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User:Kathovo/List of killed, threatened or kidnapped Iraqi academics

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List of killed, threatened or kidnapped Iraqi academics

In January 2006, the BRussels Tribunal launched an appeal claiming that a systematic campaign exists to liquidate academics in Iraq. The appeal quoted Robert Fisk who had reported on the "war on learning" and expressed the opinion of Iraqi academics that Iraq's intellectual heritage was being destroyed as part of the continuing foreign occupation of Iraq. This page is a list of killed, threatened or kidnapped Iraqi academics starting from the 2003 invasion of Iraq and continuing through 2006. Al-Jazeera journalist Ahmed Janabi claimed that "1000 leading Iraqi professionals and intellectuals" were assassinated between April 2003 and March 2004. Reactions to the assassination of pan-Arabism professor and prominent human rights and democracy campaigner Abdul-Latif Ali al-Mayah supported the claim that a systematic campaign to assassinate Iraqi academics and intellectuals existed since the invasion of Iraq. Al-Mayah had called for elections in 1996 in opposition to Saddam Hussein, for which he was imprisoned, and in January 2004, opposed the US plan to choose a government by a caucus method. One of Al-Mayah's students, Salam Rais, stated that al-Mayah's assassination was "part of a plan in this country, targeting any intellectual in this country, any free voice."[1]



List order: Deciding on which name is a "surname" may be ambiguous, since many people in Iraqi culture do not have a naming tradition compatible with the modern western tradition of having patrinomial/matrinomial family names, hence the quotes around "surname". The prefix al or al- is ignored for the alphabetical ordering here.

"Surnames" beginning with A

name academic degrees, field, notable activities, death date notes
Abadi, Dr. Suhad al Physician
Abbas, Dr Laith Abdul Aziz Sciences college Nahrain University
Abd-Ali, Ali Ghalib MSc , Assistant lecturer in college of Engineering Al Basrah University
Aboud, Dr Nafi (also: Nafa) dept of Arabic, Baghdad University, murdered May 2004 [2]
Ahmed, Nawfal university professor of the institute of fine arts, Baghdad
Ajeely, Dr Mohsin Sulaiman Al professor of Agriculture in Babel University
Alaany, Dr Zaki Thakir lecturer in college of literature Al Munstansiriya 28/08/2005
Ali, Prof. Dr. Majeed Hussein PhD. in Physics; Faculty member of Science College at Baghdad University; one of

the country's most prominent nuclear scientists, was found dead in early 2004, shot twice in the back; he had been questioned by the ISG.

Allwash, Dr Kadum General manager of Karama Hospital - Baghdad nov/05
Ameer, Dr.Musa Saloum Al Ph.D, Dean Deputy in Education College Al Mustansiriya University 27/05/2005
Ansary, Dr. saad yaseen al professor in the Baghdad University
Assadi, Dr. Najih Al Heart Surgeon, Threats of murder, Left the country
Attar, Dr. Ghassab jabber MSc Assistant lectural in college of Engineering Al Basrah University
Attar, Prof. Dr. Abbass al PhD. in Humanities; faculty member at Baghdad University.
Awad, Kadhum Mashhut assassinated in Basrah, Dean of Agriculture Faculty in University of Basrah, found cut into pieces after being taken by the

police from his house

Aymen, Dr. Sami specialist in the field of malignant and chronic diseases nov/05
Aziz, Dr. Faiz Ghani Phd in Agricultural farming, Director General of the Iraqi Vegetable Oil Company july/03

"Surnames" beginning with B

name academic degrees, field, notable activities, death date notes
Baaj, Professor Haidar Al Director of Albasrah hospital
Bahadili, Akil Abdel Yabar al professor and vicedean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of al Nahrain (Baghdad), director of the Adamiya Hospital,

specialist in internal medicine

Bayati, Dr. Fouad Abrahim Mohammed Al Ph.D in German, Head of german Department in college of languages Baghdad University
Bayatiy, Dr Sabri al PhD Geography Baghdad University June 2004 [2]
Binow, Dr. Raad Okhssin Al PhD. FRCS in Surgery , lecturer in college of medicine Al Anbar University

"Surnames" beginning with D

name academic degrees, field, notable activities, death date notes
Daher, Prof. Dr. Taleb Ibrahim al PhD. in Physics; at College of Science, Diyala University; Iraqi nuclear scientist was shot dead northeast of Baghdad

(Baqouba) by unknown gunmen

December 21, 2004, 10 thul Qu'da 1425 [3]
Dahri, Dr. Khalil Ismail Abd Al Ph.D in Physical Education, Assistant professor in college of Physical Education Baghdad University
Dawood, Prof. Dr. Ala'a Ph.D.; President Scientific Assistant of Basrah University; He was assassinated while he was leaving the university with

three of his colleagues.

