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Center for Public Integrity

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The Center for Public Integrity
FoundedMarch 1989
FounderCharles Lewis
FocusInvestigative Journalism
MethodFoundation and Member Supported
Key people
William Buzenberg, Executive Director
Bruce Finzen, Chairperson

The Center for Public Integrity (CPI) is a US-based nonprofit investigative journalism organization whose stated mission is "to reveal abuses of power, corruption and dereliction of duty by powerful public and private institutions in order to cause them to operate with honesty, integrity, accountability and to put the public interest first."[1] With over 50 staff members, CPI is one of the largest nonpartisan, nonprofit investigative centers in America.[2] While CPI describes itself as an organization that is "nonpartisan and does no advocacy work,"[3] the organization has been criticized for coordinating with advocacy groups.[4] CPI has been characterized as a "progressive"[5] and "liberal group."[6][7]

CPI releases its reports via its web site to media outlets throughout the U.S. and around the globe. In 2004, CPI's The Buying of the President book was on the New York Times bestseller list for three months.[8]


CPI's first report, America's Frontline Trade Officials, reported that nearly half of White House trade officials studied over a fifteen-year period became lobbyists for countries or overseas corporations after retirement. According to Lewis, it "prompted a Justice Department ruling, a General Accounting Office report, a Congressional hearing, was cited by four presidential candidates in 1992 and was partly responsible for an executive order in January 1993 by President Clinton, placing a lifetime ban on foreign lobbying by White House trade officials."[8][9]

CPI Fat Cat Hotel 1996

In 1996, CPI released a report called Fat Cat Hotel. This report, written by Margaret Ebrahim, won an award from the Society of Professional Journalists. The report was an examination of the connection between overnight stays in the Lincoln Bedroom during the Clinton presidency and financial contributions to the Democratic Party as well as the Clinton re-election campaign.[10]

CPI Windfalls of War 2003

In 2003, CPI published Windfalls of War, a report arguing that campaign contributions to George W. Bush affected the allocation of reconstruction contracts in Afghanistan and Iraq.[11] Slate ran a piece arguing that due to a statistically insignificant correlation coefficient between campaign donations and winning contracts, "CPI has no evidence to support its allegations."[12]

CPI LobbyWatch 2005

CPI first reports on LobbyWatch were released in 2005.[13]

CPI Who’s Behind the Financial Meltdown? 2009

CPI's report, Who’s Behind the Financial Meltdown?, [14] </ref> looking at the roots of the global financial crisis, was featured in numerous media outlets, leading Columbia Journalism Review to ask, “Why hasn’t a newspaper or magazine done this?” [15]

CPI The Climate Change Lobby Explosion 2009

More than 100 newspapers, magazines, wire services and web sites cited CPI's report, The Climate Change Lobby Explosion, an analysis of Senate records showing that the number of climate lobbyists had grown by three hundred percent to four for every Senator.[16]

Tobacco Underground, an ongoing project tracing the global trade in smuggled cigarettes, produced by CPI's International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, was honored with the prestigious Renner Award for Crime Reporting from Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE), and the Overseas Press Club Award for Best Online International Reporting.[citation needed]

In 2010, CPI partnered with National Public Radio to publish Sexual Assault on Campus, a report which showcases the failures of colleges and government agencies to prevent sexual assaults and resolve sexual assault cases.[17]

In 2013, International Consortium for Investigative Journalists released the results of a 15 month long investigation based on 260 gigabytes of data regarding the ownership of secret offshore bank accounts. The data was obtained by Gerard Ryle as a result of his investigation into the Firepower scandal. The ICIJ partnered with the Guardian, BBC, Le Monde, the Washington Post, SonntagsZeitung, Süddeutsche Zeitung and NDR to produce an investigative series on offshore banking.[18][19] ICIJ and partnering agencies used the ownership information to report on government corruption across the globe, tax avoidance schemes used by wealthy people, the use of secret offshore accounts in Ponzi Schemes, the active role of major banks in facilitating secrecy for their clients, and the strategies and actors that make these activities possible.[20]



