized remains have been reported from within the US state of Delaware and are between 252.17 and 66 million years of age.
[edit] †ActeonA living Acteon barrel bubble sea snail - †Acutostrea
- †Aenona – tentative report
- †Agerostrea
- †Amaurellina
- †Ambigostrea
†AmpullinaFossilized shell of the Jurassic-Miocene sea snail Ampullina - †Anaklinoceras
- †Anchura – tentative report
- †Anisomyon – tentative report
- †Anomalofusus
- †Anomalofusus substriatus – tentative report
†AnomiaInterior and exterior of a shell of an Anomia, or jingle shell - †Anomoeodus
- †Aphrodina
†ApsopelixFossilized skeleton of the Late Cretaceous bony fish Apsopelix - †Araloselachus
- †Arca
- Architectonica – or unidentified comparable form
- Arrhoges
Astarte – tentative reportShell of a modern Astarte bivalve - †Avellana
[edit]- †Baculites
- Barbatia
†BelemnitellaFossilized guard of the Late Cretaceous belemnoid cephalopod Belemnitella - †Bellifusus
- †Belliscala – or unidentified comparable form
- †Beretra
- Bernaya
†BonnerichthysLife restoration of the Late Cretaceous bony fish Bonnerichthys with an anachronistic scuba diver to scale - †Brachyrhizodus
- †Breviarca
- †Breviarca haddonfieldensis
- †Breviarca richardsi – tentative report
- †Buccinopsis
- †Bulla
[edit]- Cadulus
- Caestocorbula
- †Calliomphalus
- †Calliomphalus americanus – tentative report
- †Calliomphalus nudus
- †Calliomphalus paucispirilus
- †Camptonectes
- †Cantharulus – tentative report
CapulusShells of modern Capulus cap sea snails - Cardium
- Caryocorbula
- †Caveola
- †Cenomanocarcinus
- Cerithium
- †Chesapeakiceras
- †Chesapeakiceras nodatum – type locality for species
- Clavagella
†Clidastes – or unidentified comparable formLife restoration of the Late Cretaceous mosasaurid Clidastes - Cliona
- †Clisocolus
- †Coelosaurus
- Corbula
- Crassatella
- †Crenella
- †Cretodus
†CretolamnaFossil of the Early Cretaceous-Eocene shark Cretolamna - †Cryptotexanites
- †Cryptotexanites paedomorphicus – type locality for species
- Cucullaea
- Cuspidaria
- Cylichna
- †Cylindrocanthus – or unidentified comparable form
- †Cymbophora
- †Cymella
- †Cyprimeria
[edit]- †Dentalium
- †Dhondtichlamys – tentative report
†DidymocerasRestoration of several species of the Late Cretaceous ammonoid cephalopod Didymoceras - †Distefania
- †Drepanochilus
- †Dryptosaurus
[edit]- †Ecphora – tentative report
- †Ellipsoscapha
- Emarginula
†EnchodusRestoration of the Early Cretaceous-Eocene bony fish Enchodus, or the "saber-toothed herring" - †Endoptygma – or unidentified comparable form
- †Eoacteon
- †Etea
- †Eufistulana
- †Eulophoceras – tentative report
- †Euspira
- †Eutrephoceras
- †Exiteloceras
†ExogyraInterior of a fossilized shell of the Jurassic-Cretaceous foam oyster Exogyra
[edit]- Gastrochaena
- †Gegania
- †Gervilliopsis
- Ginglymostoma
- †Ginglyostoma
†GlobidensLife restoration of the Late Cretaceous mosasaur Globidens - Glossus
- Glycymeris
- †Graciliala
- †Granocardium
- †Gryphaeostrea
- Gyrodes
- †Gyrodes abyssinus
- †Gyrodes americanus – tentative report
- †Gyrodes supraplicatus
- †Gyrodes vetrosus
[edit] †HalisaurusLife restoration of the Late Cretaceous mosasaur Halisaurus - †Hamulus
- †Harduinia
- Haustator – or unidentified comparable form
- Hemiaster
- †Hercorhyncus
- †Hoploscaphites
†HybodusRestoration of two of the Permian-Late Cretaceous cartilaginous fish Hybodus - †Hypotodus
[edit] †InoceramusFossilized shell of the Early Jurassic-Late Cretaceous marine bivalve Inoceramus with a human indicating its size - †Ischyodus
- †Ischyrhiza
- †Ischyrhiza avonicola – or unidentified comparable form
- †Ischyrhiza mira
[edit] †JeletzkytesFossilized shell of the Late Cretaceous ammonoid cephalopod Jeletzkytes - Juliacorbula – or unidentified comparable form
