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Parameter Usage
{{{1}}} Year (e.g. 2019)
{{{2}}} Album text to display (e.g. IGOR)
{{{3}}} Album page to link to (e.g. IGOR (album))
{{{4}}} (Optional) Toggle whether you want the text to say "is" or "was", true and false respectively. To change it, set this param to 0, no, true, etc. Defaults to "is".

Example Outputs

{{User:Mcguy15/UBX/aoty|2019|IGOR|Igor (album)}}
This user's album of the year of 2019 is IGOR
{{User:Mcguy15/UBX/aoty|2019|IGOR|Igor (album)|0}}
This user's album of the year of 2019 was IGOR