CPI was founded in March 1989 by Charles Lewis, a former producer for ABC News and CBS News 60 Minutes.[21][22] According to a magazine profile, Lewis was motivated to start CPI because he had become "disenchanted by what he considered the sorry state of American investigative reporting and the sorrier state of American government."[9]

In May 1990, Lewis used the money he had raised and his house as collateral to open an 1,800-square-foot (170 m2) office in Washington D.C.[22] In its first year, the CPI's budget was $200,000.[8] In 1996, CPI launched its first website, although CPI did not begin to publish reports online until 1999.[8]

In 1997, CPI launched the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, an international network that includes 160 investigative reporters in over 60 countries.[23] As of February 2013, Gerard Ryle is the director of ICIJ.[24] In 2001, Global Integrity, an international project, was launched to systematically track and report on openness, accountability and the rule of law in various countries. It has since been incorporated independently.[25]

Lewis served as director until January 2005. As of his departure, CPI had published 14 books and more than 250 investigative reports. In 2005, CPI had a staff of 40 full-time Washington-based reporters who partnered with a network of writers and editors in more than 25 countries.[8] Years later, Lewis said he decided to leave his position at CPI because "he didn't want it to become 'an institution that was Chuck's Excellent Adventure."[26] Lewis' departure surprised and upset philanthropists Herb and Marion Sandler, who had partially funded the CPI's activities.[27]


In December 2004, CPI's board of directors chose television journalist Roberta Baskin as Lewis's successor. Baskin came to CPI after directing consumer investigations for ABC News's 20/20 and serving as Washington correspondent for PBS's NOW with Bill Moyers.[28] Lewis wrote that "most of the Center’s carefully assembled, very talented, senior staff had quit by the fall of 2005."[8]

In September 2005, CPI announced that it had discovered a pattern of plagiarism in the past work of staff writer Robert Moore for CPI's 2002 book Capitol Offenders. CPI responded by hiring a copy editor to review all of Moore's work, issuing a revised version of Capitol Offenders, sending letters of apology to all reporters whose work was plagiarized, authoring a new corrections policy, and returning an award the book received from Investigative Reporters and Editors.[29] Moore went on to work for a political consulting firm that specializes in opposition research.[30][31] In March 2007, Moore told the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel that the Center's official version "is not accurate in telling the full story of why I left the center," but did not elaborate.[31]

Baskin led the organization until May 24, 2006.[13]


In 2007, Rawls was succeeded by William Buzenberg, a vice president at American Public Media / Minnesota Public Radio.[32] Buzenberg was first interviewed for the position in 2004 during the hiring process that ultimately led to the selection of his predecessor, Roberta Baskin.[26]

According to a report by Lewis, "the number of full-time staff was reduced by one-third" in early 2007.[8] By December 2007, the number of full-time staff had dropped to 25, down from a high of 40.[26] At the time, Buzenberg said "It's a great, great place, but I will not mislead you... [Lewis] quite frankly left the center in great shape financially, but when you have a visionary who leaves, how do you continue? 'With difficulty' is the answer.[26]"

Baskin publicly disputed Buzenberg's claims in a letter to the American Journalism Review where she wrote, "contrary to the statement from current Executive Director Bill Buzenberg, the center was not left "in great shape financially" by my predecessor. Much of the money raised during the year prior to my tenure was used to offset budget overruns on several previous projects. I replaced our director of development and made fundraising my number one priority, much as Buzenberg has done. As a rookie fundraiser, I take pride in the fact that I was able to raise millions of dollars.[29]

In 2008, Lewis reflected on the transition period following his resignation and said, "I regret what happened to my staff and the condition of the Center. It’s no secret it had a less than enviable few years. But that’s one of the reasons I thought it was important to leave. I had founded it and run it for 15 years, and at some point the founder does have to leave the building...I don’t regret it, I think it was important that I left, but I do feel badly about the hardship it brought to people I think the world of."[33]

In 2010, The Huffington Post Investigative Fund merged into the CPI, and eight Huffington Posts journalists moved to CPI.[2]

