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User:Alex Smotrov/iwiki.js

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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var iwiki = new function (){

// View interwiki

var pLang, ul, lis, count, ww, displayMode = window.iwDisplayMode || 0

this.onLoad = function(){
 pLang = document.getElementById('p-lang')
 if (!pLang) return
 var h3 = pLang.getElementsByTagName('h3')[0]
 if (!h3) return
 h3.addEventListener('click', iwiki.display)
 h3.style.cursor = 'pointer'
 h3.title = 'Change how interwiki displayed'
 if (displayMode) iwiki.display() 

 if (mw.config.get('wgAction')=='edit' || mw.config.get('wgAction')=='submit')

this.display = function(){
 if (displayMode > 3) displayMode = 1
 var aa, page
 if (!ww) getDisplayedList()
 switch (displayMode){
 case 1: //no change
   ww.sort(function(a,b){return a.i > b.i ? 1 : -1})
   for(i=0; i < count; i++){
     aa = ww[i].li.firstChild
     aa.title = ''
     aa.innerHTML = ww[i].local
 case 2: //English names
   ww.sort(function(a,b){return a.name > b.name ? 1 : -1})
   for(i=0; i < count; i++){
     aa = ww[i].li.firstChild
     aa.title = ww[i].local
     aa.innerHTML = ww[i].name 
 case 3: //actual interwiki links
   ww.sort(function(a,b){return a.lang > b.lang ? 1 : -1})
   for(i=0; i < count; i++){
     aa = ww[i].li.firstChild
     page = aa.href.match(/org\/wiki\/(.*)$/)[1]
     page = decodeURIComponent(page)
     aa.title = ww[i].name + ': ' + page
     aa.innerHTML = ww[i].lang + ':' + page
 for(i=1; i < count; i++)

function getDisplayedList(){
 ul = pLang.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0] 
 lis = ul.getElementsByTagName('li')
 count = lis.length
 ww = new Array(count)
 var aa, lang
 for (var i=0; i < count; i++){
   aa = lis[i].firstChild
   lang = aa.href.substring(7, aa.href.indexOf('.'))
   ww[i] = { 
     lang: lang,
     local: aa.innerHTML,
     name: iwNames[lang] || '- ' + aa.innerHTML,	
     li: lis[i],
     i: i 

// Sync interwiki

var wpTextbox1, iw, iwdiv, iwtable, queriedLink, siteLang, wasRedirect

this.loadSync = function(){
 mw.util.addPortletLink('p-lang', 'javascript:iwiki.sync()', '(sync)')

this.sync = function(){
 iw = []
 queriedLink = ''
 wasRedirect = false
 siteLang = mw.config.get('wgServer').substring(7, mw.config.get('wgServer').indexOf('.'))
 wpTextbox1 = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1')
 var i, m, ma, re, txt = wpTextbox1.value
 //find local interwikis
 for (i in iwNames){
   re = new RegExp('\\[\\['+i+':'+'[^\\]]+\\]\\]', 'gi');   
   if (ma = txt.match(re)){
     if (ma.length==0) continue  
     for (var m=0; m < ma.length; m++)
       addIW(ma[m].substring(2,ma[m].length-2), false)  //drop brackets
 //add self
 addIW(siteLang + ':' + mw.config.get('wgPageName').replace(/_/g, ' ')) 

function showDiv(){
 if (iwdiv) iwdiv.style.display = 'block'
 else createDiv()
 //scroll to it
 var yy = iwdiv.offsetTop, obj = iwdiv
 while (obj = obj.offsetParent) yy += obj.offsetTop
 scrollTo(0, yy)

function createDiv(){
 var div = document.createElement('div')
 div.innerHTML =  '<div id=iwdiv style="padding:10px; margin:5px; border:1px solid gray; min-height:150px">\
<div style="float:left; margin-right:20px">\
<br><input type=button value=Query id=iwNext onclick=iwiki.queryNext()\
<br><br><input type=button value="Add All" id=appendAll onclick=iwiki.appendAll()\
<br><br><br><input type=button value=Apply id=iwApply onclick=iwiki.apply()\
<br><br><input type=button value=Cancel id=iwCancel onclick=iwiki.cancel()\
 wpTextbox1.parentNode.insertBefore(div, wpTextbox1.nextSibling)
 iwdiv = div.firstChild
 //document.getElementById('iwNext').onclick = iwiki.queryNext
 //document.getElementById('iwApply').onclick = iwiki.apply
 //document.getElementById('iwCancel').onclick = iwiki.cancel

