List of philosophers born in the 18th century
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Philosophers born in the 18th century (and others important in the history of philosophy), listed alphabetically:
- Note: This list has a minimal criterion for inclusion and the relevance to philosophy of some individuals on the list is disputed.
[edit]- Jacob Friedrich von Abel, (1751–1829)
- John Abercrombie, (1780–1844)[f]
- Johann Heinrich Abicht, (1762–1816)
- John Adams, (1735–1826)
- Francesco Algarotti, (1712–1764)
- Archibald Alison, (1757–1839)[d]
- John Allen, (1771–1843)[f]
- Anton Wilhelm Amo, (1703 – c. 1759)[d]
- Robert Aspland, (1782–1845)[f]
- Georg Anton Friedrich Ast, (1778–1841)
- John Austin, (1790–1859)[a][b][c][d][e][f]
- Pierre Hyacinthe Azais, (1766–1845)
[edit]- Franz Xaver von Baader, (1765–1841)
- Charles Babbage, (1791–1871)[a][f]
- Samuel Bailey, (1791–1870)[f]
- Pierre-Simon Ballanche, (1776–1847)
- John Ballantyne, (1778–1830)[f]
- Christoph Gottfried Bardili, (1761–1808)
- Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten, (1714–1762)[a][d]
- James Beattie, (1735–1803)[a][d]
- Cesare, Marquis of Beccaria, (1738–1794)[a]
- Jacob Sigismund Beck, (1761–1840)[d]
- Charles Bell, (1774–1842)[f]
- Thomas Belsham, (1750–1829)[f]
- William Belsham, (1752–1829)[f]
- Friedrich Eduard Beneke, (1798–1854)[a]
- Jeremy Bentham, (1748–1832)[a][b][c][d]
- William Blackstone, (1723–1780)[d]
- Hugh Blair, (1718–1800)[d]
- William Blake, (1757–1827)[f]
- Robert Blakey, (1795–1878)[f]
- Bernard Bolzano, (1781–1848)[a][b][c][d][e]*
- Louis Gabriel Ambroise de Bonald, (1754–1840)
- Charles Bonnet, (1720–1793)[d]
- Rudjer Boscovich, (1711–1787)[a]
- David Brewster, (1781–1868)[f]
- Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, (1755–1826)[b][c]
- Benjamin Collins Brodie, (1783–1862)[f]
- Henry Brougham, (1778–1868)[f]
- Thomas Brown, (1778–1820)[d][f]
- Robert Buchanan, (1786–1873)[f]
- Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon, (1707–1788)[d]
- William Burdon, (1764–1818)[f]
- Edmund Burke, (1729–1797)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Lawrence Butterworth, (1740–1828)[f]
[edit]- Pierre Jean George Cabanis, (1757–1808)[d]
- George Campbell, (1719–1796)[d]
- Thomas Carlyle, (1795–1881)[a][d]
- Petr Iakovlevich Chaadev, (1794–1856)[d]
- Heinrich Moritz Chalybäus, (1796–1862)
- Chang Hsueh-ch'eng (or Zhang Xuecheng), (1738–1801)[a]
- Tasan Chông Yagyong, (1762–1836)[d]
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge, (1772–1834)[b][c][d]
- Auguste Comte, (1798–1857)[a][b][c][d]
- Étienne Bonnot de Condillac, (1715–1780)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Marquis de Condorcet, (1743–1794)[a][c][d]
- Benjamin Constant, (1767–1830)[a][b][c][d]
- Victor Cousin, (1792–1867)[a][d]
- Johann Ulrich von Cramer, (1706–1772)
- Christian August Crusius, (1715–1775)[a][d]
[edit]- Jean le Rond d'Alembert, (1717–1783)[a][b][c][d]
- Joseph de Maistre, (1753–1821)[a][b][c]
- Emerich de Vattel, (1714–1767)
- Denis Diderot, (1713–1784)[a][b][c][d]
- Émilie du Châtelet, (1706–1749)[d]
[edit]- Johann Augustus Eberhard, (1739–1809)[d]
- Jonathan Edwards, (1703–1758)[a][b][c][d][e]
