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Talk:Ostrówki massacre

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In his 1997 study, Filar came to the conclusion that the sole result of the actions of OUN and UPA were to destroy the Polish population. This he bases on a command given by "Klym Savur" regarding the liquidation of he urban Polish population. Information about this command was obtained from a criminal deposition of Yuri Stelmashchuk which existed in the archive of the SBU in Volyn. The command was apparently a secret one given orally and under torture by D. Kliachkivsky to liquidate all Polish elements in the region. Filar comes to the conclusion that UIA consciously aimed their actions against the civilian Polish population. He also concludes that the UIA made its priority the extermination of Polish elements rather than fighting the occupiers. Filar's arguments were aimed at providing credible reasons for the undertaking of the Operation Wisła by the Polish Communist government.

Filar's thesis was criticized as being tantamount to rehabilitating the acts of the communist administration and as being politically incorrect by Grzegorz Motyka and Rafał Wnuk. The authors put forward the thesis that in order not to have a repetition of the acts following 1918, the leaders of the UIA proclaimed to the Polish population that they were to leave Ukrainian territories by July 1943 and in order to speed up this exodus a "planned restricted terror" was launched. However, due to certain conditions (in particular the Soviet aligned partisans) the situation in Volyn went out of control. Mass murders began on July 11, 1943 when in 167 population centres simultaneous actions were launched. This created a panic in the Polish population. Rather than the expected results of population migration many Poles joined partisan groups or the auxiliary police and organised defense leagues. As a result the actions of the OUN and UIA provoked the Poles to "bloody counter actions". --Bandurist (talk) 19:33, 16 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Motyka in Ukraińska Partyzantka (2006), mention about Klaczkiwski order too. And there is a second proof of his order - a letter from Jurij Stelmaszuk.

Druże Ruban! Przekazuję do waszej wiadomości, że w czerwcu 1943 r. przedstawiciel centralnego Prowodu – dowódca UPA – „Piwnycz” „Kłym Sawur” przekazał mi tajną dyrektywę w sprawie całkowitej – powszechnej, fizycznej likwidacji ludności polskiej.(...) Dla wykonania tej dyrektywy proszę rzetelnie przygotować się do akcji przeciw Polakom i wyznaczam odpowiedzialnych: w rejonach nadbużańskich – kurinnego „Łysoho”, na rejony turzyski, owadnowski, oździutycki i pozostałe – „Sosenka”; na okręg kowelski – „Hołobenka”.

Sława Ukraini.

Dowódca grupy UPA „Turiw” – „Rudyj”,

24 czerwca 1943 r. Stawka

Autor: Jurij Stelmaszczuk „Rudyj”. dowódca Północno – zachodniego OW „Turiw”

Dear Ruban. I inform you, that in June 1943 head commander UPA Piwnycz Kłym Sawur give me a secret directive about entire, of mass, physical Polish extermination . To make this directive please prepare to anti-Polish action and I am assigning responsible in area: nabuzanski - "kurin" comander Łysoho, .....

Glory Ukraine

Head commander UPA Turiw - Rudyj

24 July 1943, Stawka

Jurij Stelmaszczuk

As I said few days ago, Motyka updated his statemanets about Massacres of Poles. Now he even support thesis about genocide on Poles. You can read it in "Ukraińska Partyzantka".--Paweł5586 (talk) 20:05, 16 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]