function drawTable(){
 iw.sort(function(a,b){ return (a.lnk>b.lnk)?1:-1})
 var tb = document.createElement('tbody')
 var tr, td, nocell, needAddAllButton = false, lang, prev = ''
 for (var i=0; i<iw.length; i++){
   tr = document.createElement('tr') 
   lang = getLang(iw[i].lnk)
   isself = (siteLang == lang)
   //«x» link to delete cell
   if (iw[i].local && !isself)
     putCell('<a title=remove href="javascript:iwiki.remove(\'' + i + '\')">x</a>',' ') 
     putCell('', ' ') 
   td.style.paddingRight = '5px'
   //local  cell
   if (iw[i].local) {
     if (isself) {
       putCell (iw[i].lnk)
       td.style.color = 'gray'
       td.style.fontSize = 'smaller'
       if (iw[i].isnew) td.style.backgroundColor = '#DFFFEF'
       if (queriedLink == iw[i].lnk) { //was just queried
          td.style.backgroundColor = '#EFEFEF'
          td.style.fontWeight = 'bold'
     if (lang == prev) td.style.border = '2px solid red'
     prev = lang
   }else //local missing
     putCell('', '#FFEADF') 
   //status cell
   if (isself){  
     putCell('', ' ')
   }else if (!iw[i].local && iw[i].remote) {
     putCell('<a title=append href="javascript:iwiki.append(\'' + i + '\')">←</a>', ' ')
     needAddAllButton = true
     htm = '<a title=query href="javascript:iwiki.query(\'' + i + '\')"'
     htm += (iw[i].queried) ? '>v' : '>?'
     putCell(htm+'</a>', ' ')
   td.style.textAlign = 'center'
   td.style.width = '50px'
   //remote cell
   if (iw[i].remote){
     if (iw[i].local) putCell('', '#F5F5F5');
     else putCell (getFullLink(iw[i].lnk))
   }else if (!queriedLink || queriedLink == iw[i].lnk){ //remote not needed
     if (wasRedirect) putCell('(redirect)', ' ')
     else putCell('', ' ')
   }else{ //remote is absent
     putCell('', '#FFEADF')
   //add row
 if (iwtable) 
   iwtable.replaceChild(tb, iwtable.firstChild)
   iwtable = document.createElement('table')
   iwtable.id = 'iwtable' 
 document.getElementById('appendAll').style.visibility = needAddAllButton ? 'visible' : 'hidden'

 function putCell(htm, style){
  td = document.createElement('td')
  td.style.padding = '0 10px 0 10px '
  td.innerHTML = htm
  if (!style) 
    td.style.border = '1px dotted gray'
  else if (style != ' ') 
    td.style.backgroundColor = style

function addIW(iwlink, isRemote){
 if (!isRemote){ //local
   var iwnew = {}
   iwnew.lnk = iwlink
   iwnew.local = true
   //iwnew.remote = false
   //iwnew.queried = false
   iw[iw.length] = iwnew
 }else{ //remote
   //if (siteLang == getLang(iwlink)) return
   var isFound = false
   for (var i=0; i<iw.length; i++)
     if (iw[i].lnk == iwlink) { isFound = true;  break }
   if (isFound){
     iw[i].remote = true
     var iwnew = {}
     iwnew.lnk = iwlink
     iwnew.local = false
     iwnew.remote = true
     iw[iw.length] = iwnew

function getLang(iwlink){ //en:Page -> en
 return iwlink.substring(0, iwlink.indexOf(':'))

function getPage(iwlink){ // //en:Page -> Page
 return iwlink.substring(iwlink.indexOf(':')+1)