Dayni, Amir Mizhir al Communications Engineering
Delaimi, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Falah al (also: Dulaimi) PhD. in Physics; Mustansiriya University. 12/04/2005 [2]
Dilami, Dr. Muhannad Al Ph. In Mechanical Engineering: faculty member Mosul University

"Surnames" beginning with F

name academic degrees, field, notable activities, death date notes
Fahaidawi, Jasim al Doctor, professor of Arabic Literature of the Faculty of Humanities - Mustansiriya University
Fahdawi, Dr. Saadi Ahmad Zidaan Al Ph.D in Islamic science, Lecturer in Islamic Science college Baghdad University 26/03/2004
Faidhy, Sheikh Faidhy al Religious Scholar member of AMS - Mousel 22/11/2004
Fakhri, Dr Omer Basra University- professor of the biological sciences in the college of science
Fedhil, Prof. Dr. Abdullah al PhD. in Chemistry; Basrah University 12/04/2005

"Surnames" beginning with G

name academic degrees, field, notable activities, death date notes
Gerges, Dr.Samir yield Ph.D Assistant professor in college of Administration and Economic Mustansiriya University 28/08/2005

"Surnames" beginning with H

name academic degrees, field, notable activities, death date notes
Hadi, Prof. Dr. Hazim Abdul PhD. in Medicine; faculty member at the College of Medicine at Baghdad University.
Hadithi, Dr. Muhamed Abdul Fatah Nima Al critically injured in an attempt on his life that killed his daughter nov/05
Halim, Isam Said Abd al Geological expert
Hamdoun, Dr Muwafaq Yaha Deputy Dean of Agricutural college, Mousel University, head of the University's academics society, Threats of murder 18/12/2004
Hameed, Prof. Dr. Aalim Abdul PhD. in Preventive Medicine; Specialist in Depleted Uranium health effects on al Basrah population; Dean of Medicine College

at the Mustansiriya University

Hamza, Aamir Ibrahim Msc , in power electric technique, Assistant lecturer
Hashimi, Dr Wissam S. Al president of the Union of Arab Geologists; vice-president IUGS1996-2002;

kidnapped and shot dead, despite paying of ransom

August/September 2004 [4]
Hatim, Dr.Qahtan Kadhim MSc. Assistant In Lecture in college of Engineering Technology University
Hill, Dr. Haifa Alwan Al Ph.D in physic, Lecturer in the college of Science for Women Baghdad University
Hitti, Dr Mustafa Al pediatric doctor, deputy general manager Nour hospital, formely known as Shu'la hospital nov/05
Hitti, Dr. Mustapha Mohammed Al Ph.D in pharmacology, Dean of the Pharmacy college Baghdad University 11/05/2005
Hity, Dr. Mustafa Al consultant Paediatrician
Husain, Dr kadhim talal deputy dean of the college of education in the Mustansiriya University
Hussein, Dr Mahmoud Ibrahim Assistant professor in college of Education
Hussein, Prof. Dr. Muhey PhD. in Aerodynamics; faculty member at the Mechanical Engineering Department at the Technology University.
Hussin, Dr. Falah Ali Deputy in college of Science
Hussine, Dr. Fathal Mosa PhD professor in college of Physical Education Tikrit University

"Surnames" beginning with I

name academic degrees, field, notable activities, death date notes
Ismaeel, Dr Ayad Mohamed Consultant in Dentistry, Threats of murder, Left the country
Izmerly, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Munim al PhD. in Chemistry, chemistry professor, chemical weapons experiments on human

subjects, killed by US interrogation team.

early Feb 2004

"Surnames" beginning with J

name academic degrees, field, notable activities, death date notes
Janabi, Prof. Dr. Abdul Sameia al PhD. in Education; Mustansiriya University
Janabi, Prof. Dr. Khalid M. al PhD. in Islamic History; faculty member at the College of Art, Babylon University
Jarrah, M.A. Kamal al M.A. in English Language; Scholar and author; General Manager at Ministry of Education; He was killed in front of his home

while he was leaving to his office.

