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{{Main|Divorce|Family law}}
'''Divorce law in Sweden''' concerns the dissolution of marriage, maintenance, custody and the division of assets. Divorce restores the status of married people to individuals, leaving them free to remarry. The divorce laws in Sweden are unique in some areas.

== History of divorce laws in Sweden ==

The Swedish have in place a civil law system mostly dependent on statutory law. The German-Roman tradition of the European continental countries has influenced the development of Swedish law. The first comprehensive Swedish Code, consisting of all its codified laws, came about in 1734, and is divided into the following Books:
:The Book of Marriage
:The Book of Parents
:The Book of Inheritance
:The Book of Land
:The Book of Building
:The Book of Commerce
:The Book of Crimes
:The Book of Judicial Procedure
:The Book of execution of Judgments

=== Law on Divorce in Sweden in the 17th Century ===

The law dating from the 17th Century only allowed two grounds for a divorce – adultery and desertion. These were generally in line with the Christianity beliefs and the principle of guilt that influenced the Swedish.
In the early 19th Century, simulated desertion was not unusual for couples who wanted to get divorced quickly. One spouse would leave the country (as Copenhagen was the nearest foreign town, many went there) and the remaining spouse would file for divorce on grounds of desertion. The fact of desertion would be confirmed by the party who left the country.

=== Reform - The 1915 Act on the Celebration and Dissolution of Marriage ===

Towards the late 19th Century, the Scandinavian countries wanted to cooperate in legislative reform. The rational was to provide equal treatment of Scandinavian citizens moving from one Scandinavian country to another.
In 1909, an Intergovernmental Committee was set up to prepare a common basis for reformation of family laws. The Committee was made up of delegates, experts and lawyers from the three countries.

In 1915, Sweden passed the Act on the Celebration and Dissolution of Marriage. Under this Act, married couples could opt for a no-fault, mutual agreement to divorce. The divorce had to be based on ‘deep and permanent breakdown of the marriage’. Often, a joint application of the spouses for such an application proved the ‘breakdown of the marriage’.

The spouses were obliged to see a marriage counsellor before such an application was made. A judicial decree of separation would then be issued, requiring both spouses to be entirely apart for a year, before each party had the right to apply for divorce.
The Act also allowed an immediate divorce in cases where one party was at fault. Such fault-based cases included chronic alcoholism, battering or contraction of a venereal disease.

The reformation of divorce laws in Sweden also enhanced women’s economic positions and gave both parents equal authority in the household.

=== Further reforms ===
In 1973, the law allowed a spouse’s desire to end the marriage to be a valid ground for divorce. No reasons were required for such an application. This made in even easier for spouses to get divorced. Only in certain cases was there a reconsideration period of six months. These were later transferred to the new Marriage Code (Chapter 5) in 1987 and still apply in Sweden today.

= Sources of divorce laws =

== The Marriage Code ==

Generally, divorce is governed by Sweden’s Marriage Code of 1987. This legislation is the primary source of divorce laws in the country. Chapter 5 of the Code provides for the grounds of divorce. The laws regarding maintenance of spouses after divorce are set out in Chapter 6. Procedures for divorce come under Chapter 14. Other provisions regarding the custody of children and child maintenance are set out in The Children and Parents Code.
== Other Sources of Divorce Law ==

Apart from the Code itself, preparatory legislative materials are also used as a source of law in Sweden. These materials include government bills and reports by the parliament’s committee. For divorce in particular, the Bill on the revision of the old Marriage Code is one of the key preparatory materials used in interpreting divorce laws.

= Obtaining a Divorce =
Divorce proceedings can be initiated by a joint application by the spouses, or by the application for a summons by one of the spouses . If the spouses are in agreement on both the divorce, no lawyers are needed. Any disputes arising resolved at the District Court. In the main hearing, one legally qualified judge and three lay judges will preside. At the end of the dispute, each party will normally be expected to bear his or her own legal costs.