[edit]- Adam Ferguson, (1723–1816)[a][b][c][d]
- Johann Gottlieb Fichte, (1762–1814)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Immanuel Hermann Fichte, (1797–1879)
- David Fordyce, (1711–1751)[a]
- Charles Fourier, (1772–1837)[a]
- Benjamin Franklin, (1706–1790)[b][c][d]
- Jakob Friedrich Fries, (1773–1843)[d]
[edit]- Alexander Gerard, (1728–1795)[d]
- Giacinto Sigismondo Gerdil, (1718–1802)[d]
- Thomas Gisbourne, (1758–1846)
- William Godwin, (1756–1836)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, (1749–1832)[a][b][c][d]
- George Grote, (1794–1871)
[edit]- Johann Georg Hamann, (1730–1788)[a][d][e]
- Sir William Hamilton, (1788–1856)[a][b][c][d][f]
- Renn Dickson Hampden, (1793–1868)[f]
- David Hartley, (1705–1757)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Julius Charles Hare, (1795–1855)[f]
- Graves Chamney Haughton, (1788–1849)[f]
- Laetitia Matilda Hawkins, (1759–1851)[f]
- David Ramsay Hay, (1798–1866)[f]
- Mary Hays, (1760–1843)[f]
- Francis Haywood, (1798–1858)[f]
- William Hazlitt, (1778–1830)[f]
- G.W.F. Hegel, (1770–1831)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Claude Adrien Helvétius, (1715–1771)[a][b][c][d]
- Johann Friedrich Herbart, (1776–1841)[a][d]
- Johann Gottfried Herder, (1744–1803)[a][b][c][d][e]
- John Herschel, (1792–1871)[f]
- Samuel Heywood, (1753–1828)[f]
- Laurens Perseus Hickok, (1798–1888)
- Hermann Friedrich Wilhelm Hinrichs, (1794–1861)
- Thomas Hodgskin, (1787–1869)[f]
- Josef Hoëné-Wronski, (1778–1853)
- Baron d'Holbach, (1723–1789)[a][b][c][e]
- Friedrich Hölderlin, (1770–1843)[a][d]
- John Hoppus, (1789–1875)[f]
- Wilhelm von Humboldt, (1767–1835)[a][b][c][d][e]*
- David Hume, (1711–1776)[a][b][c][d][e]
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[edit]- Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi, (1743–1819)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Thomas Jefferson, (1743–1826)[b][c][d]
- Alexander Bryan Johnson, (1786–1867)[d]
- Dr. Samuel Johnson, (1709–1784)[b][c][d]
- Théodore Simon Jouffroy, (1796–1842)
[edit]- Theophilos Kairis (1784–1853)
- Immanuel Kant, (1724–1804)[a][b][c][d][e]*
- Heinrich von Kleist, (1777–1811)[a]
- Richard Payne Knight, (1750–1824)
- Martin Knutzen, (1713–1751)[d]
- Hugo Kołłątaj, (1750–1812)
- Karl Christian Friedrich Krause, (1781–1832)[a][d]
- Nachman Krochmal, (1785–1840)[d]
- Wilhelm Traugott Krug, (1770–1842)
[edit]- Julien Offray de La Mettrie, (1709–1751)[a][b][c][d]
- Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, (1744–1829)[b][c]
- Johann Heinrich Lambert, (1728–1777)[a][d]
- Lamennais, (1752–1854)
- Pierre-Simon Laplace, (1749–1827)[a][b][c]
- Pierre Laromiguière, (1756–1837)
- Giacomo Leopardi, (1798–1837)
- Pierre Leroux, (1798–1871)[a]
- Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, (1729–1781)[a][b][c][d]
- Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, (1742–1799)[b][c][d]
- Carl Linnaeus, (1707–1778)[d]
[edit]- Gabriel Bonnot de Mably, (1709–1785)
- Salomon Maimon (or Salomon ben Joshua), (1753–1800)[a][d][e]
- Maine de Biran, (1766–1824)[b][c][d]
- Moses Mendelssohn, (1729–1786)[a][b][c][d][e]
- James Mill, (1773–1836)[a][b][c][d][e]
- John Millar, (1735–1801)[d]
- Lord Monboddo (or James Burnett), (1714–1799)[d]
