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File talk:Persian-Iranian girl with green eyes, rural Iran, 09-07-2007.jpg

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I really like this image. If it really is taken in a rural area of Iran, then it says a great deal about the spread of modern youth culture in Iran. the girl is wearing her head scarf all the way back to her shoulders (perhaps she has taken it off for the picture, which may be a sign in itself. As she wanted to be pictured like this). Furthermore, she is wearing a button that says "watch out PUNK is coming" and one with the Anarchist symbol on it. She also wears black clothes with Gothic letters on them. Her look to me is mona lisa-esque: unfathomable. Is it anxiety? Defiance? Bewilderment? Humility? Absolutely a stunning picture. If the author could explain from which Iranic People she is, she could maybe be put on the people's article page and nominated for FP?