160 (number)
160 is the natural number following one hundred fifty-nine and preceding one hundred sixty-one.
Template:Numbers 100-200 | |
Ordinal | One hundred [and] sixty |
Cardinal | 160th |
Factorization | |
Roman numeral | CLX |
Binary | 10100000 |
Hexadecimal | A0 |
One hundred sixty is the sum of the first 11 primes, as well as the sum of the cubes of the first three primes. Given 160, the Mertens function returns 0. 160 is the smallest number n with exactly 12 solutions to the equation φ(x) = n.
One hundred sixty is also:
Other numbers in the 160s
161 = 7 23, sum of five consecutive primes (23 + 29 + 31 + 37 + 41), hexagonal pyramidal number
162 = 2 3^4, Harshad number, divisible by φ(162), untouchable number
163 = prime number, Mertens function returns 0. Multiplied by -1, a Heegner number
164 = 2^2 41, Mertens function returns 0
165 = 3 5 11, sphenic number, tetrahedral number, self number
166 = 2 83, Smith number, Mertens function returns 0, centered triangular number
167 = prime, safe prime
168 = 2^3 3 7, sum of four consecutive primes (37 + 41 + 43 + 47)
One hundred sixty-nine has an article of its own.