In 2011, CPI eliminated 10 staff positions in order to compensate for a $2 million budget shortfall. Buzenberg and other senior staffers also took salary cuts. CPI board chairman Bruce Finzen said the budget would be “reduced between $2 and $3 million, more like $2.5 million. The budget for next year will be in the 6 to 7 million range.” As of 2012, there are over 50 staffers at CPI, making it one of the largest nonpartisan, nonprofit investigative centers in the country.[2]

In April 2011, with support from the Knight Foundation, CPI launched iwatchnews.org as its main investigative reporting website.[34]

Organizational structure


CPI is supported by individual contributions and grants awarded by charitable foundations. A list of CPI's donors may be found on the organization's official website.[35] CPI's annual reports are also available on the organization's website.[22] CPI ceased accepting contributions from corporations and labor unions in 1996.[22] In its first year, CPI's budget was reported to be $200,000.[8] In 2010, CPI had $9,264,997 in revenue and $7,708,349 in expenses.[36]

CPI reports receiving foundation support from a number of foundations, including the Sunlight Foundation, the Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Omidyar Network, the Open Society Foundation, and the Pew Charitable Trusts.[35] The Barbra Streisand Foundation reports that it has funded CPI.[37]

Board of directors

CPI's board of directors includes Bruce A. Finzen (chair), Sheila Coronel (vice-chair), William Buzenberg, Christine Amanpour, Arianna Huffington, Craig Newmark, Gilbert Omenn, Frederic Seegal, Molly Bingham, Charles Eisendrath, Dan Emmett, Jennifer 8. Lee, Susan Loewenberg, Bevis Longsteth, Olivia Ma, Marianne Szegedy-Maszak, Matt Thompson, and Charles Piller.[38]


CPI has been characterized as a "liberal group" by a Los Angeles Times 1996 news story and a 1996 New York Times editorial.[6][7] Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, a progressive media watchdog, has described CPI as "progressive."[5] The Center describes itself as "strictly nonpartisan" and does not "lobby or endorse any legislation, political candidates, or parties."Cite error: The <ref> tag has too many names (see the help page).


Kevin Phillips of National Public Radio has said, "no other investigative organization shines so many probing flashlights into so many Washington dirty-laundry baskets."[9]

In 2006, Slate media critic Jack Shafer described CPI as having "broken as many stories as almost any big-city daily in the last couple of decades".[39]


CPI's work has received awards from PEN USA, Investigative Reporters and Editors, the Society of Professional Journalists, the Association of Capitol Reporters and Editors, the National Press Foundation, the Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy and others.[40]

In 2011, CPI won a James Aronson Award for Social Justice Journalism for their investigation of weak inspections endangering factory workers and surrounding communities.[41]

In 2012, CPI reporter Michael Hudson won a "Best-in-Business" award for digital investigative reporting from the Society of American Business Editors and Writers. Hudson won the award for his report entitled The Great Mortgage Cover-Up.[42]


Sources of funding

Criticism of CPI frequently addresses the source of its financial support.[43][44][45][46][47] Despite its claims to be a nonpartisan news organization that subscribes to the Society of Professional Journalists code of ethics,[48] CPI has been accused of bias towards left-wing political causes because it has accepted money from organizations and individuals that favor liberal policies and/or actively oppose right-wing political causes.

Funding from George Soros

CPI has been criticized for accepting large funds from George Soros, a politically active billionaire and critic of the Bush administration.[45][46][47] The web site of one of Soros' organizations, the Open Society Institute, discloses four grants to the CPI, all made before George W. Bush's entry into the 2004 presidential contest. They are:

  • A $72,400 one-year grant in 2000 supporting "an investigative journalism series on prosecutorial misconduct."[49]
  • A $75,000 one-year grant in 2001 supporting "an examination of wrongful convictions resulting from prosecutorial misconduct."[50]
  • A $100,000 one-year grant in 2002 "to investigate the political spending of the telecommunications industry on the federal, state and local levels."[51] [dead link]
  • A $1 million three-year grant in 2002 "to support the Global Access Project."[52][dead link]

Despite their previous connections, CPI documented Soros' political donations during the 2004 political elections as a part of its "Silent Partners" project, which won an Online Journalism Association award for its reporting on the "527" groups that bypassed campaign finance disclosure regulations to funnel millions of dollars to both candidates.[40] It also produced a detailed profile of Soros family political activity during the 2012 election.