- Motoori Norinaga, (1730–1801)[d]
[edit]- Lorenz Oken, (1779–1851)[d]
- James Oswald, (1703–1793)[d]
[edit]- Thomas Paine, (1737–1809)[a][b][c][d]
- William Paley, (1743–1805)[a][d]
- Thomas Percival, (1740–1804)[a]
- Issac de Pinto, (1715–1787)
- Richard Price, (1723–1791)[a][b][c][d]
- Joseph Priestley, (1733–1804)[a][b][c][d]
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[edit]- Daniel Raymond, (1786–1849)
- August Wilhelm Rehberg, (fl. late 18th century)[e]*
- Thomas Reid, (1710–1796)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Karl Leonhard Reinhold, (1757–1823)[a][d][e]
- David Ricardo, (1772–1823)
- Antonio Rosmini-Serbati, (1797–1855)[a][d][e]
- Jean Jacques Rousseau, (1712–1778)[a][b][c][d]
- Claude Henri de Rouvroy, Comte de Saint-Simon, (1760–1825)
- Pierre Paul Royer-Collard, (1763–1845)
[edit]- Mulla Hadi Sabzevari, (1797–1873)[d]
- Marquis de Sade, (1740–1814)[a]
- Claude Henri de Rouvroy, Comte de Saint-Simon, (1760–1825)[a][b][c][d]
- Friedrich Carl von Savigny, (1779–1861)[d]
- Friedrich Schelling, (1775–1852)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Friedrich Schiller, (1759–1805)[a][b][c][d]
- Friedrich von Schlegel, (1772–1829)[a][c][d][e]*
- Friedrich Schleiermacher, (1768–1834)[a][c][d][e]
- Arthur Schopenhauer, (1788–1860)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Gottlob Ernst Schulze, (1761–1833)[a]
- Shah Wali Allah (or Qutb al-Din Ahmad al-Rahim or Waliullah), (1703–1762)[d]
- Lady Mary Shepherd, (1777–1847)[a]
- Heinrich Christoph Wilhelm Sigwart, (1789–1844)
- Hryhori Skovoroda, (1722–1794)[d]
- Adam Smith, (1723–1790)[a][b][c][d]
- Jan Sniadecki, (1756–1830)
- Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand Solger, (1780–1890)
- Anne Louise Germaine de Staël, (1766–1817)[d]
- Stanisław Staszic, (1755–1826)
- Dugald Stewart, (1753–1828)[b][c][d]
[edit]- Tai Chen (or Dai Zhen or Tai Tung-Yuan), (1724–1777)[a][d]
- Johannes Nikolaus Tetens, (1736–1807)[a][d]
- William Thompson, (1775–1833)
- Tominaga Nakamoto, (1715–1746)[d]
- Abraham Tucker, (1705–1774)[d]
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[edit]- Emerich de Vattel, (1714–1767)
- Vauvenargues, (1715–1747)[a]
[edit]- William Whewell, (1794–1866)[a][b][c][d][e]
- John Witherspoon, (1723–1794)[d]
- Mary Wollstonecraft, (1759–1797)[a][b][c][d]
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[edit]- Yü Cheng-hsieh, (1775–1840)
Ya lamu maa baiyana (1841-1850
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See also
[edit]- List of philosophers
- 18th-century philosophy
- List of philosophers born in the centuries BC
- List of philosophers born in the 1st through 10th centuries
- List of philosophers born in the 11th through 14th centuries
- List of philosophers born in the 15th and 16th centuries
- List of philosophers born in the 17th century
- List of philosophers born in the 19th century
- List of philosophers born in the 20th century
[edit]- The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, (Second Edition). Cambridge University Press; 1999. ISBN 0-521-63722-8
- Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century British Philosophers. Thoemmes Press; 2002. ISBN 1-85506-955-5