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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.


// [[User:Lupin/popups.js]]

//<nowiki> Helper tools
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s');

             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s');

//</nowiki>[[Category:VoA scripted users|{{PAGENAME}}]]

// Useful stuff from [[Wikipedia:WikiProject_User_scripts]]

function addToolboxLink(url, name, id){
  var tb = document.getElementById('p-tb').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
  addlilink(tb, url, name, id);

function addlilink(tabs, url, name, id, title, key){
  var na = document.createElement('a');
  na.href = url;
  var li = document.createElement('li');
  if(id) li.id = id;
  if(id) {
    if(key && title) ta[id] = [key, title];
    else if(key)     ta[id] = [key, ''];
    else if(title)   ta[id] = ['', title];
  // re-render the title and accesskeys from existing code in wikibits.js
  return li;

function addTab(url, name, id, title, key){
    var tabs = document.getElementById('p-cactions').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
    addlilink(tabs, url, name, id, title, key);

// culled from [[User:Lupin/popups.js]]

function nichalp_articleFromURL(h) {
  if (typeof h != 'String') h=String(h);
  var m=RegExp('[^:]*://en\\.wikipedia\\.org/(wiki/|w/index\\.php\\?title=)([^&?]*)').exec(h);
  if(m===null) return null;
  return m[2];

function nichalp_isIpUser(user) {
  return RegExp('(User:)?' + 
                '((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])\\.){3}' + 

function nichalp_removeAnchor(article) {
  // is there a #? if not, we're done
  var i=article.indexOf('#');
  if (i == -1) return article;
  return article.substring(0,i);

function nichalp_userName(article) {
  var i=article.indexOf('User');
  var j=article.indexOf(':');
  if  (i != 0 || j == -1) return null;
  var k=article.indexOf('/');
  if (k==-1) return article.substring(j+1);
  else return article.substring(j+1,k);

// do it

function nichalp_customLinks() {
  var article=nichalp_articleFromURL(document.location.href);
  if (!article) return;
  var user=nichalp_userName(article);
  if(!user) return;
  if (!nichalp_isIpUser(user)) {
    addToolboxLink('http://tools.wikimedia.de/~interiot/cgi-bin/count_edits?dbname=enwiki&user='+user, user+"'s edit count", 'toolbox_katestool');
  var special='http://en.wiki.x.io/w/index.php?title=Special:';
  addToolboxLink(special + 'Log&user='+user, user+"'s log", 'toolbox_userlog');
  addToolboxLink(special + 'Blockip&ip='+user, 'Block '+user, 'toolbox_blockuser'); 
  addToolboxLink(special + 'Ipblocklist&action=unblock&ip='+user, 'Unblock '+user, 'toolbox_unblockuser'); 

// make it all happen on page load

if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener("load",nichalp_customLinks,false);
else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onload",nichalp_customLinks);
else {
  window._old_nichalp_onload = window.onload;
  window.onload = function() { window._old_nichalp_onload();  nichalp_customLinks(); }

//this helps automate AfD closing by adding a 'close' tab to AfD debates
//written by [[User:Johnleemk]] based on [[Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts/Scripts/test-n.js]] by [[User:Celestianpower]]

function afdaddlilink(url, name)
  var na = document.createElement('a');
  na.setAttribute('href', url);

  var txt = document.createTextNode(name);

  var li = document.createElement('li');
  return li;

function result()
  var close = prompt("Result of debate?")
  var f = document.editform, t = f.wpTextbox1;
  t.value = "{{subst:" + "at" + "}} '''" + close + "'''. " + "~" + "~" + "~" + "~" + '\n' + '\n' + t.value;
  if (t.value.length > 0)
    t.value += '\n';
  t.value += "{{subst:" + "ab" + "}}";
  f.wpSummary.value = "Close as " + close;

function relist()
  var f = document.editform, t = f.wpTextbox1;
  if (t.value.length > 0)
    t.value += '\n';
  t.value += "{{subst:" + "relist" + "|~" + "~" + "~" + "~}}";
  f.wpSummary.value = "Relisting debate";

function keep()
  var date = prompt("Nomination was made when?")
  var votepage = prompt("Vote page is? (Enter 'd' for default.)")
  var f = document.editform, t = f.wpTextbox1;