In 2009, CPI reported that it received $651,650 from the Open Society Institute.[53]

Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post wrote, "that CPI has engaged in a non-stop accusations against the Kochs and that CPI is also funded by Soros money (at least in part) raise suspicion as to whether this is advocacy journalism (reporting with an agenda) or truly independent journalism."[4]

Funding from Bill Moyers and the Schumann Foundation

A 1999 report in the Seattle Times raised questions about the ethical behavior of PBS journalist Bill Moyers by documenting examples of his work that featured sources whose organizations have been funded by the Schumann Foundation, a philanthropic group he heads. Among the recipients of Schumann grants featured in Moyers' journalism has been CPI's founder Charles Lewis.[54]

In 2004, Moyers and CPI were further criticized by Cliff Kinkaid of Accuracy in Media,[46] who emphasized that Moyers has also served on the board of the Open Society Institute,[55] a foundation started by a George Soros that has itself also funded projects at CPI.

Writing in The Wall Street Journal in March 2005, commentator John Fund accused CPI of being a member of what he termed the "campaign finance lobby.[56]" Citing a speech by Sean Treglia, former program manager at Pew Charitable Trusts, Fund argued that a "stealth campaign" by "eight liberal foundations" fomented a false sense of public demand for new restrictions on the financing of public campaigns.[56] Fund singled out CPI as a front group pushing Pew's agenda, arguing that "reporters are used to attempts to hoodwink officials into thinking an issue is genuinely popular, and they frequently expose them. But when "good government" groups like the Center for Public Integrity engage in the same tactics, journalists usually ignore it."[56]

CPI's Bill Allison responded to criticisms arising from Tregalia's speech by emphasizing that Pew's contributions to the CPI's work on campaign finance have always been forthrightly disclosed.[57] In a published argument with blogger Ryan Sager, Allison also disputed the notion that the CPI's work amounted to advocacy. Allison stated, "the purpose of our grants is to do things like code hundreds of thousands of public records, put them in a database and post them on our Web site so anyone can use them. The amount of money we've gotten to push campaign finance reform is $0.[58]

In another essay on CPI's website, Allison challenged CPI's critics, and Fund specifically, arguing that "[Fund] doesn't cite a single instance in which the Center has attempted to "hoodwink" government officials (or anyone else, for that matter) into thinking campaign finance is a genuinely popular issue, because he can't. We simply don't operate that way. We don't do public relations campaigns. We don't lobby Congress. We don't petition the Federal Election Commission. We don't pretend we have legions of individuals contributing money to support our work. Our paid membership amounts to around six thousand people; we'd certainly be happy to have more...as for Mr. Fund, back in the days when campaign finance issues were of concern to him, he sought us out to lend authority to his writings on John Huang and quoted us in an Oct. 29, 1996, column on the subject. Is it Mr. Fund's view that when he wrote about various DNC campaign finance violations, he was trying to hoodwink federal officials into thinking that people cared about the issue?[59]