== Applying for a divorce ==

Generally, an application of divorce would comprise submitting the population registration certificates of both parties, together with the payment of an application fee of 450 krona to the Court’s PlusGiro account. Additionally, a standard form must be completed and filed to the District Court where one of the partners is domiciled. Domicile in this context means the place where one was registered for population purposes. Where neither of the partners is domiciled in Sweden, the application must be made to Stockholm City Court. Complications usually arise where spouses with international connections are involved. In such instances, there are special rules that will dictate when a Swedish court is competent to deal with the applications for divorce.

When an application for divorce has been submitted, a notice from the District Court will be issued. This notice will state the date on which the time for reconsideration begins, the earliest and latest dates on which the parties can proceed with the application and the case number given by the district court.

Proceeding with the application means that the parties have confirmed their intention to divorce. To proceed with the application, party or parties to the divorce must notify the district court and this may be done on an ordinary sheet of paper. On the paper, the case number must be quoted and the spouse or spouses must expressly state that they still want a divorce. New personal identity certificate for both parties must then be submitted. If neither of the parties proceeds with the application within a year from the start of the time for reconsideration, the case will be removed from the district court lists and the parties then remain married to each other.

== Grounds for Divorce ==

Under marriage laws in Sweden, a divorce does not require any showing of fault or wrongdoing by either party as a ground for divorce. So long as the spouses agree to dissolve their marriage, they would be entitled to a divorce . This practice is commonly known as No-fault divorce.

== Reconsideration Periods ==

Separation period is not a preliminary requirement under Swedish laws. However, both parties will go through a reconsideration period under two scenarios: firstly, if both parties request for a reconsideration period. Secondly, they have a child below the age of 16.
If one spouse does not consent to the divorce, a reconsideration of 6 months will follow before the divorce.
If the spouses have been living separately for two years, no reconsideration period is required and divorce can take place immediately.
Under special circumstances where marriage was entered into despite the fact that the spouses are related to each other, no reconsideration period is required before a divorce. Similarly, in an event of bigamy, either party from the earlier marriage is entitled to an immediate divorce.

= Maintenance =

There are two forms of maintenance - spouse maintenance and maintenance for children.

== Maintenance for spouse ==
The fundamental idea is that divorce effectively severs all forms of economic relations between spouses.
Each spouse is therefore individually responsible for his or her own financial support after divorce.
Maintenance is seldom granted except in certain circumstances. It must be shown that the spouse is
financially needy and that the marriage has resulted in the need for maintenance.

Maintenance is given when a spouse has difficulty in supporting himself or herself for a transitional
period following the divorce. Such transitional maintenance provides the needy spouse with
opportunities to seek gainful employment or retraining. The sum is determined by considering the
spouse’s ability to pay, as well as several other factors.

Spousal maintenance is also granted in cases involving marriages of long duration where the spouse
becomes financially needy following the separation. This form of maintenance extends over the
transitional period and the exact duration is determined upon the relevant facts of each case.

== Maintenance for children ==
Maintenance for children is compulsory and the sum is to be determined either by an agreement or by a
court decision. When assessing the sum, consideration is given to the financial ability of the spouse
paying . If the spouse does not pay anything or gives below the stipulated sum, child support is
provided by the Swedish Social Insurance Agency . The spouse is then required to reimburse the agency
for all or part of the sums paid for towards the child.
= Division of Assets =

Personal vs. marital property
Property owned by spouses in marriage can be labelled as either personal or marital property. Upon divorce, only marital property will be subject to division between spouses. The diagram below specifies the way property can be classified.

== Treatment of marital assets ==
As marriage law in Sweden is driven by the principles of individuality and gender equality, a marriage is often viewed as a partnership. Thus, they are encouraged to settle their differences out of court by first negotiating and dividing their assets privately.

Upon negotiation, if the couple is in agreement:
They are to send the division of marital property agreement (original and two copies containing the signatures of two witnesses) and population registration certificates (no older than three months) to the district court where they were registered.