    // If default votepage...
    if (votepage=="d")
        var temp = document.editform.action.split("/w/index.php?title=");
        var temp = temp[1].split("&action=submit");
        var temp = temp[0].substring(5);
        var votepage = temp;

  t.value = "{{subst:" + "oldafdfull" + "|date=" + date + "|votepage=" + votepage + "}}" + '\n' + '\n' + t.value;
  f.wpSummary.value = "Article survived AfD";

function no_consensus()
  var date = prompt("Nomination was made when?")
  var votepage = prompt("Vote page is? (Enter 'd' for default.)")
  var f = document.editform, t = f.wpTextbox1;

    // If default votepage...
    if (votepage=="d")
        var temp = document.editform.action.split("/w/index.php?title=");
        var temp = temp[1].split("&action=submit");
        var temp = temp[0].substring(5);
        var votepage = temp;

  t.value = "{{subst:" + "oldafdfull" + "|date=" + date + "|result='''no consensus'''|votepage=" + votepage + "}}" + '\n' + '\n' + t.value;
  f.wpSummary.value = "Article survived AfD with no consensus";

function redirect()
  var date = prompt("Nomination was made when?")
  var redirect = prompt("Redirect to?")
  var votepage = prompt("Vote page is? (Enter 'd' for default.)")
  var f = document.editform, t = f.wpTextbox1;

    // If default votepage...
    if (votepage=="d")
        var temp = document.editform.action.split("/w/index.php?title=");
        var temp = temp[1].split("&action=submit");
        var temp = temp[0].substring(5);
        var votepage = temp;

  t.value = "{{subst:" + "oldafdfull" + "|date=" + date + "|result='''redirect to [[" + redirect + "]]'''|votepage=" + votepage + "}}" + '\n' + '\n' + t.value;
  f.wpSummary.value = "Article redirected to [[" + redirect + "]] as per AfD";

function merge()
  var date = prompt("Nomination was made when?")
  var redirect = prompt("Merge and redirect to?")
  var votepage = prompt("Vote page is? (Enter 'd' for default.)")
  var f = document.editform, t = f.wpTextbox1;

    // If default votepage...
    if (votepage=="d")
        var temp = document.editform.action.split("/w/index.php?title=");
        var temp = temp[1].split("&action=submit");
        var temp = temp[0].substring(5);
        var votepage = temp;

  t.value = "{{subst:" + "oldafdfull" + "|date=" + date + "|result='''merge and redirect to [[" + redirect + "]]'''|votepage=" + votepage + "}}" + '\n' + '\n' + t.value;
  f.wpSummary.value = "Article merged and redirected to [[" + redirect + "]] as per AfD";

function other()
  var date = prompt("Nomination was made when?")
  var result = prompt("Result was?")
  var votepage = prompt("Vote page is? (Enter 'd' for default.)")
  var f = document.editform, t = f.wpTextbox1;

    // If default votepage...
    if (votepage=="d")
        var temp = document.editform.action.split("/w/index.php?title=");
        var temp = temp[1].split("&action=submit");
        var temp = temp[0].substring(5);
        var votepage = temp;

  t.value = "{{subst:" + "oldafdfull" + "|date=" + date + "|result='''" + result + "'''|votepage=" + votepage + "}}" + '\n' + '\n' + t.value;
  f.wpSummary.value = "AfDed; result was " + result;

function add_afd_tabs()
  var c1 = document.getElementById('column-one');
  var tabs = c1.getElementsByTagName('div')[0].getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];

  // Only add for pages with the right string somewhere in the title
  if (document.title.indexOf("Editing Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/") != -1)
  if (document.title.indexOf("Editing Talk:") != -1)
      tabs.appendChild(afdaddlilink('javascript:no_consensus()',"no consensus"));


//end AfD closing script

//Admin tools
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript');

// Script from [[User:MarkS/extraeditbuttons.js]]
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript');

// ***** Window Load ******

window.onload = Main;

function Main()

  if (document.title.indexOf("Editing User talk:") == -1)

//from Func, hacked into warn tabs only


//	Released into the public domain, btw.