Looting the Seas controversy

In November 2010, CPI published a report on bluefin tuna overfishing entitled "Looting the Seas."[60] Politico reported that "to obtain key information for the project, reporters accessed a database maintained by an intergovernmental fisheries regulatory body with a password given by a source, likely breaking the law." CPI's own lawyer and an outside law firm both determined that CPI's staff likely broke the law in obtaining information for the report. In addition, one of the experts quoted in the associated documentary was paid $15,000 as a project consultant to CPI.[61] The investigative methods used to produce the report became a point of contention within the organization when CPI employee John Solomon made a number of accusations against the team that had worked on the series. CPI board member and former New York Times Washington bureau chief Bill Kovach was asked by CPI president William Buzenberg to look into the matter. Kovach concluded that CPI's reporting was "sound, ethical and fully in the public interest."[62] In addition, the board hired an outside law firm to answer the legal questions. Columbia Journalism Review reported: "As for the legality of using the password to access data, the lawyers concluded that, in theory, a prosecutor might argue it violated the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. But whether it actually did was open to debate. And, in any case, it was highly unlikely that charges would ever be brought." In the wake of the controversy, David Kaplan and John Solomon resigned from CPI. CPI officials also withdrew their entry of the tuna story for a Pulitzer Prize.[61] Andy Revkin of the New York Times wrote, "the relationship of the television production to a United Nations agency and an environmental group can prompt questions about objectivity, but the package, over all, appears robust."[63] The Looting the Seas series won two journalism awards: the Renner Award from Investigative Reporters and Editors[64] and the 2010 Whitman Bassow Award from the Overseas Press Club of America.[65] According to CPI, in November 2011, representatives of roughly 50 countries that trade in bluefin tuna agreed to overhaul the system for tracking catches.[66]

Coordination with advocacy groups

In 2011, Politico called into question CPI's collaboration with advocacy organizations. Politico reported that CPI had coordinated the release of a report on Koch Industries with Greenpeace. Politico also reported that Pew Charitable Trusts, a funder of the Looting the Seas report, hosted a screening of a CPI documentary and then organized a call to action with other NGOs for the protection of bluefin tuna. In 2008, CPI published a report on tobacco that was both funded by and promoted by an advocacy group called Tobacco Free Kids.[4][67][68]

Published books

  • Beyond the Hill: A Directory of Congress from 1984 to 1993. University Press of America. 1995. ISBN 0-8191-9820-X. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  • Toxic Deception: How the Chemical Industry Manipulates Science, Bends the Law and Endangers Your Health. Carol Publishing Corporation. 1997. ISBN 1-55972-385-8. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  • The Buying of the Congress: How Special Interests Have Stolen Your Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Avon Books. 1998. ISBN 0-380-97596-3. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  • Animal Underworld: Inside America's Black Market for Rare and Exotic Species. Public Affairs. 1999. ISBN 1-58648-374-9. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  • Citizen Muckraking: Stories and Tools for Defeating the Goliaths of Our Day. 2000. ISBN 1-56751-188-0. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  • The Cheating of America: How Tax Avoidance and Evasion by the Super Rich Are Costing the Country Billions, and What You Can Do About It. William Morrow & Company. 2001. ISBN 0-380-97682-X. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  • Capitol Offenders: How Private Interests Govern Our States. 2002. ISBN 1-882583-14-0. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  • The Water Barons: How a Few Powerful Companies are Privatizing Our Water. 2003. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  • The Buying of the President 2004: Who's Really Bankrolling Bush and His Challengers--and What They Expect in Return. Harper Paperbacks. 2004. ISBN 0-06-054853-3. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  • Networks of Influence: The Political Power of the Communications Industry. Center for Public Integrity. 2005. ISBN 1-882583-20-5. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)