If the couple is in disagreement:
They can apply to the district court for the appointment of a marital property administrator, who will then make a decision regarding what should be included in the division of marital property, how items should be valued and how they should be divided. Generally, spouses are entitled to a 50-50 split of the property.
If one of the spouses is not satisfied with the decision made by the administrator, he or she can appeal to the district court. The courts can override this equal-split rule if a 50-50 split will be unfair. Some factors that may influence the court’s decision are the length of marriage and the economic standing of parties.

= Analysis and Assessment of Current Rules =

== Criticism of Swedish Divorce Law ==
Critics of no-fault divorce say the Swedish Divorce Law is too liberal, contributing to the relative ease of Swedes attaining a divorce. It has become so easy, fewer and fewer couples are even bothered to enter into legal matrimony .
The no-fault sections of the law meant that time and financial burden are reduced from having to appear in court. Neither assignment of blames nor stigmatizing court investigations into private affairs are conducted, hence couples save on the hassle and yet still maintain their dignity through the divorce process . The value of marriage is thus trivialized, with couples plunging into marriage aware of their easy exit options should the marriage fail.
Critics also argue that with the fact that no-fault divorces are unilateral, this takes away the control of the spouse who is trying to save the marriage .
The social aspect of the legislation was criticized to be a major contributor to the high divorce rates . In Sweden, almost 55% of the babies are born out of wedlock and 46% of children are living with divorced parents . The government however grants them equal care and protects the offspring of the divorced parents as set out in the Children and Parents Code. Should the partner not be able to pay the agreed allowance, the government steps in and pays the through Child Support Regimes. Such support schemes make it easier for couples to separate without the worry of financial baggage.

== Opposition to European Union Divorce Proposal ==

The European Union has been facing strong opposition from Sweden to adopt the enhanced cross-border divorces laws across Europe. The proposal known as Rome III, will allow spouses of mixed nationality choose which country’s divorce laws could govern their divorce. [3]
Sweden’s resistance is due largely to the fear that such a policy would violate the relatively liberal divorce laws in Sweden . In 2006, the Swedish Ministry of Justice published a report warning against such blanket laws. It cited the possibility of European Courts having to apply restrictive divorce laws from non- European Union countries like Iran. [4]

== Swedish Civil Law vs Islamic Law Dichotomy ==

The Swedish Muslim Association, Sveriges muslimska förbund (SMF), have been demanding different set of laws to be introduced for Muslims living in Sweden . One of which is to allow Muslims to apply the Sharīʿah in place of the Divorce and Family Law of Swedish legislation.

The Swedish government has been reluctant towards such a proposal for having separate laws are inconsistent with the Government’s intention to attain equality in areas such as gender-equality . Much controversy claiming discrimination by the Swedish government due to these laws have been raised on the Islam In Europe blog.

= Comparison across Countries =

== Grounds for divorce ==

One critical feature that marks Swedish divorce laws is the complete absence of any fault requirement when establishing a case for divorce. Fault is entirely irrelevant and has no legal consequences on the results of the proceedings. Because there is no need to establish an irretrievable breakdown of marriage as the fundamental ground for divorce, the system remains virtually fault-free.

In addition, under the Swedish laws, there is no preliminary requirement of a separation period before a divorce case can be established.

In other jurisdictions such as United Kingdom, Singapore and Japan, divorce is purely granted on the basis of an irretrievable breakdown of marriage. The element of fault plays a significant role in establishing the presence of this breakdown. The spouse initiating the divorce is generally required to produce evidence of adultery, unreasonable behaviour or desertion within the marriage.

Apart from proving the element of fault as a ground for divorce, one can also rely on the presence of a separation period as evidence of an irretrievable breakdown of marriage. Thus, within these jurisdictions, the element of fault and the separation period are necessary in establishing the ground for divorce.


Revision as of 17:00, 27 August 2011