	//	Func's monobook.js, now with ADMIN powers.... :)
if ( window.addEventListener ) // modern browsers, screw IE :)
		function WikiInit()
			Wiki = {}; // global

			Wiki.href = window.location.href;
			Wiki.path = window.location.pathname;
			Wiki.quer = window.location.search;
				if ( Wiki.quer.length < 2 ) Wiki.quer = '';

			Wiki.wiki = ! Wiki.path.indexOf( '/wiki/' );

			Wiki.diff = Wiki.quer.indexOf( 'diff=' ) != -1;
			Wiki.edit = ( Wiki.quer.indexOf( 'action=edit' ) != -1 ) || ( Wiki.quer.indexOf( 'action=submit' ) != -1 );

			Wiki.user = Wiki.href.indexOf( 'User:' ) != -1; // make more robust
			Wiki.talk = Wiki.href.indexOf( 'User_talk:' ) != -1; // make more robust
			Wiki.spec = Wiki.href.indexOf( 'Special:' ) != -1;

			Wiki.recentchanges =
				Wiki.href.indexOf( 'Special:Recentchanges'   ) != -1 ||
				Wiki.href.indexOf( 'Special%3ARecentchanges' ) != -1  ;

			//	Pass actions from one page to the next via
			//	window.name; which is faster and easier than
			//	using a cookie.
		function PassItOn( _action_ )
		{	if ( _action_ ) window.name = 'wpFuncAction=' + _action_;
			{	var hack = window.name; window.name = '';
				if ( ! hack.indexOf( 'wpFuncAction=' ) )
				{	hack = hack.substr( 13 );
					if ( hack == 'lastdiff' )
					{	if ( Wiki.quer )
							window.location.href += '&diff=0';
							window.location.href += '?diff=0';
					// more to come....

	function wpFuncPreLoad()
		WikiInit();		//	Global Wiki object.
		PassItOn();		//	Do we need to be somewhere else?

				//	Remind me to ask the developers to throw
				//	unique IDs onto important elements!!!
			function GetByClass( className, tagName, elemObj )
			{	var i, filter, found = [];
				elemObj = elemObj || document;
				if ( tagName )
				{	filter = elemObj.getElementsByTagName( tagName );
					for ( i = 0; i < filter.length; i++ )
						if ( filter[ i ].className == className )
							found.push( filter[ i ] );
				else // blah, do it when I need it
				return found;

			function SP(x)
			{	var i, s = ''; x = x || 1; while ( x-- ) s += ' ';
				return document.createTextNode( s );
			function NB(x)
			{	var i, s = ''; x = x || 1; while ( x-- ) s += '\xA0';
				return document.createTextNode( s );
			function BR(){ return document.createElement( 'br' ) }

			function NewLink( txt, url, plainlinks, linkColor )
			{	var a = document.createElement( 'a' );
					a.appendChild( document.createTextNode( txt ) );
					a.href = url;
				if ( plainlinks ) a.className = 'plainlinks';
				if ( linkColor )
				{	if ( typeof linkColor == "string" )
							a.style.color = linkColor;
					else	a.style.color = '#FF0000'; // old default behavior
				return a;

		function RCPatrol() // for admins
			var table, TDs, otitle, ntitle, prevLink, currLink, link, rollback, contribs, block;

			var tr, td;

			if ( Wiki.edit )
				gEditForm = document.getElementById( 'editform' );
				gTextBox  = gEditForm[ 'wpTextbox1' ];
				gSummary  = gEditForm[ 'wpSummary' ];
				gMinorBox = gEditForm[ 'wpMinoredit' ];
				gWatchBox = gEditForm[ 'wpWatchthis' ];

				var addtexts = document.createElement( 'div' );

				function Inserter( seeText, addText, editSum, addLoc, color, submit ) // local function
					var a = NewLink( seeText, '', true, color );
						a.addText = addText;
						a.addLoc = addLoc || 8; // 2 == top; 5 == insertion-loc; 8 == bottom
						a.editSum = editSum || '';
						a.submit = submit || false;

						a.onclick = function()
								 if ( this.addLoc == 8 ) gTextBox.value += this.addText;
							else if ( this.addLoc == 2 ) gTextBox.value  = this.addText + gTextBox.value;
							else /* this.addLoc == 5; Safari problems */ ;
							gMinorBox.checked = true;
							// gWatchBox.checked = false;

							if ( this.editSum ) gSummary.value += this.editSum;

							if ( this.submit ) gEditForm.submit();

							return false;
					return a;
				if ( Wiki.talk ) // here is where we tell the vandals to bugger off
					var kTest  = '#0000AA', // blue
						kWarn  = '#00AA00', // green
						kFinal = '#AAAA00', // yellow
						kBlock = '#AA0000'; // red