[edit]- †Latiala – or unidentified comparable form
- †Laxispira
- †Legumen
- †Legumen concentricum
- †Legumen ellipticum – tentative report
- †Legumen planulatum
Lepisosteus – or unidentified comparable formIllustration of a living Lepisosteus, or gar - †Leptosolen
- Lima
- †Linearis
- †Lingula – tentative report
- †Liopistha
- †Liopistha alternata – tentative report
- †Liopistha protexta
†LissodusElectron micrograph of fossilized teeth from the Early Jurassic-Early Cretaceous freshwater shark Lissodus - Lithophaga
- †Longoconcha
- Lopha
- †Lucina
- †Lyriochlamys – or unidentified comparable form
- Malletia
- †Malletia longifrons
- †Malletia protexta – tentative report
- †Malletia stephensoni
- †Margaritella
- Martesia
- †Mathilda
- †Menabites
- †Menuites
- †Micrabacia
- †Morea – or unidentified comparable form
[edit]- †Napulus
- †Neithea
- †Nemocardium
- †Nemodon
- †Nonactaeonina
- †Notoceras
NuculaInterior of a fossilized shell of the Early Ordovician-modern marine bivalve Nucula - †Nucula percrassa
- †Nucula whitfieldi – tentative report
- Nuculana
- †Nuculano
- †Nudivagus
- †Nymphalucina
[edit] OdontaspisA living Odontaspis sand shark - †Ornithomimus
- †Ornopsis – or unidentified comparable form
- Ostrea
[edit] †PachydiscusFossilized shell of the Late Cretaceous ammonoid cephalopod Pachydiscus - †Pachymelania
- †Paladmete
- †Palaeocypraea
- †Palaeocypraea grooti – type locality for species
- Panopea
- †Paralbula
- † Paranomia
- †Paranomotodon
- †Parietiplicatum – or unidentified comparable form
- †Parmicorbula
- Patella
- †Pecten
- Pholadomya
- Pholas – tentative report
- †Pinna
†PlacenticerasFossilized shell of the Late Cretaceous ammonoid cephalopod Placenticeras - †Pleuriocardia – or unidentified related form
- †Pleurocardia – tentative report
- †Plicatolamna
- Plicatula
- †Postligata
†PseudocoraxFossilized teeth of the Cretaceous shark Pseudocorax - †Pseudohypolophus
- †Pseudolimea
- Pseudomalaxis
- †Pseudoschloenbachia
- †Pseudoschloenbachia chispaensis – or unidentified comparable form
†Pteranodon – tentative reportLife restoration of the Late Cretaceous pterosaur Pteranodon - †Pteria
- †Pterocerella – or unidentified comparable form
- †Pterotrigonia
- †Ptychotrygon
- Pycnodonte
- †Pygurostoma
- †Pyrifusus
- †Pyropsis
[edit]- †Radiopecten
- †Remera – tentative report
- Rhinobatos
†RhombodusRestoration of the Late Cretaceous-Paleocene ray Rhombodus - Ringicula
- †Ripleyella
[edit]- †Sargana
- †Scambula
†ScapanorhynchusRestoration of several of the Early Cretaceous-Miocene shark Scapanorhynchus - †Scaphites
- †Sclerorhynchus
- Serpula
- †Solenoceras
- †Sourimis – or unidentified comparable form
- †Spiroxybeloceras
- Spondylus
SqualicoraxLife restoration of the Late Cretaceous shark Squalicorax - Squatina
- †Stephanodus
- †Submortoniceras
- †Syncyclonema
- †Synodontaspis
[edit]- Tellina
- †Tenea
- Terebratulina
- †Texanites
- †Tintorium – tentative report
†ToxochelysMounted fossilized skeleton of the Late Cretaceous sea turtle Toxochelys - Trachycardium
- †Trachycardium eufaulensis
- †Trachycardium longstreeti – tentative report
- †Trigonia
- Trionyx
- †Trionyx halophilus – type locality for species
- †Tundora – or unidentified comparable form
- Turritella
†TylosaurusRestoration of the Late Cretaceous mosasaur Tylosaurus - Tympanotonos – or unidentified comparable form
[edit]- †Unicardium – or unidentified comparable form
- †Urceolabrum
- †Urceolabrum mantachieensis – tentative report
[edit]- †Wadeopsamea – tentative report
- †Weeksia
- †Woodsella
[edit]- Xenophora
†XiphactinusLife restoration of the Cretaceous bony fish Xiphactinus
[edit]- Various Contributors to the Paleobiology Database. "Fossilworks: Gateway to the Paleobiology Database". Retrieved 17 December 2021.