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My interests

My interests — These are a few of my favorite things

Academic interests


Primary disciplines: Mathematics/Logic/Physics/Philosophy/Science.
Primary fields: Mathematical logic, Mathematical physics, Theoretical physics, Systems theory, Information theory.

Metatheoretic areas: Metalogic, Metamathematics, Metascience, Metaphysics.
Philosophical areas: Philosophy of logic, Philosophy of mathematics, Philosophy of science, Philosophy of physics, Philosophy of quantum mechanics, Philosophy of mind.

Secondary fields: Neuroscience, Cognitive science, Cybernetics, Artificial Intelligence, Longevity, Genetics, Genomics.

Intellectual interests


Scientific subjects: Mathematics, Physics, Neuroscience, Cognitive science, Genetics.
Technoscientific subjects: Computing, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Metamaterials, Cybernetics, Artificial Intelligence, Brain-computer interfaces.
Metatheoretical branches: Metalogic, Metamathematics, Metaphysics, Metascience.
Philosophical branches: Philosophy of mind, Philosophy of life, Philosophy of science, Philosophy of mathematics, Philosophy of physics, Philosophy of quantum mechanics, Philosophy of logic.
Philosophical concepts: Constructivism, Positivism, Idealism, Scientism, Intellectualism.
Mathematical concepts: Finitism, Constructivism (mathematics), Incompleteness.
Physical concepts: Realism, Determinism, Indeterminism, Relativity, Locality.
Intellectual concepts: Freethought, Rationalism, Skepticism, Fallibilism.
Moral concepts: Ignosticism, Agnosticism, Nontheism, Atheism, Antitheism.
Ethical concepts: Non-cognitivism, Relativism, Utilitarianism, Humanism.
Ideological concepts: Singularitarianism, Extropianism, Transhumanism, Posthumanism, Technogaianism.

Computing interests


My Preference: FOSS, GNU/Linux, Rolling releases & Distro hopping.
My Hardware: Custom built PC (see Homebuilt computer & Barebone computer) with RAID, tablet computer & smart 3D TV. At least, once I get around to buying them, that is; for now, I'm stuck with my ancient Dell Inspiron 510m laptop. :-(
My FOSS: KDE4 / KDE Software Compilation 4, Qt, GNOME3, GTK+, E17, Compiz, Metisse, Emerald, LG3D, Wayland, X Windows / X11, XFree86, X.Org Server, Mozilla Thunderbird, Mozilla Firefox, Chromium browser, Arora, Qupzilla, Rekonq, Konqueror, Dolphin, KMail, Kontact, KAddressBook, KWallet, KGet, KompoZer, BlueGriffon, BlueFish, Kformula, KCalc, KMPlayer, Dragon Player, Amarok, KWrite, KATE, KOffice, Calligra Suite, Libre Office, Dia, Gnumeric, AbiWord, WikidPad, LaTeX, TeX, GNU Octave, Cantor, Euler, Evince, Okular, GwenView, K3b, Ark, GNU Parted, UNetbootin, KlamAV, ClamAV, Firestarter, Yakuake, Ext4, Reiser4, Btrfs, NILFS2, ZFS, Tux3, FUSE, LVM2, GRUB2, Systemd, Linux kernel, GNU.

† I'm waiting till KDE5 before switching from X Windows to Wayland; also, I don't really use LG3D, but I definitely would if it was actively developed! With 3D taking off big-time, maybe someone will finally get around to giving it the attention it deserves; I wish someone would also resurrect Daniel Phillips' Tux3 filesystem and continue development of Reiser4 filesystem so that support could be merged into the Linux kernel.
My software wishlist would also include: a good rolling release FOSS tablet OS; a collaborative FOSS equivalent of Google's web-search and cloud-based software services that could be integrated with Linux; Arch Linux package signing for Pacman; and, a newbie-friendly KDE Arch Linux distro (Chakra Linux doesn't quite do it for me). Oh, please – pretty, pretty please – you magical software developer elves. :-)

FOSS Rolling OSs: Aptosid, PCLinuxOS, Sabayon Linux, openSUSE (Tumbleweed), Chakra Linux, Arch Linux, Unity Linux, Foresight Linux, YOPER & Linux Mint (LMDE).
FOSS Mobile OSs: Android, WebOS, Tizen, Meego, LiMo, SHR, Openmoko, Bada[TBC], Ubuntu Moblile[TBD].
FOSS Cloud OSs: Chromium OS, Firefox OS, Joli OS, eyeOS & ownCloud.
FOSS Web editors: Basic website design uing KompoZer, BlueGriffon & BlueFish.
FOSS Wiki editors: Wiki editing via web browser & WikiEd, though looking for a good dedicated FOSS wiki reader & editor for Linux.
Future goals: Learn how to write programming code; learn to how to fully use a CLI; learn how to build a Linux distribution; build my own PC; build a computer cluster; set-up my own computer server as a personal mail server and web cloud using ownCloud.

Medical interests


Chronic pain, Disability, Soft tissue injury, Musculoskeletal injury, Spinal injury & Chiropractic-induced injuries.