Jasim, Dr, Shakir Mahmmoud PhD. in Agriculture Assistant, professor in college of Agriculture, Al Anbar University
Jazairi, Dr. Mohammed Al consultant , orthopaedic
Jazairy, Muhamad Falah Hawaidi al professor at the University Hospital of Kadhemia, Faculty of Medicine, University of al Nahrain, specialist in plastic



"Surnames" beginning with K

name academic degrees, field, notable activities, death date notes
Kamil, Prof. Dr. Ali Abdul Hussein PhD. in physics; faculty member, Physics Department at College of Science, Baghdad University
Kammas, Dr. Jamhour Karim Ph.D in Art Lecturer in college of Art Al Basrah University
Kareem, Dr Hashim Abdul lecturer in college education Mustansiriya University 28/08/2005
Karkhi, Prof. Dr. Basil al PhD. in Chemistry: Lecturer at Baghdad University.
Khafaji, Prof. Dr. Shakier al PhD. in Administration; Director of the Standardization and Quality Control
Khalaf, Dr. Abdl-Hussein Nasir Ph.D in Research Center of Date Palms, Al Basrah University
Khalaf, Dr. Nafeaa ahmmoud Ph.D in Arabic language,professor in college of Art Baghdad University
Khazragi, Dr. Amir Al G.P/consultant nov/05
Khbissy, Dr. Ahmad Abdul- Alrahman hameid Al college of medicine Al Anbar University
Khiero, Prof. Dr. Muneer al PhD. in Law; Faculty member at the Law College of Mosul University; Dr. Lyla's husband
Khudaire, Dr Muhannad Abbas PhD. in Mechanical Engineering; faculty member at the Technology University.

"Surnames" beginning with M

name academic degrees, field, notable activities, death date notes
Mahdi, Mohamed Salih Msc , Assistant lecturer in Research center of cancer, Technical Education Commission nov/05
Mahjoub, Prof. Dr. Wajeeh (also: Wajih) PhD. in Physical Education (Mechanism of human body); General Director of Physical Education at the Ministry of Education;

author of 8 textbooks in Physical Education.

April 2005 [2]
Mahmmoud, Dr.Hussam Al Ddin Ahmad Ph.D in National Education, Chairman of the Education in college of Education Mustansiriya University
Mallah, Dr Amir al Oculist
Mashadani, Prof. Dr. Mustapha al PhD. in religious studies; faculty member, College of Art, Baghdad University.
Mathew, Dr. Noel Butrus S. Professor at the Institution of Health in Mosul.
Mawla, Dr Raad Muhsin Mutar al head of the biological sciences in the college of science
Mayah, Prof. Dr. Abdul-Latif Ali al PhD. in Economy; director of the Arab World Research and Studies Centre at Mustansiriya University, head of Baghdad Centre for Human Rights, critic of Iraqi Governing Council January 19, 2004 [5]
Mohammed, Dr. Essam Sharif Ph.D in History , Assistant professor in college of Art Baghdad University
Moosawy, Dr. Haikal Mohammed al Kindy medical college - Baghdad University
Morab, Dr. Saadi Dagher Ph.D in Fin Art , Assistant professor in college of Fin Art Baghdad University
Mudares, Prof. Dr. Bassem al PhD. in Chemistry; faculty member of the College of Science at Tikreet University. In July 21, 2004: Dr Bassem al Mudares'

mutilated body was found in the city of Samarra, Iraq.

Mudh'hir, Prof. Dr. Marwan G. PhD. in Chemical Engineering; faculty member of the Engineering College, Baghdad University
Mustapha, Prof. Dr. Abdul Jabar PhD. in Political Sciences; Dean of the College of Political Sciences at Al Mosul University.
Mustapha, Prof. Dr. Sabri PhD. in geography; faculty member at the college of art of the Baghdad University
Mu'yad, Dr Sinan Hamdanya town Hospital, killed on the west bank of Mousel nov/05

"Surnames" beginning with O

name academic degrees, field, notable activities, death date notes
Ooda, Dr professor Haithem deputy head of chemical engineering department in the University of Albasrah - kidnapped
O'uff, Dr Specialised surgeon, Threats of murder, Left the country

"Surnames" beginning with Q

name academic degrees, field, notable activities, death date notes
Qaisi, Dr. Fakhri Al Dentist - lecturer at Baghdad University, attempted killing left him critically


Qissi, Dr. Mohammed Najeeb Al Ph.D in Geography, Assistant professor in Research Department Mustansiriya University

"Surnames" beginning with R

name academic degrees, field, notable activities, death date notes
Rasheed, Dr. Marwan Deputy in Engineering college Baghdad
Rawi, Dr. Ahmad Abdl-Hadi Al PhD. in Soil science , lecturer in college of Agriculture Al Anbar University 14 July 2004
Rawi, Dr Marwan al Engineering Professor
Rawi, Prof. Dr. Mohammed A.F. Al FRCS in Medicine; President of Baghdad University; personal physician of Saddam Hussein;