					var tableTags =
						[	[	[ 'uw-create', 'uw-create1' ],
								[ 'test2', 'uw-test2', 'uw-uhblock', 'uw-uhblock' ], // special case
								[ 'uw-vandalism3', 'uw-vandalism3' ],
								[ 'test4', 'uw-vand4' ],
								[ 'test5', 'uw-vblock' ]
							[	null,
								[ 'blanking', 'uw-delete1' ],
								[ 'blanking2', 'uw-delete2' ],
								[ 'blanking3', 'uw-delete3' ],
								[ 'blanking4', 'blocked' ]
							[	[ 'drmafd', 'removing AFDs' ],
								[ 'drmafd2', 'removing AFDs, 2nd' ],
								[ 'drmafd3', 'removing AFDs, 3rd' ],
								[ 'drmafd4', 'final warning' ],
								[ 'drmafd5', 'blocked' ]
							[	[ 'spam', 'uw-spam1' ],
								[ 'spam2', 'uw-spam2' ],
								[ 'spam2a', 'uw-spam3' ],
								[ 'uw-speedy1', 'uw-speedy1' ],
								[ 'spam4', 'blocked' ]
							[	[ 'username', 'uw-username' ],
								[ 'Whois', 'Whois' ],
								[ 'repeatvandal', 'repeatvandal' ],
								[ 'uw-defam3', 'final warning' ],
								[ 'indefblockeduser', 'blocked' ]
							[	null,
								[ '3RR', '3RR warning' ],
								[ '3RR2', 'final 3RR warning' ],
								[ '3RR3', 'blocked for 3RR' ]
							[	null,
								[ 'attack', 'personal attacks' ],

					table = document.createElement( 'table' );

						//	Formatting
					table.style.fontSize = 'x-small';

					var i, j, a, color;
					for ( i = 0; i < tableTags.length; i++ )
					{	tr = document.createElement( 'tr' );
						a = tableTags[ i ];
						for ( j = 0; j < 5; j++ )
						{	td = document.createElement( 'td' );
							color =	( j == 0 ) ? kTest  :
									( j  < 3 ) ? kWarn  :
									( j == 3 ) ? kFinal :
									             kBlock ;
							if ( a[ j ] )
							{	td.appendChild(
										a[ j ][ 0 ], // click on text
										'{{subst:' + a[ j ][ 0 ] + '}} ~~~~\n\n', // insert this text
										a[ j ][ 1 ], // edit summary text
										8, // insert at end
								td.appendChild( NB() );
										'!', // click on text
										'{{subst:' + a[ j ][ 0 ] + '}} ~~~~\n\n', // insert this text
										a[ j ][ 1 ], // edit summary text
										8, // insert at end
										true // auto-sumbit
								if ( a[ j ][ 2 ] ) // 2 links in one cell, ie: test2a
								{	td.appendChild( BR() );
									td.appendChild(Inserter(a[j][2],'{{subst:'+a[j][2]+'}} ~~~~\n\n',a[j][3],8,color));
									td.appendChild( NB() );
									td.appendChild(Inserter('!','{{subst:'+a[j][2]+'}} ~~~~\n\n',a[j][3],8,color,true));
							else td.appendChild( NB() );
							tr.appendChild( td );
						table.appendChild( tr );

					addtexts.appendChild( table );

					var span = document.createElement( 'span' );
						span.style.fontSize = 'x-small';

						span.appendChild(Inserter('W-graphical','{{subst:W-all}} \n\n','W-link',8,'#0000FF'));
						span.appendChild( NB(4) );

						span.appendChild(Inserter('nothanks|PAGE','{{subst:nothanks|PAGE}} ~~~~\n\n','copyvio',8,'#0000AA'));
						span.appendChild( NB(4) );

						span.appendChild(Inserter('vanity|PAGE','{{subst:vanity|PAGE}} ~~~~\n\n','[[WP:NOT]]',8,'#0000AA'));
						span.appendChild( NB(4) );

					addtexts.appendChild( span );
				gEditForm.parentNode.insertBefore( addtexts, gEditForm );

