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Tossing aside his career as a corporate lawyer in Spain, Miguel became a freelance war correspondent in Sarajevo and later, an award winning cameraman for AP Television News.
Tossing aside his career as a corporate lawyer in Spain, Miguel became a freelance war correspondent in Sarajevo and later, an award winning cameraman for AP Television News.

Reporter [[Kurt Schork]] and cameraman Miguel Gil Moreno de Mora were shot to death in an ambush in Sierra Leone, May 24th, 2000.
The documentary ON THE SPOT—MIGUEL, NË TERREN (2003) impressively demonstrates the significance of Miguel Gil Moreno de Mora’s work.

Miguel Gil Moreno de Mora and Reuters Correspondent Kurt Schork were shot to death in an ambush in Sierra Leone, May 24th, 2000.

Miguel, 32, was "a big man — big of heart," in the words of AP photographer Santiago Lyon.

[edit]Kurt's Death

Reporter Kurt Schork and cameraman Miguel Gil Moreno de Mora were shot to death in an ambush in Sierra Leone, May 24th, 2000.
Kurt, who worked for the Reuters News Agency, was both an unnerving rival and a moral beacon to correspondents wherever he travelled.
Legendary for his blunt reports from the most dangerous and difficult stories, Kurt was simply the best at what he did.
Half of Kurt's ashes were buried next to his mother, Margaret, on May 31, 2000 near Washington, D.C.. Kurt's remaining ashes were buried in Sarajevo on August 2, 2000. The grave lies next to those of two lovers, whose deaths Kurt wrote poignantly about in 1993.

== From Miguel's Mother ==
== From Miguel's Mother ==

“Miguel was a truly extraordinary person, as a son, a brother, as everything. Miguel fought all his life for his ideals and has died for them. He lived the stories he covered, because he felt his mission was to give voice to those who did not have one”.
“Miguel was a truly extraordinary person, as a son, a brother, as everything. Miguel fought all his life for his ideals and has died for them. He lived the stories he covered, because he felt his mission was to give voice to those who did not have one”.
“I am filled with overwhelming sadness and grief, but in the end I find solace in the fact that Miguel was doing the job he loved and died doing the work he felt ordained for”.
“I am filled with overwhelming sadness and grief, but in the end I find solace in the fact that Miguel was doing the job he loved and died doing the work he felt ordained for”.

== Links ==

== Español ==

Miguel Gil Moreno el 21 de Junio de 1967 en Barcelona. Estudió Derecho en la Universidad de Barcelona y ejerció la abogacía hasta que a principios de los 90, movido por sus ideales, decidió dar un cambio radical a su vida y se fue a Bosnia, donde pronto empezó a mandar reportajes al diario El Mundo y a la Cadena Ser. Poco después se convirtió en camarógrafo.

Su buen carácter, su coraje para aprender y su dedicación al trabajo, además de su llamativa disposición para ayudar a todos, hizo que enseguida fuera considerado uno más entre los veteranos periodistas de Sarajevo. Logró mantener la comunicación con el exterior en lo más pétreo del cerco a Sarajevo, arriesgando su vida unas veces por motivos profesionales, otras por imperativos morales y de amistad y en no pocos momentos bajo el fuego de las balas serbias.

Las imágenes filmadas por Miguel han sido vistas en todo el mundo. Su cámara captó la angustia de los albano-kosovares, acosados por los militares serbios en Prístina y él fue uno de los tres únicos periodistas occidentales que permanecieron en esa ciudad durante la ofensiva aérea de la OTAN sobre el ejército yugoslavo. Acompañó también al naciente Ejército de Liberación Kosovar (KLA) del que obtuvo la primeras imágenes en acción, pasando dos semanas bajo los bombardeos serbios. Pero los momentos más peligrosos de su vida, según escribió él mismo, los padeció en Chechenia, cuando fue también el único camarógrafo occidental que consiguió entrar en la capital, Grozny, en lo más crudo de los bombardeos rusos. Sus imágenes fueron la única ventana al mundo exterior que lograron abrir los ciudadanos chechenios en cinco años de guerra.

Miguel desarrolló una excelente, arriesgada y humanitaria labor profesional, en numerosos frentes de batalla como Bosnia, Kosovo, Congo, Liberia, Ruanda, Sudán, Chechenia y Sierra Leona.

El 24 de mayo de 2000, mientras desarrollaba su labor profesional, una emboscada guerrillera en Sierra Leona acabó con su vida.

Miguel fue un corresponsal de guerra que hizo de su vida un servicio a los demás, a la verdad de los hechos y a las personas inocentes que padecen los conflictos bélicos, para lograr que otros entendiéramos la sinrazón de la guerra y la comunidad internacional no permaneciese pasiva.

Miguel amaba su trabajo porque pensaba que era la más bella de las profesiones y su empeño fue convertirse en la voz clamante de todos aquellos que no podían gritar aunque estaban atravesando el peor momento de su existencia.

De la Madre de Miguel

* [http://www.fundacionmiguelgilmoreno.com Fundacion Miguel Gil Moreno]
“Miguel era una persona extraordinaria, como hijo, como hermano, como persona. Miguel luchó toda su vida por sus ideales y ha muerto por ellos. Vivía intensamente las historias que cubría y sentía que su misión era la de dar su voz a aquellos que no la tenían.”
* [http://www.ksmemorial.com/miguel.htm Memoria Miguel Gil Moreno]
“Siento una tristeza y una pena abrumadora, pero a pesar de todo siento el consuelo de saber que Miguel estaba haciendo el trabajo que quería hacer y para el que estaba predestinado”.
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Revision as of 22:15, 22 October 2008

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Miguel Gil Moreno de Mora

Miguel Gil Moreno de Mora (1968–May 24, 2000) was a Spanish cameraman, working for Associated Press.

After a successful career as a corporate lawyer in Spain, Miguel became a freelance war correspondent first in Sarajevo and later, an award winning cameraman for AP Television.

He was killed in an ambush in Sierra Leone together with Reuters correspondent Kurt Schork.

Miguel, 32, was "a big man — big of heart," in the words of AP photographer Santiago Lyon.

Tossing aside his career as a corporate lawyer in Spain, Miguel became a freelance war correspondent in Sarajevo and later, an award winning cameraman for AP Television News.

Reporter Kurt Schork and cameraman Miguel Gil Moreno de Mora were shot to death in an ambush in Sierra Leone, May 24th, 2000.

From Miguel's Mother

“Miguel was a truly extraordinary person, as a son, a brother, as everything. Miguel fought all his life for his ideals and has died for them. He lived the stories he covered, because he felt his mission was to give voice to those who did not have one”. “I am filled with overwhelming sadness and grief, but in the end I find solace in the fact that Miguel was doing the job he loved and died doing the work he felt ordained for”.