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Draft:Data-oriented programming

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Data-oriented programming is a grouping of programming paradigms in which each paradigm is defined by its approach to code, rather than data. Just as code-oriented programming divides paradigms into imperative and declarative, and other sub-groups from there, so data-oriented programming groups its paradigms by the data structures they prioritize.

Categorization by data structure


The sub-groups are similar to the list of database models. The difference is that that list refers to database engines, whereas this is about the languages used; the languages used may or may not be part of a database engine, and one engine may support multiple models.

Some of the sub-groups are:

Other ways of categorization


Data-centric programming languages are a subset of data-oriented programming; they:

  • Are typically declarative
  • Are typically dataflow-oriented
  • Typically live in a data processing engine
  • Seem to be Domain-specific languages, rather than general-purpose languages with data-processing features.