Further reading


  1. ^ "About The Center for Public Integrity". Center for Public Integrity. Retrieved 2012-06-09.
  2. ^ a b c "PI reduces staff to compensate for $2 million budget hole". Poynter Institute. December 9, 2011. Retrieved 2012-06-09.
  3. ^ "Frequently Asked Questions". Center for Public Integrity. Retrieved 2012-06-09.
  4. ^ a b c "Is the Center for Public Integrity's work advocacy or journalism?". Washington Post. September 2, 2011. Retrieved 9 June 2012.
  5. ^ a b "Spectrum Narrows Further in 2002: Progressive, domestic think tanks see drop". Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting. July/August 2003. Retrieved 2012-06-09. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  6. ^ a b Broder, John (1996-02-16). "Buchanan Aide Suspended Over Hate Group Ties". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2001-01-31.
  7. ^ a b "Mr. Buchanan Stumbles". The New York Times. 1996-02-17. Retrieved 2001-01-31.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h Lewis, Charles. "The Growing Importance of Non-Profit Journalism" (PDF). The Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy. {{cite news}}: line feed character in |publisher= at position 42 (help)
  9. ^ a b c "An "i" Toward Tough Journalism". John Hopkins Magazine. November 2000. Retrieved 2012-06-09.
  10. ^ "Margaret Ebrahim". American University. Retrieved 2012-06-10.
  11. ^ "Winning contractors". The Center for Public Integrity. 2003-10-30. Retrieved 2012-06-12.
  12. ^ "Fables of the Reconstruction: Bush isn't really favoring Halliburton and Bechtel". Slate. 2003-11-03. Retrieved 2012-06-12.
  13. ^ a b Center for Public Integrity Annual Report 2005 (PDF) (Report). Washington DC. 2006.
  14. ^ (Report). 2009 [http://www.publicintegrity.org/accountability/finance/corporate-accountability/whos-behind-financial-meltdown http://www.publicintegrity.org/accountability/finance/corporate-accountability/whos-behind-financial-meltdown. Retrieved 4 April 2013. {{cite report}}: External link in |publisher= (help); Missing or empty |title= (help); Text "Center for Public Integrity]" ignored (help)
  15. ^ Chittum, Ryan (7 May 2009). Center for Public Integrity Puts the Subprime Puzzle Together (Report). Columbia Journalism Review. Retrieved 4 April 2013.
  16. ^ "Inhofe Exposes Cap and Tax Scheme in Obama Budget". Minority Page. Washington, DC: U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. 18 March 2009. Retrieved 4 April 2013.
  17. ^ "Campus Rape Victims: A Struggle For Justice". National Public Radio. 2010-02-24. Retrieved 2012-06-09.
  18. ^ Pitzke, Marc. "Offshore Leaks: Vast Web of Tax Evasion Exposed". Spiegel Online. Retrieved 4 April 2013.
  19. ^ "Offshore secrets: what is the Guardian investigation based on?". guardian.co.uk. Retrieved 4 April 2013.
  20. ^ Guevara, Marina Walker; Hager, Nicky; Cabra; Ryle, Gerard; Menkes, Emily. Who Uses the Offshore World (Report). Secrecy for Sale: Inside the Global Offshore Money Maze. [International Consortium for Investigative Journalists. Retrieved 4 April 2013. {{cite report}}: Text "first3Mar" ignored (help); Text "http://www.icij.org]" ignored (help)
  21. ^ "Faculty Profile: Charles Lewis". American University. Retrieved 2012-06-09.
  22. ^ a b c d "Annual Reports". The Center for Public Integrity. Retrieved June 10, 2012.
  23. ^ "About the ICIJ". The Center for Public Integrity. Retrieved 9 June 2012.
  24. ^ "Our People". Center for Public Integrity.
  25. ^ "Our Story". Global Integrity. Retrieved 9 June 2012.
  26. ^ a b c d Hartmann, Anath (2007). "Center of Attention". American Journalism Review. {{cite news}}: Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  27. ^ Nocera, Joe (2008-03-09). "The Money Issue". The New York Times.
  28. ^ "Roberta Baskin Joins HHS as Adviser". Washington Post. August 3, 2009. Retrieved June 10, 2012.
  29. ^ a b Baskin, Roberta (February/March 2008). "Taken Aback". American Journalism Review. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  30. ^ Prince, Richard (September 14, 2005). "What's in the Floodwater?". Maynard Institute.