Member of the Arab Board of Medicine; member of Iraqi Board of Medicine; Chairman of the Iraqi Union

July 27, 2003
Rubaiei, Dr. Hassan Abd-Ali Dawood Al Ph.D in Medicine, dean of School of Dentistry, deputy dean in Medicine College, Baghdad University, automatic gunfire death December 25, 2004, 15th Thul Quda 1425 [6]
Rubaiee, Dr Saad Al Basra University - Biological sciences in the college of science
Rubaie, Prof. Dr. Sabah M. al PhD. in Geography; Dean of the College of Education at Mustansiriya University

"Surnames" beginning with S

name academic degrees, field, notable activities, death date notes
Saadi, Dr. Raad Abdul-Latif Al PhD Arabic language adviser - Ministry of higher Education and Scientific Research
Saad, Prof. Dr. Lyla Abdullah al PhD. in Law; Dean of the Law College at Mosul University
Saedi, Dr. Zaki jabar Laftah Al MSc. In Veterinary Medicine, Assistant lecture in Veterinary Medicine college Baghdad University
Salih, Dr. Abdl-Kareem Mekhlef PhD, in Arabic Language, lecturer in college of Education, Al Anbar University
Salih, Dr. Kefaia Hussein Ph.D in English language, lecturer in college of Education Al Basrah University
Sarsam, Prof. Dr. Emad (also Imad) FRCS in Medicine; Member of the Medical Arab Board of

Medicine and the Iraqi Board of Medicine; well known surgeon and scholar

August 31, 2004 [7]
Sharif, Dr Hisham Head of History, Baghdad University, shot dead July 2004 or earlier [2]
Sheekho, Dr. Khalid Faisal Hamid Al Ph.D Assistant professor in college of Physical Education Mosul University
Shlash, Dr. Raad head of the Biology department- school of Science - Baghdad University
Shrieda, Prof. Dr. Asaad Salem PhD. in Engineering; Dean of the Engineering College at al Basrah University.
Shrieda, Prof. Dr. Khalid PhD. in Engineering; dean of the Engineering College at al Basrah University.
Shumeri, Dr Jassim Muhamed al Deputy Dean of Art college in Mustansiriya University - Baghdad, critically

injured in an attempt on his life that killed his dirver


"Surnames" beginning with T

name academic degrees, field, notable activities, death date notes
Ta'aie, Prof Khamail Abdul Majid Al Sciences college Mustansiriya University Baghdad, US arrested 4 of his


Talakani, Dr. Mohammed Tuki Hussein al PhD. in Physics; Iraqi nuclear scientist; He was a practising nuclear physicist since 1984; was shot dead in Mahmudiya, south

of Baghdad.

Thanoon, Mohammed younis MSc. Assistant lecturer in college of Physical Education Mosul University

"Surnames" beginning with U

name academic degrees, field, notable activities, death date notes
Ubaidi, Dr. Sadiq al Neurologist
Ubaidy, Dr Nazar Abdul Amir Al Prof at Baghdad University

"Surnames" beginning with V

name academic degrees, field, notable activities, death date notes
Vancan, Rafi Sarcissan MSc in English language,Lecturer in the college of Education for Women Baghdad University

"Surnames" beginning with W

name academic degrees, field, notable activities, death date notes
Wahed, Dr. Mohammed Abd-AlHussein PhD in Tourism, lecturer in Administration Institute, Technical Education Commission

"Surnames" beginning with Y

name academic degrees, field, notable activities, death date notes
Yassiry, Dr Tawfeeq Al political activist / Shams Al Arab list, Kidnapped 1/11/2005
Yelda, Dr Sameer kidnapped August 5 2005
Younis, Dr.Eman Abd-Almonaom Ph.D in translation , lectural in college of Art Mosul University
Younis, Iman Head of Translation Department - Mosul University

"Surnames" beginning with Z

name academic degrees, field, notable activities, death date notes
Zargani, Dr Jamhour Al University of albasrah 28/08/2005
Zayadi, Dr Hakim Malik Al lecturer of Arabic literature at Al Qadisyia University 24/07/2005
Zubaidi, Dr Ahmed al Dean of Agricultural College - Baghdad University, Threats of murder dec/04
Zuhair, Sheikh Galib Lateef Al teacher and religious scholar - Muqdadiya Diyalay
Zwain, Khawla Mohammad Taqi Medical Doctor, professor of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Kufa





TODO: check the latest WP guide to petitions in external links - probably they can only be accepted if the petition is the main topic itself, if at all...

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Category:Iraqi academics
Category:Assassinated Iraqi people