				//	Due to problems with Safari, this CURRENTLY will only insert at the END for now.
			function FieldInsert( field, text, _where_ )
				field.value += text;

		function PortletMenu( id )	//	constructor
			this.port = document.getElementById( id );
			this.menu = this.port.getElementsByTagName( 'ul' )[ 0 ];

			this.menu.style.textTransform = 'none'; // override the CSS

			this.items = {};
			this.links = {};

			var i, o, items = this.menu.getElementsByTagName( 'li' );

			for ( i = 0; i < items.length; i++ )
					//	now with sanity checks
				if ( ( o = items[ i ] ) )
				{	this.items[ o.id ] = o;
					if ( o.firstChild && o.firstChild.href )
						this.links[ o.id ] = o.firstChild;
						this.links[ o.id ].style.textTransform = 'none'; // I could do this in the .css...

			this.register = function( id, txt, url )	//	internal, basically
			{	var li = document.createElement( 'li' );
					li.id = id;
					var a = NewLink( txt, url );
				li.appendChild( a );
				this.items[ id ] = li;
				this.links[ id ] = a;
				a.style.textTransform = 'none'; // I hate css so much....
				return li;

			this.append = function( id, txt, url )
			{	this.menu.appendChild( this.register( id, txt, url ) );

			this.insert = function( before, id, txt, url )
			{	this.menu.insertBefore( this.register( id, txt, url ), this.items[ before ] );

			this.follow = function( after, id, txt, url )
			{	this.menu.insertBefore( this.register( id, txt, url ), this.items[ after ].nextSibling );

			this.getText = function( id      ){ return this.links[ id ].firstChild.nodeValue       };
			this.setText = function( id, txt ){        this.links[ id ].firstChild.nodeValue = txt };

			this.getHref = function( id      ){ return this.links[ id ].href       };
			this.setHref = function( id, url ){        this.links[ id ].href = url };

		function PageActions()
		{	//	ca-nstab-main		Article			/wiki/PAGE      | /w/...action=edit
			//	ca-nstab-user		User page		/wiki/User:USER | /w/...action=edit
			//	ca-article			Special Page	(I find 'ca-article' slightly ironic, since it isn't.)
			//	ca-talk				Discussion		/wiki/Talk:... User_talk... /w/...action=edit
			//	ca-edit				Edit this page	/w/...action=edit
			//	ca-addsection		+				/w/...action=edit&section=new
			//	ca-viewsource		View source		/w/...action=edit
			//	ca-history			History			/w/...action=history
			//	ca-protect			Protect			/w/...action=protect
			//	ca-delete			Delete			/w/...action=delete
			//	ca-move				Move			Special:Movepage/PAGE
			//	ca-watch			Watch			/w/...action=watch
			//	ca-unwatch			Unwatch			/w/...action=unwatch
			//		User  Talk  Edits  Logs    Edit  0  +  History  Diff  Protect  Delete  Move    Watch  Logs  Purge
			//		Page  Talk                 Edit  0     History  Diff  Protect  Delete  Move    Watch  Logs  Purge

				//	As an admin, I'm not sure when this would be nessesary....
			var edit = PageMenu.items[ 'ca-viewsource' ] ? 'ca-viewsource' : 'ca-edit';

				//	I need the space.
			if ( PageMenu.items[ 'ca-talk' ]       ) PageMenu.setText( 'ca-talk', 'Talk' );
			if ( PageMenu.items[ 'ca-edit' ]       ) PageMenu.setText( 'ca-edit', 'Edit' );
			if ( PageMenu.items[ 'ca-viewsource' ] ) PageMenu.setText( 'ca-viewsource', 'View' );

				//	Move the offset from off of the right of ca-talk to the left of ca-edit
				//		from /skins-1.5/monobook/main.css :
				//		/* offsets to distinguish the tab groups */
				//		li#ca-talk { margin-right: 1.6em; }
				//		li#ca-watch, li#ca-unwatch, li#ca-varlang-0, li#ca-print { margin-left: 1.6em; }
			if ( PageMenu.items[ 'ca-talk' ] )
				PageMenu.items[ 'ca-talk' ].style.marginRight = '0.3em'; // ??? how to just go back to the browser's default ???
				PageMenu.items[     edit  ].style.marginLeft  = '1.6em';

			if ( PageMenu.items[ 'ca-nstab-user' ] )
				PageMenu.setText( 'ca-nstab-user', 'User' );