  31. ^ a b Bice, Daniel (March 28, 2007). "Integrity washout finds niche dredging muck in court race". Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
  32. ^ "Alumni News Archives: Fall 2006". University of Michigan. Fall 2006. Retrieved June 12, 2012.
  33. ^ Mark Glaser (June 18, 2008). "Charles Lewis Tries to Solve -- Not Bemoan -- State of Investigative Journalism". PBS. Retrieved 2012-06-12.
  34. ^ "Center for Public Integrity launches new investigative reporting site". John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. 2012-04-21. Retrieved June 12, 2012.
  35. ^ a b "How the Center for Public Integrity is Funded". The Center for Public Integrity. Retrieved June 10, 2012.
  36. ^ "Center for Public Integrity". Charity Navigator. Retrieved June 10, 2012.
  37. ^ "The Streisand Foundation". Barbra Streisand Foundation. Retrieved June 27, 2012.
  38. ^ "Board of Directors". Center for Public Integrity.
  39. ^ Shafer, Jack (23 October 2006). "If You Don't Buy This Newspaper ... We'll shoot your democracy". Slate.com.
  40. ^ a b "Awards". The Center for Public Integrity. Retrieved June 10, 2012.
  41. ^ "2011 Aronson Award winners expose "pink" fundraising fraud, widespread abuse of the developmentally disabled, refineries loosely inspected and bad cops undisciplined". Hunter College. April 4, 2012. Retrieved June 10, 2012.
  42. ^ "Complete list of winners in SABEW's 17th annual Best in Business Awards". Society of American Business Editors and Writers. Retrieved June 10, 2012.
  43. ^ "The Awful Truth About Scampaign Finance". National Rifle Association.
  44. ^ Reynolds, Glenn (March 22, 2005). "Astroturfing Campaign Finance "Reform"". Instapundit.
  45. ^ a b Editoral Board (December 30, 2003). "The Soros Agenda". The Wall Street Journal.
  46. ^ a b c Kincaid, Cliff (October 27, 2004). "The Hidden Soros Agenda: Drugs, Money, the Media, and Political Power". Accuracy in Media.
  47. ^ a b McKnight, Becky (October 15, 2006). "Reader's view: Proposition 2 protects Idaho property". Idaho Statesman.
  48. ^ "Editorial Policies". The Center for Public Integrity.
  49. ^ "OSI:Grants, Scholarships & Fellowships". Soros.org.
  50. ^ "OSI:Grants, Scholarships & Fellowships". Soros.org.
  51. ^ "OSI:Grants, Scholarships & Fellowships". Soros.org.
  52. ^ "OSI:Grants, Scholarships & Fellowships". Soros.org.
  53. ^ "Why Don't We Hear About Soros' Ties to Over 30 Major News Organizations". Fox News. May 11, 2011. Retrieved June 27, 2012.
  54. ^ "PBS Pontificator". Weekly Standard. June 3, 2003. Retrieved June 27, 2012.
  55. ^ "Geoffrey Canada and Joan Dunlop Join OSI Board of Trustees". Open Society Institute. December 6, 2002.
  56. ^ a b c John Fund (March 21, 2005). "Astroturf Politics". The Wall Street Journal.
  57. ^ Allison, Bill (March 23, 2005). "Puzzling Evidence". The Center for Public Integrity.
  58. ^ Sager, Ryan (March 23, 2005). "Allison Responds". Miscellaneous Objections.
  59. ^ "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished". The Center for Public Integrity. March 22, 2005.
  60. ^ "Looting the Seas". Pew Charitable Trust. November 9, 2010. Retrieved 9 June 2012.
  61. ^ a b "Tuna and turmoil at CPI". Politico. December 5, 2011. Retrieved 9 June 2012.
  62. ^ "Something fishy?". Columbia Journalism Review. July/August 2012. Retrieved 16 July 2012. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  63. ^ "Report Reveals Forces Destroying Atlantic Bluefin Tuna". New York Times. November 8, 2010. Retrieved 9 June 2012.
  64. ^ "2010 IRE Awards winners". Investigative Reporters and Editors. Retrieved 16 July 2012.
  65. ^ "The Whitman Bassow Award 2010". Overseas Press Club of America. Retrieved 16 July 2012.
  66. ^ "ishing nations approve overhaul of bluefin tuna tracking system". Center for Public Integrity. November 20, 2012. Retrieved 16 July 2012.
  67. ^ "CPI's other coordination with advocacy groups". Politico. September 2, 2011. Retrieved 9 June 2012.
  68. ^ "Did CPI coordinate with Greenpeace?". Politico. August 29, 2011. Retrieved 9 June 2012.