City of Hereford.
Defence of the Realm Regulations.
NOTE. The probability of an Aircraft Raid reaching Hereford is very remote, but in order to guard against this danger, however improbable, the following precautionary arrangements have been made:-
1. On notification by the Police of the approach of enemy Aircraft, a hooter will be sounded at the ELECTRICITY WORKS, WIDEMARSH ST., which, in order to avoid confusion with Fire or other Signals, will give a series of very short blasts, with shorter intervals, to continue for about five minutes. No alarm must be sounded except by order of the Police, and persons causing unauthorised alarm to be sounded are liable to prosecution under the Defence of the Realm Regulations.
2. All persons, on hearing this signal, should at once get under cover. Their presence in the streets can be of no assistance and is only adding unnecessarily to their own risk of injury
3. All external lights of every description must at once be extinguished; occupiers of houses, factories, and workshops, will be held responsible that, as far as possible, no light from inside is visible externally
4. Police, Fire, and Ambulance Brigades will be called up, and held in readiness to give assistance if required.
Chief Constable.
City Police Office,
23rd February, 1915.
"Journal" Office, Hereford