					//	User: or User talk:
				var user = document.getElementsByTagName( 'h1' )[ 0 ].firstChild.nodeValue;
					user = user.substr( user.indexOf( ':' ) + 1 );

				if ( user.indexOf( '/' ) != -1 )	//	subpage
					user = user.split( '/' )[ 0 ];

				PageMenu.insert( edit, 'ca-edits', 'Edits', '/wiki/Special:Contributions/' + user );
				PageMenu.insert( edit, 'ca-logs',  'Logs',  '/w/index.php?title=Special%3ALog&user=' + user );
	function wpFuncOnLoad()
		PageMenu = new PortletMenu( 'p-cactions' );
		UserMenu = new PortletMenu( 'p-personal' );
		 NavMenu = new PortletMenu( 'p-navigation' );
		ToolMenu = new PortletMenu( 'p-tb' );


	window.addEventListener( 'load', wpFuncOnLoad, false );



function hidevfd(){
    var divs = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
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        if(divs[x].className.indexOf("vfd") != -1)
            divs[x].style.display = "none";
    document.getElementById('footer').style.display = 'none';

function showvfd(){
    var divs = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
    for(var x = 0; x < divs.length; ++x)
        if(divs[x].className.indexOf("vfd") != -1)
            divs[x].style.display = "";
    document.getElementById('footer').style.display = '';

function addlilink(tabs, url, name){
    var na = document.createElement('a');
    na.href = url;
    var li = document.createElement('li');
    return li;

function vfdlinks(){
    var tabs = document.getElementById('p-cactions').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
    if(document.title.indexOf("Wikipedia:Articles for deletion") == 0){
        addlilink(tabs, 'javascript:hidevfd()', 'Hide');
        addlilink(tabs, 'javascript:showvfd()', 'Show');

if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener("load",vfdlinks,false);
else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onload",vfdlinks);