function getFullLink(iwlink){ ////en:Page -> <a href=…
 return '<a href="' + 'http://' + getLang(iwlink) 
   + mw.config.get('wgServer').substring(mw.config.get('wgServer').indexOf('.')) + '/wiki/' 
   + encodeURIComponent(getPage(iwlink))  + '">' + iwlink + '</a>'

this.append = function(i){
 iw[i].local = true
 iw[i].isnew = true

this.appendAll = function(){
 for (var i=0; i<iw.length; i++)
   if (!iw[i].local && iw[i].remote){
      iw[i].local = true
      iw[i].isnew = true

this.remove = function(i){
 iw[i].local = false

this.apply = function(){
 var i, re, txt = wpTextbox1.value
 //remove old
 for (i in iwNames){
   re = new RegExp('\\[\\['+i+':'+'[^\\]]+\\]\\]\n?', 'gi')
   txt = txt.replace(re, '\x01') 
 //create new
 var iwtxt = ''
 for (i=0; i<iw.length; i++)
   if (iw[i].local && getLang(iw[i].lnk) != siteLang) 
     iwtxt += '[' + '[' + iw[i].lnk + ']]\n'
 //append new
 txt = txt.replace('\x01', iwtxt).replace(/\x01/g,'')
 wpTextbox1.value = txt
 iwdiv.style.display = 'none'

this.cancel = function(){
 iwdiv.style.display = 'none'

this.queryNext = function(){
 for (var i=0; i<iw.length; i++)
   if (iw[i].local && !iw[i].queried && getLang(iw[i].lnk) != siteLang) { 

this.query = function(idx){
 document.getElementById('iwNext').style.textDecoration = 'blink'
 queriedLink = iw[idx].lnk //remember
  + '&proxylang='+getLang(queriedLink),  iwiki.process )

this.process = function(q){
 document.getElementById('iwNext').style.textDecoration = 'none'
 //mark queried link
 for (var i=0; i<iw.length; i++) 
   if (queriedLink == iw[i].lnk){ iw[i].queried = true;  break  }
 //clear last results
 for (var i=0; i<iw.length; i++) { 
   iw[i].remote = false
   if (!iw[i].local) { iw.splice(i,1); i-- } //remove item
 //add new iwikis
 links = anyChild(q.pages).langlinks
 if (links){
   for (var n=0; n<links.length; n++){
     iwlink = links[n].lang + ':' + links[n]['*']
     addIW(iwlink, true)
   wasRedirect = false
 }else if (typeof anyChild(q.pages).redirect == 'string') 
   wasRedirect = true 

function queryGo(params, func){
 var aj = sajax_init_object()
 aj.onreadystatechange = function() {
   if (aj.readyState != 4) return
   //if (aj.status == 200) {
   //} else jsMsg('Empty query result') //else func(null)
 var url='/w/query.php?format=json&noprofile&what=' + params

//interwiki codes and names, extracted from http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/List_of_Wikipedias
var iwNames = {
'no':'Norwegian (Bokmål)',
'new':'Newar / Nepal Bhasa',
'nn':'Norwegian (Nynorsk)',
'bpy':'Bishnupriya Manipuri',
'simple':'Simple English',
'nds':'Low Saxon',
'be-x-old':'Belarusian (Tarashkevitsa)',
'ru-sib':'Siberian/North Russian',
'fy':'West Frisian',
'gd':'Scottish Gaelic',
'hsb':'Upper Sorbian',
'zh-min-nan':'Min Nan',
'se':'Northern Sami',
'nds-nl':'Dutch Low Saxon',
'vls':'West Flemish',
'zh-classical':'Classical Chinese',
'pdc':'Pennsylvania German',
'tpi':'Tok Pisin',
'arc':'Assyrian Neo-Aramaic',
'cu':'Old Church Slavonic',
'cbk-zam':'Zamboanga Chavacano',
'cdo':'Min Dong',
'bxr':'Buryat (Russia)',
'ii':'Sichuan Yi',
'ho':'Hiri Motu',

} //obj

function anyChild(obj) {  for(var key in obj)  return obj[key]; return null }