/* <pre><nowiki> */

if (wgAction == 'delete') {
     var csdDeleteForm = {
				FillSelect:function(sel, arr){
					if(arr && arr.length>0){
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							// catches stupid IE error
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					return true;
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#G1|CSD G1]]: [[WP:PN|Patent Nonsense]]","display":"G1 - Nonsense"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#G2|CSD G2]]: Test Pages","display":"G2 - Test Pages"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#G3|CSD G3]]: [[WP:VAND|Pure Vandalism]]","display":"G3 - Pure Vandalism"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#G4|CSD G4]]: Recreation of deleted material","display":"G4 - Recreated Deleted"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#G5|CSD G5]]: Contributions by [[Wikipedia:List of banned users|Banned User]]","display":"G5 - Banned User"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#G6|CSD G6]]: Housekeeping","display":"G6 - Housekeeping"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#G7|CSD G7]]: Only one editor has made substantial edits to this page and he or she has requested its deletion or blanked the page","display":"G7 - Author Request"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#G8|CSD G8]]: Talkpage of non-Existent Article","display":"G8 - Talk Page"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#G10|CSD G10]]: [[Wikipedia:Attack page|Attack Page]]","display":"G10 - Attack Pages"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#G11|CSD G11]]: [[WP:SPAM|Blatant Advertising]]","display":"G11 - Advertising"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#G12|CSD G12]]: [[WP:C|Blatant Copyright infringement]]","display":"G12 - Copyright"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#A1|CSD A1]]: Very short article providing little or no context","display":"A1 - No Context"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#A2|CSD A2]]: Foreign language article that exists on another Wikipedia","display":"A2 - Foreign Language"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#A3|CSD A3]]: No meaningful content","display":"A3 - No Content"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#A5|CSD A5]]: Has been transwikied","display":"A5 - Transwikied"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#A7|CSD A7 (Bio)]]: Biographical article that does not assert significance","display":"A7 - Unremarkable Bio"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#A7|CSD A7 (Group)]]: Article about a club or group that does not assert significance","display":"A7 - Unremarkable Group"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#A7|CSD A7 (Band)]]: Article about a band that does not assert [[WP:MUSIC|significance]]","display":"A7 - Unremarkable Band"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#A7|CSD A7 (Corp)]]: Article about a company that doesn't assert [[WP:CORP|significance]]","display":"A7 - Unremarkable Firm"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#A7|CSD A7 (Web)]]: Article about a web site that does not assert [[WP:WEB|significance]]","display":"A7 - Unremarkable Web"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#A7|CSD A7]]: Article about subject that does not assert significance.","display":"A7 - Other"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#R1|CSD R1]]: Redirect to non-existent page","display":"R1 - Bad Target"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#R2|CSD R2]]: Redirect to User/User talk namespaces from mainspace","display":"R2 - Crossnamespace"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#R3|CSD R3]]: Implausible typo","display":"R3 - Bad Typo"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#I1|CSD I1]]: Redundant to another image","display":"I1 - Redundant"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#I2|CSD I2]]: Image is corrupted","display":"I2 - Corrupt/Empty"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#I3|CSD I3]]: Improper license","display":"I3 - Improper License"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#I4|CSD I4]]: No license or No Source Information","display":"I4 - Lack of License"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#I5|CSD I5]]: Image is unused and [[WP:NFCC|not free]]","display":"I5 - Unused Unfree"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#I6|CSD I6]]: No [[WP:FURG|justification]] given for fair use","display":"I6 - No Fair Use"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#I7|CSD I7]]: Bad [[WP:FURG|justification]] given for fair use","display":"I7 - Invalid Fair Use"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#I8|CSD I8]]: Image exists on the Commons","display":"I8 - On Commons"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#C1|CSD C1]]: Category is Empty (and has been for 4 days or more)","display":"C1 - Empty"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#C2|CSD C2]]: Speedy Renaming","display":"C2 - Speedy Rename"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#C3|CSD C3]]: Corresponding template was deleted","display":"C3 - Template"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#U1|CSD U1]]: User requested deletion","display":"U1 - User Request"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#U2|CSD U2]]: Userpage of non-existent user","display":"U2 - No User"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#U3|CSD U3]]: Userpage that is primarily a gallery of fair use images","display":"U3 - Fair Use Gallery"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#T1|CSD T1]]: Template that is divisive and inflammatory.","display":"T1 - Divisive"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:CSD#P2|CSD P2]]: Underpopulated","display":"P2 - Underpopulated"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:NOT#PUBLISHER|Wikipedia is not a place for cool ideas or neologisms]]","display":"WP:NOT#OR"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:NOT#BUREAUCRACY|Wikipedia is not a bureaucracy]]","display":"WP:NOT#BUREAUCRACY"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:NOT#MYSPACE|Wikipedia is not MySpace or any other social networking site]]","display":"WP:NOT#SOCIAL"},
                                        {"value":"[[:Category:Temporary Wikipedian userpages|Talk page of an indefinitely blocked user]]","display":"Blocked user"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:AFD|AFD]]: Deleted after discussion at Articles for Deletion","display":"AFD close"},
                                        {"value":"[[WP:PROD|Prod]] left uncontested for five days.","display":"Prod close"}
				//**************************** attaching function *****************************************
				// got thIS super handi function from http://www.scottandrew.com he is pretty dang smart **
				addEvent:function(obj, evType, fn, useCapture){
					if (obj.addEventListener){
						obj.addEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture);
						return true;
					} else if (obj.attachEvent){
						var r = obj.attachEvent("on"+evType, fn);
						return r;
					} else {
						alert("Handler could not be attached");
			function addSelectAfter(){
    				var obj = document.getElementById('wpReason') || document.getElementById('wpComment');
    			        // create select using included array
				var sel = document.createElement("SELECT");
				csdDeleteForm .FillSelect(sel, csdDeleteForm .ValueArray);
				// name it
				sel.name = "csdOptions";
				sel.id = "csdOptions";
                                sel.style.marginLeft = "10px";
                                csdDeleteForm .addEvent(sel, "change", csdChangeBox, false);
				// check for next sibling and insert before it or at the end
				// add one on load
				csdDeleteForm.addEvent(window, "load", addSelectAfter, false);

function csdChangeBox() {
                         var obj = document.getElementById('wpReason') || document.getElementById('wpComment');
                         obj.value = document.getElementById('csdOptions').value;

// <source lang=javascript>
// This script changes the "Your signature with timestamp" edit button to use a real em dash instead of two hyphens.

(function () {
    var oldAddButton = addButton;
    if (typeof(oldAddButton) != 'function') return;
    addButton = function () {
        if (arguments.length > 2)
            arguments[2] = arguments[2].replace(/^--(~+)$/, '—$1');
        oldAddButton.apply(this, arguments);

// </source>

/* </nowiki><pre> */

// </nowiki></pre>[[Category:Wikipedia administrators who use VoA script|{{PAGENAME}}]]